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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. So almost every single time i play CS:GO, TF2 or any games on my computer after a while (no way to predict how long it would take) it would crash / freeze. Everything on the screen would freeze and i would have to force shut down my computer (as in flipping the switch at the back of my computer) and it would happen over and over again. Recently it would crash after about 10 minutes if not faster. Help?? I don't know if it's my computer specs or what i'm maybe my computer just doesn't like CS:GO

    My dad suggested getting a video card would that help?[attach=full]23550[/attach]


    It could... you could also make sure all your drivers and shit are up to date.

  2. Great, to it seems like you guys wanna keep homing arrows. If so, can we at least do something about it?

    I, personally, am getting sick of 10 fricken homing arrow sniper on one team which spread out 100 metres away from eachother.

    As Hale, I literally HAVE TO kill the homing snipers first BUT in order to do that you HAVE to get past every other mercenary that wants to kill you.

    => So you basically HAVE to take damage to kill a single class.


    So people literally have to select either Hitler or Heavydile to counter it? And what does that lead to? People spamming the same bosses. :derp:

    But anyways, as long as we get a nerf (such as removing crits) or a class limit I am fine.

    dis might be overexaggerated


    Limit it to 3 and remove blitzkrieg so the wall climbing glitch doesn't activate and they won't be able to get to lame ledges anymore... it's a dumb boss and I literally have to sometimes make a wordpad to keep track of all the people that only play as it...

  3. I wouldn't mind a limit on snipers, and spies for that matter... but if you start removing all the things that make xG's vsh different from all the others there won't be any incentive to join it over others....


    I suggest maybe considering removing blitzkrieg so that the sniper wall climbing isn't a thing...


    Also, reflecting homing arrows/rockets is perfectly ok to do @Diamonde it's not the same as USING homing arrows and if you weren't meant to be able to airblast then the hale would have a different flamethrower that doesn't airblast.

  4. Homing arrows are by far not the most broken thing in ff2.... spies deal as much damage as an arrow with a shot, more if it's 50cal or a heads hot plus they are nearly impossible to kill unless you rage them or burn them so you can finish them off while they are invis...


    Soldiers can Homing rocket which is pretty good especially when you get [email protected].


    Hyper heavies and 520 scouts are difficult to catch or sometime impossible depending on which hale you get.


    Demos can charge infinitely


    Engineers can stun lock hale so he can't have weapons



    I don't see a reason to remove homing arrows just because you don't like them or because you prefer a rifle which requires even less skill than a bow does.

  5. I always face my cell then turn around and never been killed... as opposed to saying "gun check freeze facing your cells" which would mean to face cells afk... I too have seen a lot of people do this very thing... I should face my cell then even when they say it like he did?

  6. Other probably implies the ban was done via the menu 1 minute after you disconnected.

    Xeno Gamers - Player Events History shows you joined CT, killed 5 people, 3 of which were all within 10 seconds and then you left the server that same minute.


    From that it looks like maybe you freekilled a couple people? the chat logs right after the ban say "he didnt freekill it was last ct" if that's related.... but you killed with an m4 so I doesn't seem like LCT activated.... My guess is perhaps you thought it was LCT and freekilled then left the server before odin could do anything... it's only a day ban tho, it'll likely expire before this protest gets decided on.

  7. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    i am something

    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:

    Advertising other servers

    Ban Type:

    Server Ban


    Was hanging out on ZF today trying to populate it... there was only about 2 or 3 of us on and then this guy came and told everyone to join this other server because "it is better"


    He then left before I could even say anything about it and bandisconnected isn't a thing on ZF :(


  8. he said get in couch game, then changed to get in the square of couch game. but the couches are also in the square, and they got on blue couch by walking on it.



    ^Copy pasted quote of what chrono commented on my post on the other thread.


    Basically all I'm saying is that the Ts weren't supposed to be on the couches, regardless of whether they could jump or not. It was an accident anyway, so i still think the ban should be shortened(I'd rather it be completely removed since it's unfair imo but if shortening is the best he'll get then i'm all for it).


    Either way... he should try and be less Hitler about killing people and perhaps give clearer orders if he gets unbanned so there isn't a 3rd time. It may have been accidental or lack of knowing his own orders but that doesn't necessarily negate the fact it happened as well as the bottom of ramp thing that was a problem. Some people never get this many chances.

  9. +1, i was there, I dont even consider it a mass, the only reason it was considered a mass was by technicalities.

    It was avalanche, and he told Ts to bumrush on the square/orange line of couch game(was one or the other, i dont remember) and he killed Ts who went on the couch. By being on the couch, they weren't on the square/orange line, but people said "oh but the couches are in the square so it was a freekill" and fudge like that. Thats like the warden saying to bumrush to surf and people go to Ski because they're on the same map.

    Nah what happened was he said bum rush to couch game and then killed all og us for being on the blue one with jumping restricted, but you don't have to jump to get on the blue one.

  10. Again.. I don't see the problem... noone cares to read those things especially ones you have to Noclip to.


    Any random person that comes and sees it won't even know who rhodo is.


    I've never heard anyone complain about it before, if there is a previous thread feel free to link it...


    If I joined some random server and cared enough to read something like that I would laugh at the map maker for thinking he owns the map that he used someone else's program to create.... and give props to the person that "stole" it.

  11. I fully agree with @Vector and I'd like to remove it.

    However, if our glory leader @Rhododendron thinks we should keep it, then we'll keep it, I guess.

    I don't see any reason to remove it... I see that banner and all it does is show that the map creator was Salty and kind of a dumbass. There is no more reason to remove it than there would be to remove all the maps that advertise other communities/server ips.

  12. +1 for unban, should have been teamban, not server... and I don't condone instantly banning someone the first time they fuck up, unless he was freekilling before this, he should have just been slayed, maybe teamswitched. The ban reason is just inappropriate. Division leadership should set a better example than that.


    Proper Punishments



    1) Warn and Slay

    2) Slay

    3) CT Ban for “1440”

  13. How malleable is the plastic itself after being printed? I figured 3D printed anything would be pretty brittle, but does it depend on the filament being used?

    I have both PLA and ABS plastic, the PLA is a little bit flexible, the ABS things I have made are solid as hell, I was actually making a flashlight mount for my M&P40 picatinny rail and forgot that abs shrinks a little as it cools so it was too small, it too a lot of force to break it and even then it only cracked.


    Here's a video of a guy testing some ABS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Wa__KCm_T0

    It broke at 250 lbs of weight