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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    LeToucan reacted to xGShadowSpy in Uhm.   
    Diabeetus for DM of Fatties
  2. Funny
    LeToucan got a reaction from Rhododendron in DarkRP, 5 min or 5 years?   
    ur dead, 1v1 club penguin me after school.
  3. Funny
    LeToucan got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Astera xgm - Counter-Strike: Source   

  4. F!$k Off
    LeToucan got a reaction from Tittiesprinkles in Tittie Sprankles - Garrys Mod   
    I dont really care if you slaynr 103123421321 to each other as long as you remove it and dont spam it. Also, refrain from spamming tsay (@@).
    Everyone involved is getting a firm spanking as punishment. also @@Snarkbite & @@Tittiesprinkles Remember what happened to slap before, dont make me do it again.
    ps everyone here is british
  5. Winner
    LeToucan reacted to Rhododendron in Matsi Is Dumb   
    Recently, Matsi has posted this in the shoutbox giving his opinion on the Minecraft servers. However, it is extremely illiterate and very difficult to understand what the flying buddah he is saying! So let's analyze his statement:
    Full Statement:
    "well mostly seeing people say they got banned for "being in someone's house" lol that and all the stuff is banned... I wouldn't play on it just because all the stuff i hear/see about it, which is prolly why i have never even connected to it, well that and I already play one four others, three of which is my own server :)"
    well mostly seeing people say they got banned for "being in someone's house" lol
    How do you know people were banned by seeing them? You contradict yourself directly by telling us that 'they got banned'. Also using 'say' in the wrong tense get's you a few points off.
    that and all the stuff is banned... I wouldn't play on it just because all the stuff i hear/see about it
    What stuff? I assume you mean our Tekkit server, but that isn't up so that statement has no reasoning behind it. How can one absorb the knowledge that you are spewing out if you have no idea what's going on within the MC division? Then, to make matters worse, you state that you wouldn't play on it because of all the stuff you hear and/or see about it. First, you said you don't play on it SO HOW CAN YOU SEE ANYTHING?! What mouth-breather are you talking to that gives you information like that? Please, cite your sources since now you are plagiarizing and are going to be suspended.
    which is prolly why i have never even connected to it

    well that and I already play one four others, three of which is my own server :)
    You already play one four others? What the hell does that mean? Oh! You mean ON for others, right? Oh, alright. Now, three of which is your own server? You should not be referring yourself as 'is' since it's grammatically incorrect. You should be using 'are' like a pirate :D Don't worry, you're already halfway to becoming one SINCE YOU'RE PISS DRUNK HALF THE TIME!

    Final Grade:

  6. Creative
    LeToucan got a reaction from Princess_Celest in THE CARLTON!   
    Did someone say carlton?

  7. Winner
    LeToucan reacted to mtown81 in xG| Epix #monobrow   
    this thread was a bit old
  8. Winner
    LeToucan reacted to Matsi in Give us back PermBans   
    Works perfectly fine for me.... maybe you are all just incompetent.
  9. Disagree
    LeToucan reacted to speedlimit56kb in Give us back PermBans   
    @@Bleed so umm just a few minutes ago a ct massed, he left and i tried perming him through disconnected players, and it said it permed him, but it didn't, thank god death god was there to do it for me since i CANT perm.
  10. Informative
    LeToucan got a reaction from DarkWolf6052 in Special Commands   
    @@DarkWolf6052 in cstrike/addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_overrides.cfg
    When sourcemod was updated, overrides was overwritten. You should be able to open up the file manager from your phone and edit cfgs. I dont know all of the commands that used overrides, but here's all of the fun commands.

    > "sm_beacon" "z" "sm_blind" "z" "sm_timebomb" "z" "sm_burn" "z" "sm_firebomb" "z" "sm_freeze" "z" "sm_freezebomb" "z" "sm_gravity" "z" "sm_drug" "z" "sm_noclip" "z"
  11. Informative
    LeToucan got a reaction from DaddioDoug in Special Commands   
    @@DarkWolf6052 in cstrike/addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_overrides.cfg
    When sourcemod was updated, overrides was overwritten. You should be able to open up the file manager from your phone and edit cfgs. I dont know all of the commands that used overrides, but here's all of the fun commands.

    > "sm_beacon" "z" "sm_blind" "z" "sm_timebomb" "z" "sm_burn" "z" "sm_firebomb" "z" "sm_freeze" "z" "sm_freezebomb" "z" "sm_gravity" "z" "sm_drug" "z" "sm_noclip" "z"
  12. F!$k Off
    LeToucan got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Special Commands   
    @@DarkWolf6052 in cstrike/addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_overrides.cfg
    When sourcemod was updated, overrides was overwritten. You should be able to open up the file manager from your phone and edit cfgs. I dont know all of the commands that used overrides, but here's all of the fun commands.

    > "sm_beacon" "z" "sm_blind" "z" "sm_timebomb" "z" "sm_burn" "z" "sm_firebomb" "z" "sm_freeze" "z" "sm_freezebomb" "z" "sm_gravity" "z" "sm_drug" "z" "sm_noclip" "z"
  13. Winner
    LeToucan got a reaction from Brian in Time to Get Outside More   
    Because its easy to get 20K + damage with a low pop
  14. Winner
    LeToucan reacted to TurdWig in Concerning tazing on LR   
    make taser like csgo. close range but 1 hit kill. :afro:
  15. Useful
    LeToucan got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Concerning tazing on LR   
    He can edit cfgs/txts through the web panel (Which he can do this from his phone, ive done it before) But i dont think its in the config for hosties and im too lazy to check. If it is in the config, he can easily change it. If it isnt, he would have to go into the source for hosties and change it (Which is just finding where it changes the HP and change 100 to X)
    Edit: He would have to edit lastrequest.sp, the line that says

    > SetEntData(LR_Player_Prisoner, g_Offset_Health, numCTsAlive*100+25);
    So right now its (CTs alive)*100 + 25. He can change it to this for (CTs alive)*50 + 25 by replacing that line with this

    > SetEntData(LR_Player_Prisoner, g_Offset_Health, numCTsAlive*50+25);
    Or if hes too lazy, here's the .sp he can use (I dont want to update my sourcemod/sm hosties to compile it)
  16. Friendly
    LeToucan reacted to Tsuchikure in I quit <3   
  17. Not Funny
    LeToucan got a reaction from Tsuchikure in I quit <3   
    5 min?
  18. Like
    LeToucan got a reaction from Brian in I quit <3   
    5 min?
  19. Like
    LeToucan got a reaction from IAmLegend in I quit <3   
    5 min?
  20. Winner
    LeToucan reacted to TurdWig in Concerning tazing on LR   
    now if this was csgo. tazer all day.
  21. Sad
    LeToucan reacted to HaaDron in My dog died   
  22. Not Funny
    LeToucan got a reaction from FacepalmMute in THE CARLTON!   
    Did someone say carlton?

  23. Like
    LeToucan got a reaction from Rhododendron in THE CARLTON!   
    Did someone say carlton?

  24. Like
    LeToucan got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Give us back PermBans   
    admin in learning
  25. Drunk
    LeToucan got a reaction from xGStumpy in Hu..b Replacement   
    im pretty sure ive said this before and was told something like its not as user friendly (?), honestly i dont know why we dont just use that.