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Everything posted by LeToucan

  1. I'm redacting my dank meme rating until the memes are restored @Scootaloo
  2. Banned for a day. After finals/during class I'll rewrite the tag protect plugin to actually work.
  3. Permanently banned for scamming. Next time try not to join a channel with a DM/DL and admit to scamming 7+ people.
  4. @gryfons I'll perm you for spamming @BlackWidow Use quotes in ban reasons, so we don't get the ban reason as "read". Teambanned.
  5. @BelloWaldi Are we posting in closed threads now? PROTECT THE MINORITY FROM THE TYRANNICAL MAJORITY. FREE ROVER
  6. @PlaysWithSquirrels I ordered the 7up xdddddddddddd
  7. When people say "Go to race," it means anywhere in race. They can run into race, or they can stay at the start. This is why people say "Go to the start of race." This principle applies to "Go to the nearest table" as well. As long as jumping isn't restricted, they can jump onto the table and freeze. Since I'm going off of what other people transcribed and a 5 fps stream, I'll wait upon @Lithium and @Chrono. In my opinion, it was a mass. On a somewhat unrelated note, I'm strongly considering removing gameme, in order to remove the incentive to be a nazi-warden/ct that just pushes people towards these stat-padding days.
  8. Also it doesn't matter if you're friends with staff, you can have all the staff hate you or love you and it wouldn't matter. Just ask @Owl ;)
  9. A demo of an old cevo match i have is only ~120 mb for a 50 minute game, snapshot rate set to 64. Demos end automatically at map end. Either you stayed on a map for a very, very long time, or you're greatly exaggerating. @Stevenn Go to google drive, drag and drop the file into it, right click it, "Get shareable link"
  10. Two names can't be similar enough to not be able to give an order to one of the specific people. Same thing goes for "All Ts" and all that. By the way I won't be able to download any demo files, use teamspeak, or play any online game until I'm back at home (Roughly 5 weeks.) I won't be on steam often, so the best way to contact me is on the forums.
  11. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY!
  12. Banned for hacking on TF2 servers.
  13. No. Refer to owl's post. Steam Workshop :: Aim Botz
  14. Jailbreak Fixed extra connection info printing the wrong names Fixed certain Last CT weapons not spawning Heal shots are now removed during last request Re-added Medic (Right click to heal others) Bounty Money is now formatted with commas Announce players with active bounty who join the server late (Activates on first spawn) Alert players if they have money available via !payout
  15. Jailbreak Added HUB beta Trails (Kinda glitchy, mostly works) Bombs Player models Grenade models Player Colors Chat/Name/Tag Colors Last CT Weapons Class Weapons [*]Tickrate increased to 102.4 tick [*]Now using an in-house version of sm_hosties. [*]Now providing daycare [*]Buffed Last CT weapons and songs
  16. Moderators are held to a higher standard than players. They can't be hot headed, they need to be calm when making decisions. Closed upon request.
  17. Just because someone is being a dick isn't an excuse to freekill, same thing with revenge freekills. That being said, I'm willing to lower it to two days. @Majestic_Narwhal You need to calm down while playing. Take a break or something. Just stop shit talking random people so much. i have an alt account with 1k hours on csgo, that doesn't mean if I get banned I can just use the other account. Regardless, he was unbanned with the pay to win thing Xeno Gamers
  18. Jailbreak New multitarget filters for admins. Should make it extremely simple to ban name change hacks or whatever its actually called. @namechanger targets the person who changed his name last. @mostnamechanges targets the person with the most name changes on the current map. [*]Added new connect and disconnect information printed to everyone's console. <name> (dis)connected [#userid, steamid]
  19. Insufficient evidence for a perm, this just shows a single freekill after you talked shit back to him. teambanned for a week.