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Posts posted by LeToucan

  1. You can find free customized printers from steam workshop.


    And heres a code for restricting jobs to a certain group i used

    customCheck = function(ply)

    return CLIENT or ply:IsUserGroup("vip") or ply:IsSuperAdmin() or ply:IsAdmin() or ply:IsUserGroup("donor-mod") or ply:IsUserGroup("vip-operator")


    CustomCheckFailMsg = "You must be a VIP+ to access this job."

    It check if the user sre on those groups , if not it gives the the fail msg.

    Group is easily setup with ulx and tools could be restricted within server.cfg or ingame q menu if you want certain groups to use them. Blacklist will take time since youre lookn for props, and u can find prop protect on Facepunch, guns easily installed and shopments easily setup by following default code

    We already have printers and most jobs set up. The problem isn't setting up shipments nor jobs. There's a couple problems. One, if the weapon pack on the workshop is more than 80 mb you will download it, but when you try to extract it you crash. The other problem is when I tried to manually have everything download via fastDL the weapons would appear as errors even though both the world model and the view model were downloaded.

  2. So, a little update.

    -People who were donator WILL get donator again. ( @@Warriorsfury )

    -Heres a list of people I know who donated. If you dont see your name, send me a PM with proof of your donation.

    • Chrono
    • Minecrack
    • Drendan
    • Cloud
    • Satan
    • Warriorsfury
    • penguin

    -DarkRP will go live Friday (The 25th). I'll have forest do the announcement specifically when its live (Probably 5 MIN before).

    -I will continue to try to add new weapons, but if i cannot get it finished by Friday, i will continue working on it but it WILL be released anyway

  3. Im going to post here cause i cant make a thread

    dayumxG is dying yet the leaders are not doing anything about it. That's pretty bad, Gmod was so populated but incomes a new Div-Leader who's so lazy to do anything about population and it died.. Same with Csgo, he was there and it died. And what's up with the new Co-Leader if he can't even fix this? There are so many server with no-one in it but why are they still up? Why is there someone who DdosxG several time still there in the clan? And what's up with all these DivLeader with no skills in their own division whatsoever, is it just because xG is becoming that desperate to fill the spot to keep it running? it's as if having no-one there at all. Well xG is destine to fail with incompetent leaders running it, As far as donation wide the clan is actually not making enough to support the servers.

    xG went straight downhill with the new arrival leaders and yet they do nothing about it, probably there just for power and nothing more, seeing how there isn't much activity on fixing this problem. Milk the tf2 division as much as you can before you guys start shutting off those other servers, sooner or later you won't have the money to support the server if you keep them all up like this. ahh how the clan use to be so popular but now it's a shit hole with many terrible admins and players, I do not speak to all of the xG but many.

    How longer will xG last, Let's stick around and see.

    I wish you the best of luck on your narrow future!

    Try getting new leaders maybe that will help

    Tho this post may be deleted for bashing and having truth in itthey want to over up

    Sign, Anonymous Member of xG.

    typing this on my phone so theres probably going to be some errors

    when you get div leader and have to completely relearn how to fix and update the server, progress won't be instantaneous. also, when school starts up when you're still learning how to do everything, it goes even slower. because of actually having school, I couldnt populate nor work on the server as often. now I can't populate as often because of school and working on darkrp. it also doesn't help that 90% of the staff all went inactive at the same time skitz did. also I don't know when ill be back home tomorrow, and I still have more stuff to do when I get home

    Don't know.. I think I was a pretty good Div Leader before I left :)
    @@Chrono will love this.

  4. "tag" "[Hopes4Sep0h] "

    "tagcolor" "{G}"

    "namecolor" "{T}"

    "textcolor" "{N}"

    ^^Idk what any of the other stuff means besides tag color xD


    Gyazo - 1d1eacee78481c2f042d7967c38fef6f.gif

    AlliedModders - View Single Post - SMLIB 0.11 BETA (over 300 Function Stocks) | updated 15.07.2011 for colors


    >	"STEAM ID"
    		"tag"		"[TAG YOU WANT] "
    		"tagcolor"		"{COLOR}"
    		"namecolor"	"{COLOR}"
    		"textcolor"		"{COLOR}"

    also the one for me

    >	"STEAM_0:1:40997639"
    		"tag"	    "[xG] "
    		"tagcolor"        "{G}"
    		"namecolor"	"{T}"
    		"textcolor"		"{R}"

  5. As bleed said it reads top to bottom, and since you used tag "b" which is one of the generic admin tags, you are giving any staff the Staff Donator tag, if they are not donators.


