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Posts posted by LeToucan

  1. I'm going to comment this on a the perspective of Team Fortress 2, I won't go in much detail, though there have been numerous complaints that I have received and that @@MuffinMonster had to deal with, where there were members who would intentionally bend rules to their liking, and only once it was obvious a Mod/Admin/DM got in, they would change how they act immediately to please the management rather than upset them. They would not admit to the wrongs that they were doing after further pestering by members for them to admit what they were doing. The only way we (the mods+) were able to see how they would act was only when we managed to join the game and be so low on the scoreboard we weren't noticed, then we could enter spectator and it wouldn't publish the information to the public (since showing who's in spectator is kind of glitched due to TF2 reasons). Once we managed to sneak in on the server we can see the accusations against people were valid, so we can properly moderate the JB servers. Due to this, I don't see a real reason why the plugin at hand would be used inappropriately, and/or abused. If a plugin like this worked perfectly in TF2, I wouldn't mind installing it to check how the servers are doing. Since we all probably know, once a high powered management player shows in on a server, they change how they act just to appease us.


    I gave chrono a screenshot of what you said since he was forum banned.

  2. First, Who has it and why? The rumor/story of how Matsi got it is that he was bitching to darkwolf about abuse, and to make him stop he was given the flag. Is there anyone else who has access to this flag? Im not sure. Did lemons and warrior do the same thing? Why was warrior's flag for it removed?


    If someone were to abuse this, Who would know? When you type status in console, it gives you a "fake" status. This new status removes the server IP and anyone who's in stealth does not show up in status. Theres no message for when people go into stealth (Which is the point, its called stealth for a reason) In the updated version (which the server isnt even running) anyone with the flag can go invisible, run away, and come back without anyone knowing he was gone. No one would be able to spectate him as he ran (or nocliped) away.


    Why do we have this plugin when we have the good old join the server without tags? Only admins have access to sm_who, so why worry about them knowing you? If you think its a regular/someone you have added, go into offline mode then join.


  3. im fine with having either div leaders/div managers step up or have certain mods+ become council members. And to quote audible in the screenshot, "I personally like the idea, but I could also see that there would be DM's that would occassionally fill in for the DL in cases of absence. (representative)" I believe most (if not all) active DMs could occassionally and some permanently fill in as DL. I'll post a more detailed response later, i have to work on an essay and study for finals still.


    *edit is correcting a sentence

  4. There's already been a few put in. I don't see why we need more, but you can suggest some to us, or we can find some that we like and add it to the server.

    @DarkWolf6052 is in charge of adding/removing songs. Silence can do it but he's not in charge of stuff like that.


    Start off by just asking, or recommending some songs to be added or removed.

    pls add this
