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  1. Like
    Matsi got a reaction from DrLee in So I found the config for !classes   
    [Name of class] {Be serious, rules apply still}
    [Primary Weapon]
    [secondary Weapon]
    Like 3-5 times what swat gives(you can jump higher than swat)
    [Medic] {This one will probably be disabled to just medic class}
    [Limit] {0 for none}
  2. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in 1337(LEET) posts   
    Does this mean we dont have to see him post ever again? :thinking:
  3. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Sep0h in Akapokas1 - Counter-Strike: Source   

  4. Like
    Matsi reacted to DarkWolf6052 in Player Trails [Beta Stage as of 10/16/13]   
    Yes, that counts.
  5. Disagree
    Matsi reacted to mtown81 in Tittie Sprankles - Garrys Mod   
    Epix I don't know if your joking, but -1
    He didn't abuse once, him and snarkbite were just fooling around with each other, I don't get why you were overreacting.
  6. Disagree
    Matsi reacted to LastGame in Tittie Sprankles - Garrys Mod   
    Is this for real or a joke? -1 abuse is when A ADMIN USES THEIR POWERS TO FUTHER THEMSLEVELS OR OTHERS. They arent gaining anything from this.
  7. Informative
    Matsi got a reaction from Forest in GustavKozlov - Counter-Strike: Source   
    This was that guy... he came back almost 2 weeks later and when he tried to go CT he found out for the first time that he was CT banned.... He's also an Illeist and I just find it annoying when people practice Illeism unless it's M/s.
    Here's the perm server ban hella did on the guy for massing that was unbanned/switched to CT ban by Serbian:
  8. Agree
    Matsi reacted to Forest in Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Alright well, seems that everyone's calmed down and have given their opinions regarding this cluster cuss of a thread. Seems to me is that this is all just revolving around an obvious attitude/behaviour problem. @@MineCrack I'm sure you realize that many players/members aren't too happy about the behaviour you show ingame, and as such I am expecting that you tweak the attitude to prevent this kind of shiz from happening again. Should it happen again, a punishment may be dealt (attitude/behaviour for which a Ban Request/Member Protest is posted better be more severe than MineCrack just being a smart ass). The ban will not be extended for this particular thread. Check yo' self before you wreck yo' self.
    I'll also point out to some people to be aware of "touchy" subjects when discussing/arguing/whatever with other Members/Players. I realize that some of these things may be ridiculous and not even be worthy of being labelled an "insult" to some, but there is no need to bring it up in the first place, especially if it is completely irrelevant to the discussion/thread. The trees have spoken.
    ~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods
  9. Bad Spelling
    Matsi got a reaction from MineCrack in DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source   
    No I'm -1ing because darkwolf said you broke rules.... and even you admited to freekilling....even if you didn't admit you had freekilled I would beleive Darkwolf over you, and not just because he's a furry and I'm a furry, but seeing your reaction where you begin talking a lot of shit shows how mature you are, so you likely troll and break rules and you haven't proven otherwise...Also, ShadowSpy said you 'intentionally freekilled' too, and I don't even like him... so g fucking g nagger!
    Even if you ignore the 15 or so "invalid" -1s... you still have absolutely no +1s, legit or not.... you're fucked either way!!!
    On a side note does this guy look like he's wracking it to anyone but me--> :hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser:
  10. Like
    Matsi got a reaction from DCook in DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source   
    No I'm -1ing because darkwolf said you broke rules.... and even you admited to freekilling....even if you didn't admit you had freekilled I would beleive Darkwolf over you, and not just because he's a furry and I'm a furry, but seeing your reaction where you begin talking a lot of shit shows how mature you are, so you likely troll and break rules and you haven't proven otherwise...Also, ShadowSpy said you 'intentionally freekilled' too, and I don't even like him... so g fucking g nagger!
    Even if you ignore the 15 or so "invalid" -1s... you still have absolutely no +1s, legit or not.... you're fucked either way!!!
    On a side note does this guy look like he's wracking it to anyone but me--> :hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser::hellraiser:
  11. Ding!
    Matsi reacted to Rhododendron in ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source   

  12. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from MineCrack in Astera xgm - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Actually he said "Wow this fucking new mob is bad. Fucking freeslays"
    That isn't disrespect.... you're all fucking badmins! Fucking Freegags!
    If he found it to be disrespectful which it was, then he can gag. Also, not to mention the fact he started disrespecting more once the round started over voice chat.
    But once again, it's better to ask why they killed you rather than just slay them. Unless you are absolutely sure it was a freekill.
    If he found it to be "disrespectful" than he fails at being a mod because what halfbaked said is actually listed specifically as something that is NOT DISRESPECT:

    As Forest has stated... no shit he was pissed off and continued afterwords when the next round started... he just got freeslayed by a badmod that wasn't paying attention and then invalidly gagged... I would be pissed off too...
  13. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from MineCrack in Astera xgm - Counter-Strike: Source   
    It wasn't worthy of a gag, especially after you freeslayed him... you were wrong.
  14. Agree
    Matsi reacted to Kyoko in DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Evidence helps ya' know. and how does watching anime have anything to do with this? #Butthurtlikecrazeh
  15. Useful
    Matsi reacted to Kyoko in DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source   
    uh............ you kids are butthurt like crazy, +/-0 neither side has given any conclusive evidence. will change once sufficient evidence is given
  16. Agree
    Matsi reacted to xGShadowSpy in DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source   
    @@DerpO_o @@Uryuu_Minene You dont need evidence for every ban, you need evidence for something like perm bans for hacking. Also, what does people watching anime have to do with your ban? From my knowledge darkwolf and his friends dont even watch anime (I do). You and Minecrack were getting mad since we kept extending the map, and you started breaking rules because of it. Stop trying to find excuses to get unbanned, because none of them are working.
    Still think its funny that you edited in "Also, why don't you get some people beside anime kids and your furry friends to back you up if you're the white knight who is never wrong?" when you are having minecrack back you up because he's your friend
    @@DarkWolf6052 You should just close this
  17. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from MineCrack in DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source   
    After hearing that from the banning staff... -1 for unban, just wait a week.
  18. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from MineCrack in Matsi - Counter-Strike: Source   
    awww @@xShadowSpyx
  19. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Ideas for Jailbreak+Gun Skins intergration   
    My understanding is that the skins have a chance to drop on any VAC secured server, right?
    If this is true they could drop in the jailbreak servers, couldn't they?
    Even if they do the problem is that on the jailbreak maps all the guns are laid out so you wouldn't be able to show off your skins...
    Could you perhaps replace all of the armories with buy zones and make all guns cost nothing, Or even just add buy zones in the armory so you can use your own skins instead of the preplaced weapons?
    I haven't fucked with a CS:GO server since this update came out so IDK if any of this would even work, but it would be cool to be able to use the skins in xGs servers
  20. Disagree
    Matsi reacted to Tsuchikure in Random Games/Days   
    +1 to first two games, the last two i have doubts about.
    The third: It has been tried before many times, but to no avail. The T and CT always go into a rumble since the T can have an advantage over the CT if they want to. (CT left-clicks, T right, T wins instantly since no escaping for anyone) which will usually always ruin the entire game for everyone and it won't be played the same again. Yes some people want to play the game but half of the Ts usually love to be dicks and ruin the fun for CTs (if any fun at all) even if it costs their lives.
    The fourth: It will be rather difficult in many ways, 1: having enough ammo. 2: actually figuring out the sizes of the letters (if it's not right it will look like fsdfsdf if you are trying to say peanuts.) Regardless, it can work with simpler words (i.e. LOL, etc.) 2: Shaping the picture, etc.
    1: +1
    2: +1
    3: -1
    4: +/-0
  21. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from DCook in ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source   
    ban all was used dozens of times during Late night JB... noone ever got punished for it then even tho it was "strictly forbidden" and "'NEVER' should be used"
    He shouldn't get punished for doing something that made one round interesting after doing a vote, at least not any more than someone doing a vote to do something that affects the rest of the map, it's kinda common sense there...

    ^ Fixed
  22. Smelly
    Matsi reacted to Chrono in Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source   
    YOU'RE A [Civilized African American]@@MineCrack , YOU'RE A [Civilized African American] @@Matsi , YOU'RE A [Civilized African American]@@MagicalPurple , YOU'RE A [Civilized African American]@@Forest . WE'RE ALL [Civilized African Americans]!
  23. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from DrLee in Warday Rule Change   
    ....being within 10 to 15 feet of the entrance to the warday area is what "baiting a freekill" is.

    I think they should continue to be allowed to shoot through the doors, if you make it so that CTs cant shoot through doors then the wardays consist of the Ts standing outside the door shooting through it and yelling at the CTs that are shooting back...
    I do think that CTs should not just randomly spray out through the doors tho, they should only do it when firing back at a T they know is there.
  24. Informative
    Matsi got a reaction from Forest in Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source   
    TBH the only reason I didn't make it a member protest is because I thought he left the clan a while ago, he hasn't worn any tags for over a month. If he continues later this week that's what I'll do,
  25. Like
    Matsi reacted to kona309 in Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source   
    -1 on extending the ban for the freekill.
    +1 one for some action being taken due to the trolling ( which is against our community MOTD) That is almost constant whenever MineCrack is around.