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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. Howdy.


    Ok Matsi is a good person and all, but when he's on jb, he never does anything except birch at everything or abuse, like the other day there was a guy going around freekilling, we try and tell Matsi, he completely ignores us, same with everything else that only a staff member could deal with. I get the point you may not read the chat at times, but when its this consistent then it becomes a problem, like come on man, you are a staff member,man up and act like one and stop being immature about everything. Also, is there reallyyyyy a reason you need to talk about your fetishes and fudge? I'm sure most of the people on the servers are pretty young, and talking about that sort of stuff with kids around is definitely a good idea, right? You know it only makes people not want to play on the servers anymore but that's not a big deal obviously. (sarcasm). K that's all gl hf.


    I do not see how failing to notice something is the same thing as abuse, but I am fairly certain I actually take action on a lot of things, not to mention I respond to calladmins even while I am playing other games, I really do care a lot about this clan and I have put both money and a shitload of time into trying to help it, I have purchased donator perks on CSGO, CSS, and TF2, and even given money for no reward when it was needed most.


    and I will say this again because it seems to be one of the biggest issues: I do not randomly start talking about bestiality and dogs unless someone else brings it up or asks me specific questions about it. So it a bit hypocritical to be pissed off that I talk about it and at the same time randomly ask me in teamspeak "So Matsi, have you ever actually had sex with a dog"

  2. @Matsi


    First off, i banned you for one second while you were completely alone, as I do with a bunch of people. harmless fun.


    It was one time and you immediately ran to Silence and complained for roughly 30 minutes, shouting ABOOSE ABOOSE!! until I apologized and said I wouldnt do it again. (See- "Victimized")


    Dont come in here and single me out for something that we even agreed was over and done with.


    Seems like youve got lots of people to address here.

    It's not harmless fun when you do it to someone you are in conflict with... I went to silence and anyone else online that had powers to make you stop after you kept calling me faggot... so don't think I just went to silence.


    Really not going to address most of this, it's from a long time ago, and a lot of it is stuff I already have been punished for, all I am going to say is that since my last warning, I stayed away from all CSGO threads and topics and even ones not CSGO specific but created BY anyone that doesn't like me IE the thread vector made about free games or w/e. I've been staying away from channels with you guys in it and trying not to provoke you. I was, admitedly drunk, and made the comment about the shooter in shoutbox because it really did happen and it really was a totally sucky experience.... but it was a comment about an alcoholic beverage.... at what like 1 am? there shouldn't have been ANY children online at that time, if talking about drinking is even not allowed. Really wasn't expecting anyone to get upset over it, TBH I didn't expect anyone to even care or reply to it.

  3. If you guys don't want me talking about dogs, then don't fucking ask me about it.... that comment in TS3 was a direct response to being asked a question.... I can't even remember the last time I talked about anything related to bestiality without someone else bringing it up or asking me a question about it.


    The Blow Job comment was talking about a fucking drink, read the rest of it: "inhaled booze" "good way to get drunk" and learn grammar, I said Blow Job, not blowjob Blow Job (cocktail) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    My avatar is my fursona with a spray can of whip cream LOL 5aa4c2e84ad43_Matsifluffywhip.png.c84d0187b467bc8fddc67652bc1fcd3a.png


    @Snackbar you say you try not to provoke me but then you do things like randomly ban me from teamspeak and when I tell you to stop you called me a faggot.... that seem pretty provoking to me....

  4. Well theres not any reason if you have the money, just curious as to why, but ya if you do do video editing that would be a desirable amount, I'll look through some later, but the one in your second post is a good choice. and G.skill has a great life time RMA incase something happens.

    I do photo editing where I use photoshop to automate batch processing files from dng to png and psd while adding watermarks and resizing the pngs for the web... doing like 1000 images at a time and it still takes several hours.

    Cool, thanks... I was thinking I would go with the one in my second post as well.