    	"flag"	"t"
    	"tag"	"[Donator] "
    	"tagcolor"	"{G}"
    	"namecolor"	"{T}"
    	"textcolor"	"{N}"
    "Staff Donators"
    	"flag"	"b"
    	"tag"	"[staff] "
    	"tagcolor"	"{G}"
    	"namecolor"	"{T}"
    	"textcolor"	"{N}"


    what it should be is


    "Staff Donators"
    	"flag"	"bt"
    	"tag"	"[staff] "
    	"tagcolor"	"{G}"
    	"namecolor"	"{T}"
    	"textcolor"	"{N}"
    	"flag"	"t"
    	"tag"	"[Donator] "
    	"tagcolor"	"{G}"
    	"namecolor"	"{T}"
    	"textcolor"	"{N}"


    notice the flags for staff donators has changed from "b" to "bt", and it has been moved to be on top of regular donators.


    @@Bleed you're welcome, I fixed your errors.

    I thought he intended to have it that way!

  6. "STEAM_0:0:40984526 "


    "tag" "[Eater of Babies] "

    "tagcolor" "{G}"

    "namecolor" "{T}"

    "textcolor" "{N}"



    extra space!

    Oh my god, the clan tags are going to have to wait for now, they are interfering with something, I'll fix the custom ones later.

    also im betting you didnt listen to the "it reads from top to bottom"

    		"tag"	"[Furry DivLeader] "
    		"tagcolor"	"{G}"
    		"namecolor"	"{T}"
    		"textcolor"	"{N}"
    		"tag"	"[Anime Manager] "
    		"tagcolor"	"{G}"
    		"namecolor"	"{T}"
    		"textcolor"	"{N}"
    		"tag"	"[Eater of Babies] "
    		"tagcolor"	"{G}"
    		"namecolor"	"{T}"
    		"textcolor"	"{N}"
    		"flag"	"t"
    		"tag"	"[Donator] "
    		"tagcolor"	"{G}"
    		"namecolor"	"{T}"
    		"textcolor"	"{N}"
    "Staff Donators"
    		"flag"	"b"
    		"tag"	"[staff] "
    		"tagcolor"	"{G}"
    		"namecolor"	"{T}"
    		"textcolor"	"{N}"

  7. Are buy zones in CS:GO different from CS:S buyzones? cause in CS:S the buyzones were placed in a defined area.... and if you were above/below the buyzone you couldn't buy guns.


    @@Bleed that class plugin is still on CS:S without Hub so if you could do it that way it would be awesome... :)

    [CSS] Buyzone range - Page 2 - AlliedModders for buyzones for CTs only (must set the cvar) and actually supports csgo. Also, im not too sure if it still works since the arms deal update.

  8. wait so people donated to get perks on darkrp; darkrp goes down, new one is being made/fixed/configured, and you dont get perks back. gg and does my buying of the traitor plugin for ttt now disregarded due to skitz and fuzz no longer being really in the picture?

    skit is still DL and he said you and Cloud get your donator, so probably.

    if skits ever comes back and confirms that he said he would give you it (I know he said cloud would get it for buying some script for the server), i will gladly do it. But until then, no.

  9. Serious question:

    The last rank I had on gmod darkrp before the massive changes of leaders was admin. I was wondering if I am going to be able to have admin? Or maybe mod?


    Another question:

    I remember donating I think it was $10 (Will get clarification on this) Will I still get money/perks?

    No, anyone who used to be mod/admin and went inactive (in gmod) won't get their admin/mod back right away. All current mods/admins in TTT will still have powers in DarkRP


    And no, people who had donator perks in the old DarkRP will not have the perks unless if they donate again.

  10. votekick and votemute are bad because if you don't like someone you just gang up on them and ruin their fun because of your personal problems with them.

    translation: People were mean to me and votemuted me when i was eating chips on mic.


    Also you can always just report people who abuse it.