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  1. Like
    Matsi reacted to LeToucan in *see below* - team fortress 2   
  2. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Dethman in Houseofbacon - team fortress 2   
    @Nomulous fix that stupid freekill penalty thing please :(
  3. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from xGStumpy in Ribbit   
    +1 Didn't the last member protest on her get closed because she wasn't actually even a member anyways?
    INB4 all the other trolls come and start down rating everyone that +1ed this thread...
  4. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from SiliconDragon in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    I think I have to agree with Chrono on this one...

    In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

    I could easily see how that kind of comment would be considered something that was attempting to provoke an emotional response from Egossi.
    I don't think people should be constantly warned... things like that are the reason there's trolls around still that will constantly troll and troll and troll up until the point where they get warned then kicked... then they will stop for a while and then troll some more expecting the warning/kicks to be required before they will get banned.
    I also do not think that something like "it's not trolling, they are just naturally an asshole" is an adequate reason to get away with it.
  5. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from DCook in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    I think I have to agree with Chrono on this one...

    In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

    I could easily see how that kind of comment would be considered something that was attempting to provoke an emotional response from Egossi.
    I don't think people should be constantly warned... things like that are the reason there's trolls around still that will constantly troll and troll and troll up until the point where they get warned then kicked... then they will stop for a while and then troll some more expecting the warning/kicks to be required before they will get banned.
    I also do not think that something like "it's not trolling, they are just naturally an asshole" is an adequate reason to get away with it.
  6. Useful
    Matsi reacted to Chrono in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    I'm gonna try to explain the forums again... as slowly as possible.
    Only the people who are banned, and silence (nomulous) can see the written reason for why they were banned. the person who banned them knows because they wrote it, what the reason was. the person banned and the banning admin know the reason they were banned.
    Again, if they are saying they don't know why they are banned, they are either playing dumb to garner your sympathy since you are trying to argue that it was abuse when nobody else sees it that way, or they have the shortest of short term memory.
    From an anonymous vigilante: (not a 100% direct quote but it is 99.9%) immediately after their bans the ones banned were in a channel in teamspeak with nomulous continuing to shit talk and asking nomulous to unban because they didn't think they trolled hard enough to deserve a 1 day ban.
  7. Funny
    Matsi got a reaction from Egossi in Egossi   
    0 He's very active, even active while he's banned....................
  8. Winner
    Matsi reacted to Barmithian in Egossi   
    >says he is ok if you -1 him
    >negative rates every -1
  9. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from Ribbit in Metalslug53 - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 No Proof other than hearsay
  10. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from SiliconDragon in Xg:a Rejects - Team Fortress 2   
    I love how the CSS div is dead and so all the CSS trolls come to TF2 to troll and then get mad when they get punished.... :confused:
  11. Disagree
    Matsi reacted to kbraszzz in Metalslug53 - Team Fortress 2   
    OP is unbanned.
    We will be talking about Hachi.
  12. Winner
    Matsi reacted to ColdEndeavour in Owner - Team Fortress 2   
    > So i dont know why am i banned from blu
    > but a long time ago like half of year ago i freekill like 4 people

  13. Funny
    Matsi got a reaction from BonfireCentipede in Xg:a Rejects - Team Fortress 2   
    I love how the CSS div is dead and so all the CSS trolls come to TF2 to troll and then get mad when they get punished.... :confused:
  14. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from Ribbit in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    "A.K.A. EGOSSI"
    Plus I heard you on mic, you aren't fooling anyone.
  15. Smelly
    Matsi reacted to Ribbit in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 w0w
  16. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from Ribbit in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Egossi Offender's Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:0:48597707, STEAM_0:0:56453205 and likely STEAM_0:1:92891900 Rules Broken:

    Evading ban Evidence:

    Guy keeps evading his ban with new accounts... I am 90% certain he's currently on the server with a 3rd account after I banned his second one, Nyuu, today as instructed by higher ups.
    I am requesting that someone with access ban him via IP for the duration of his ban and to increase his ban length due to repeated evasion.
    @Nomulous @kbraszzz @Hidingmaster @Bleed @Bleed @Bleed
  17. Useful
    Matsi got a reaction from Haruka in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    I don't think it should be perm.... maybe a couple weeks to a month... he can be pretty immature at times, but he's also very active in the server.... do a lower ban and let him try and learn his lesson. If he comes back and continues reban him, if not... he still gets to play on the servers.
  18. Agree
    Matsi reacted to Hidingmaster in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    I highly recommend a permanent server ban on all associated accounts (as well as main) for a few reasons.
    1) Evading a ban
    2) Lying
    3) Using loopholes
    +1 for permanent ban on all current and future accounts.
  19. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Revoir Mes Amis.   
    Or switch to a better game like TF2? :P
  20. Winner
    Matsi got a reaction from Egossi in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    You mean like this?
    Dropbox - nyuu.dem
  21. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Dethman in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    well great.... I know those two are both him, I heard him talking, along with everyone else who heard.... plus one of the previous names on Nyuu was "Nyuu (A.K.A. Egossi)
  22. Winner
    Matsi reacted to realBelloWaldi in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
  23. Not Funny
    Matsi reacted to Egossi in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    Creating different account does not mean I made them all to evade all the bans etc. I made them for fun and I haven't used most of them for ages, I don't even remember the passwords for most of them. Plus you don't have ANY proof showing that I'm evading the ban.
  24. Creative
    Matsi got a reaction from Forge in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    lol... works for me.... tho I'm going to try and prove they are his before i ban them.... and I really hate Dynamic IP ISPs
    Either way... since his IP changes the only thing we can do is ban each one.... but besides that can we still +1 and extend this ban on Duckii Jr Egossi for the repeated evading?
  25. Informative
    Matsi reacted to Forge in Egossi - Team Fortress 2   
    excluding the fact he sounds like egossi, acts like egossi, and just so happens to be egossi :<