  5. Is there any reason you need that much RAM? idk what you do on the computer, but if you just play games that's pretty unnecessary and should stick to 16gb @Matsi

    I multitask a lot, and also do graphic editing and processing, I need more than that but 32 is what my current motherboard supports.


    Besides is there any reason NOT to have that much?

  6. Specifically Downview and Blackops. Both these maps aren't built for TF2 and are hard to have a decent day in them due to the fact that they don't contain many of the mini-games the average TF2 jailbreak map would have, like crush game, fall game, 9 sqaure, ect. These maps contain extremely narrow door ways, evil doors that kill people, and are easy to rebel and break into armory with. Nearly every time I've played on those maps it was a freeday. These maps don't belong in a TF2 jailbreak server. Please remove them.

    Not to mention the bad rendering of the ported textures on some of them drop me from 100+FPS to <10FPS

  7. On second thought, banning the player's ability to spray may end up with disruptive gameplay. I'm not sure how often things like "spray contests" occur on the TF2 Jailbreak Server, but it was common on CS:S Jailbreak. Restricting the player's ability to spray may influence that in the end.

    Haven't seen spray contest in TF2 ever... so it likely would not be an issue.

  8. I have ASUS Crosshair V Formula-Z ATX AMD Gaming Motherboard with 3-Way SLI/CrossFireX Support and UEFI BIOS - Newegg.com


    I am looking to put in 32GB of ddr3 2400 and the best ones I have found so far are

    G.SKILL Trident X Series 32GB Desktop Memory Model F3-2400C10Q-32GTX - Newegg.com


    Anyone know of some memory that comes in a pack of 4x8GB sticks, is DDR3 2400 and has a faster CAS latency than 10?


    Or perhaps some similar memory that's designed for AMD instead of Intel?

  9. This is a great alternative if this could be set-up. Though what happens when they try to spray? Do they get some sort of SM message stating why they can't spray, or does it just do nothing? My only concern is that people may think that it's bugged or glitched as opposed to them thinking that they have been "banned" from spraying. It wouldn't be as effective if there wasn't some sort of warning/reason accompanied with it that the offending player can see. That is, someone can't learn from their mistake if they don't know what their mistake is to begin with.

    I believe it just blocks the cmd from going through, like how gag and mute work.... it would be cool if instead it changed what they sprayed to a predetermined spray of something like "you have been spray banned see xenogamers.com for info" but idk



    I'm sure you could modify it to message them in private that they are banned from spraying when it's triggered

  10. Nice haircut, suits your face shape well.


    This is the way that is should be done, if it ever got as far as a ban request. As far as I'm concerned though, CSS had a good system. Warning, kick, ban. If they didnt "get" the warning, they sure in the hell got the kick.


    well that implies there's a staff on to do it, I believe forest was specifically talking about ban requests for when that isn't the case.


    Personally I use removespray and warn, I also usually warn them myself in chat/voice, then if I see it again I removespray+kick, when/if they come back I warn them that the next time I see the spray it'll be a ban.... which I do with removespray as well, I think it's like 5 minutes, if they continue after they get back I ban them manually for like 6/12/24hrs depending on how douchey they are being about it when I ask them to stop spraying. =/

  11. I don't believe it's bad enough for a ban request. If staff can't handle it (whether they can't see the spray or whatever) I can possibly see the use of a ban request but still doesn't seem necessary. It's the staff members responsibility to warn the offender.

    I just wanted to add, you can use !adminspray name to manually spray their spray after you've joined, in the case of calladmins.


    so like.. you join and any spray already down you can't see

    type for example: /adminspray matsi

    This sprays matsi's spray where you're aiming.


