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  1. Not Funny
    DrLee reacted to StarmiX in I'm Probably Going To Get Cs:s Soon And I'm A Noob. Any Help?   
    don't trust the locals
  2. Agree
    DrLee got a reaction from ForestFire in Hello, I'm Amy.   
    Let's be honest, I'm barely 12.
  3. Useful
    DrLee reacted to Forest in so this was gonna come up eventually.   
    Ya twat.
  4. Winner
    DrLee reacted to Chrono in Ponyspenser Plugin   
    i have an idea for the (potentially) greatest plugin ever. the BritSpenser. You re-design the entire dispenser to have a british flag overlay, and then you have it loop the british national anthem. @Nomulous @Forest
  5. Agree
    DrLee got a reaction from ForestFire in [xg] Forestfire   
    Moved this to mop application, I'll leave my comment on this in a moment.
    Edit: +1, he's an active member who knows the rules - who's been here for a while - and he's a fairly mature guy in comparison how he used to be months and months ago. He's fairly active on the forums, but, he should get a bit more active on teamspeak.
  6. Agree
    DrLee got a reaction from Kittylicious in Ponyspenser Plugin   
    Let's be honest, we need a Brit-spenser on all of our servers.
  7. Agree
    DrLee got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Ponyspenser Plugin   
    Let's be honest, we need a Brit-spenser on all of our servers.
  8. Informative
    DrLee reacted to Rabid in Matsi And His Kind   
  9. Like
    DrLee reacted to MrJeeblez in Ponyspenser Plugin   
  10. Not Funny
    DrLee reacted to StarmiX in Goodbye, This Was Fun, While It Lasted.   
    Who the fuck are you?
  11. Sad
    DrLee reacted to TheAlphaWolf in Goodbye, This Was Fun, While It Lasted.   
    So I'm going to make this quick, I was never good with goodbyes.
    When me, Shorty, and Blat Blat, (If you even remember them,) played the RPG surf server together, it was awesome, and at the time the communitywas great.
    But now, i feel out of place, as everyone new, | >Names unspecified | seems to disrespect everyone but their closest friends, so I feel it is time for me to go. I also remember when I was loved on these servers about 3 - 5 years ago, and was a regular player, and i usually was around top of the team. Of course, back then I had no enemies. But again, seems like the whole clan hates me, or at least most of it.
    So to wrap it up, to all you new people, I'd just like to say: Please, if you want to keep xG alive, then don't be a dick to everyone, whether
    Sexuality, or attractions, (Furry, Brony, ETC. ,) are not to your preference, you and no one else have the real defined right to judge them.
    Opinion or not, and as much as they'd like to say it, and this goes to you as well, words will ALWAYS be remembered. They just get pushed
    to areas of our head where we don't look. Especially for the people who DO apply to what I've said above.
    Anyways, Piece out, and good luck with the clan Admins, DMs, Co-Owners, and Silence.
    - Wolf, Wolf Lunariss Rage, Gryphixx / FlameWolf760
    [Oh and one more thing, if you are in xG and remember me / still care that i exist, feel free to keep me on steam, but don't expect instant responses.]
  12. Disagree
    DrLee got a reaction from LeToucan in I Think You May Have Noticed...   
  13. Agree
    DrLee reacted to diabeetus in Promotions And Demotions #91.0.1   
    @Matsi there is no Rust division, nor are you a division leader in any sense. Just because you made a Rust server and slapped some xG tags on there, does not mean that you have created your own division (without the consent of upper management as well) and that you can proclaim yourself DL of said division. Since Rust is not an official division, take off the Division Leader tags, as you are not in any form a Division Leader.
  14. Agree
    DrLee got a reaction from MrJeeblez in I Think You May Have Noticed...   
  15. Agree
    DrLee reacted to John_Madden in Promotions And Demotions #91.0.1   
    Demote everyone
    Promote Forest
  16. Useful
    DrLee reacted to Hidingmaster in Promotions And Demotions #91.0.1   
    I found it. #worstthread2014
  17. Winner
    DrLee reacted to SpermytheCat in Super Penguin 4 Leader   
  18. Winner
    DrLee reacted to Warriorsfury in Xg Rust Server/div   
    Only 14.2 hours on record for division leader?
  19. Like
    DrLee got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Issues Regarding The Tf2 Division. (someone Move This To Tf2 Forums Pls)   
    Quote of the year
  20. Like
    DrLee got a reaction from Nomulous in Issues Regarding The Tf2 Division. (someone Move This To Tf2 Forums Pls)   
    Quote of the year
  21. Like
    DrLee got a reaction from Halo in Issues Regarding The Tf2 Division. (someone Move This To Tf2 Forums Pls)   
    Quote of the year
  22. Like
    DrLee got a reaction from Maymalays in Issues Regarding The Tf2 Division. (someone Move This To Tf2 Forums Pls)   
    Quote of the year
  23. Agree
    DrLee reacted to snakeboyeric in The First Xg Member   
    That would explain a lot.
  24. Winner
    DrLee reacted to Maymalays in The First Xg Member   
    The secret is revealed.

  25. Like
    DrLee reacted to snakeboyeric in Ganja's First Act As Admin   
    Step 1. Purchase a cat.
    Step 2. Bind all keys to "sm_ban jubens 0"
    Step 3. Place kitty on desk