    I think this cmd is mod+ but it might be admin+ I also do not know if it's enabled on every server, tho it works on JB

  12. Came to my attention just a few moments ago, and I realized that this is one of those finicky things that are difficult to handle. Reason being that it's something that requires a warning before a ban can be dealt. A simple remedy can be made for this, something that I feel makes a ban far more justified (if you're like me, you don't like to jump the gun and go straight to a ban as everyone deserves a chance). So, the procedure for posting a Ban Request against someone for having an inappropriate spray would follow something like this:


    Ban Request for an inappropriate spray must include the following:

    - A screenshot of the offender's inappropriate spray

    - A screenshot of the one posting the thread asking the offending player to change their spray ingame

    - A screenshot of the offending player's changed spray, or alternatively their answer to the request ingame


    This way, the offending player has an opportunity to change their spray without facing a day ban immediately. It will also eliminate those rare moments when the person banned gets on and protests their ban saying "well, I wasn't warned to change it".


    While minor, this sort of thing can and does happen every so often. What do you guys think? Should this be something that should be included for a Ban Request toward an inappropriate spray, or should the ban hammer just be dropped immediately without question?


    As usual; discuss, comment or compliment each other on new haircuts below.


    Seems good, tho a lot of the time people prolly wont reply to you saying they should change it so that shouldn't be "required"


    I've seen a plugin where you can ban a players ability to spray, but the one I found so far perms them from doing it until you unban them... maybe we could find one that lets you do like day spray ban or make such a thing? @Nomulous

  13. if some one else see's it then its child pron and for them to know he took the pictures they had to see it and thus he was charged and you better hope you get a nice jury

    well obviously... nothing's really illegal until you get caught :P

  14. Now as for children sending nude pics of themselves to one another is not illegal.


    no, it is, I know of a kid that got charged with "producing and distributing child porn" because he took a picture of himself naked and sent it to his GF, or maybe it was the other way around, probably both ways... granted it's pretty much impossible to get caught doing that unless you start sharing it with people, which I think is what might have happened.


    I'd hate to get the death penalty for manslaughter... since I'm pretty sure that's what you get charged with when you accidentally kill someone, like in a car accident :(

  15. So when the child grows up, breaks into a home, and steals electronics, he gets caught and goes to prison. His time in prison is meant to deprive him of the freedom to go where he wants anywhere in the world, and to do what he wants when he wants. This is the punishment, and most people do learn from it. In general, no one wants to go back. But if that child grows up and murders someone for their wallet or just for fun, and they are in turn put to death, they are taught precisely nothing, because they are no longer alive to learn from it. We cannot rehabilitate a person by killing him or her.

    Usually you'll only get put to death if you commits what they call CAPITOL MURDER, which from my understanding is pretty much when you either.... totally overkill... or torture, or I when you PLAN to do it rather than it being some random thing... I believe in most cases while being charged with capitol murder you can plead guilty for a reduced charge.


    In the end, the laws/punishments, especially in the US are greatly unbalanced and dumb for example:


    If you sell drugs to a child and they die because of it, you get like 5 years in prison, or more likely you get a new identity and living paid for by taxpayer if you turn on your supplier.

    If you're 17 yrs old, and you send a picture of your dick to you 17 yr old girlfriend, or you look at a similar picture or even one of a 17yr old in like.. underwear.... you get marked as a sex offender the rest of your life... FOREVER, you can't get a job, state/gov assistance, and can't rent a place to live, most likely you wouldn't be able to get a loan for a home mortgage either or for a car.

  16. Funny you had that costume; me and a large group of friends (10+) had planned an outing on the streets where 7 would be zombies while the remaining 3 would be S.T.A.R.S members. The plan was to just mess around, shoot each other with airsoft guns and the like. Unfortunately it never happened. Would have been pretty fun, even though I got drafted as a zombie and would get shot hell'a.


    Didn't end up dressing up or anything tonight, just staying at home and handing out candy to the spooky ghouls and monsters of the night :coffee:

    haha, that would be cool, tho... the gun on my vest in the picture is my S&W MP40 loaded with my

    ... so I wouldn't want to shoot anyone but the bad heroin druggies that start eating people's faces.


    I was just talking to my BF about his friends that went to a Halloween party some years ago each dressed as a different OTHER holiday creature... I.E. Easter Bunny, Santa, a Leprechaun, etc.... and I thought that would be awesome to do sometime xD