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  1. Agree
    DrLee got a reaction from Waimalu in Moba   
    My favorite moba is call of duty. :^)
  2. Like
    DrLee reacted to Goblin in Prostitution   
    What's with the pornsite-esq ads on the forums?

    Oh and my new favorite:

    Seriously what the hell?
  3. Drunk
    DrLee reacted to Nomulous in Steam Group   
    I need the you CLs to have real names in the group so I can find you easily
  4. Funny
    DrLee reacted to Rhododendron in Protestation   
    *grabs popcorn*
    But seriously, will post my thoughts and the plan I have thought up for this summer to fix these issues. Too busy with finals to focus on this, sorry!
  5. Like
    DrLee got a reaction from Dethman in Music To Get You Pumped Up!   
  6. Like
    DrLee got a reaction from Goblin in Music To Get You Pumped Up!   
  7. Like
    DrLee reacted to Moosty in Garrbear, Calculus - Team Fortress 2   
    I don't really know here. This isn't great obviously but as far as what I've seen this isn't that bad. It looks to me like some memelords just wanted to be edgy and irritate someone on the internet. I'd be okay with a day or two ban as a deterrent, but anything more seems like an overstep. Read all of the chatlogs and nothing really stands out as perm-worthy. I'll wait for more opinions before changing from 0.
    @kbraszzz @Rejects @metalslug53 @Ohstopyou
  8. Like
    DrLee reacted to MrJeeblez in Cls These Days   
    "Grocery is not a retail job" - Diabeetus, 2k15
  9. Optimistic
    DrLee reacted to The_Unlit_Torch in Protestation   
    There should not be an age limit. Age does not reflect maturity. There shouldn't be a maturity test either: if the person applying is immature, people will just -1 him. It's not rocket science.

    What would the difference be? These words sound curiously similar to me.
  10. Funny
    DrLee reacted to Forest in Hey Look Over Here Free Things!   
    I'm so tough that I still put up with xG on a daily basis.
  11. Dislike
    DrLee reacted to Jpie112 in Hey Look Over Here Free Things!   
    Im so tough that i can take a small amount of dislike before my self esteem fails completely and i become and emotional mess and require hospital attention.
  12. Like
    DrLee reacted to Rabid in Hey Look Over Here Free Things!   
    Double posting is against the rules and forest is provoking rule breaking can someone ban him? @DrLee @Bleed @Chrono
  13. Agree
    DrLee reacted to Chrono in Bad Rcon Passwords   
    IIRC, anyone with server access can change the rcon password on the server, I just would hope they are smart enough to change it to something legitimate instead of a word or phrase.
  14. Like
    DrLee reacted to Muzzle in Rusty Crusty Rust Server?   
    I'm sure this has been discussed probably multiple times but forreal doe? Can we have a Rust server? Like not some grody vanilla server. Like mods and shizz. Kit/5x stack/6xgather/Better Loot/Airdrops/InstaCraft
    That's some of the plugins that would be awesome for this server. So? what do you think. I know not a lot of people play rust as much anymore but we could for sure get population
  15. Dislike
    DrLee reacted to Dethman in Canada   
    O Canada!
    Our home and native land!
    True patriot love in all thy sons command.
    With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
    The True North strong and free!
    From far and wide,
    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
    God keep our land glorious and free!
    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
    God keep our land glorious and free!
    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
    Fuck the american fascists and there a Illuminati!


    We will win the war against the capitalist swine.

    At least we don't have racist police officers.

    Simply put, Canada is way better then the United States and we deserve a rating before any other country gets it.

    @kbraszzz is an american pig who works for the Illuminati and has been working for them for years. DON'T GIVE HIM HIS DEMANDS!
    The new rating shall be called the Sorry rating.

  16. F!$k Off
    DrLee got a reaction from kbraszzz in Puppet Masters Unite!   
  17. Agree
    DrLee got a reaction from diabeetus in Opinion On Recent Events   
    Anything said on Vector can be applied to Iggy and he should receive the same treatment. The only reason this would not apply is if Iggy was banned in the past (very recently) or if he had additional reasons. If neither of those apply, we should give Iggy the same treatment. I was (mis?)informed that Iggy was banned for additional reasons.
  18. Like
    DrLee reacted to Chrono in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    If you're honestly going to leave over 1 player being unbanned, that just shows where your loyalties are. You clearly don't care about the community as much as you preach if you would leave over a player very harshly (and unjustly, given the lack of evidence) banned no longer being banned then do us all a favor and leave now anyway. thanks. :)
    In the end, the decision is with the CLs, regardless of what the poll says. But I want to make sure they read the above, because that's the cold hard truth of the matter. [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]
  19. Sad
    DrLee got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Ultimate Music Thread.   
  20. F!$k Off
    DrLee reacted to diabeetus in Asock - Forum   
    ~closed for prevention of shitstorm and for CL consideration.
  21. Like
    DrLee reacted to Chrono in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    Sudoku is the proper spelling of the popular japanese puzzle game. sedoku is not a world in any language.
    Seppuku is the ancient samurai tradition of slicing ones stomach open and removing your own guts.
    On the internet, Sudoku is someone telling you to commit seppuku while also mocking you by calling you stupid by spelling it differently.
  22. Agree
    DrLee got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    BRING BACK THE BRITISH RATING, @Rhododendron. That is my main criticism of you. I spent nearly three glorious year spamming that rating, but now it is gone. My precious spam.
  23. Like
    DrLee reacted to xGShadowSpy in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    So...wait, you're mad at him for following the rules too well? Because that's what it looks like.
    There was something like what you did in the past, people changed their names and all started doing the same stuff(micspamming), because a higher ups allowed it(there's a video on xG YouTube of what happened, not sure if it includes the end. It was called MEM).
    What happened at the end? A Co-Leader at the time(Serbian) got on and started banning people for it. Which is a lot more serious than him muting the 2 people.
    Just because you said they could break the rules, doesn't mean they can. If you said they could all start mass free killing(if it was JB), that doesn't mean you can.
    Staff can enforce the rules strict if they want, since it is still written there, the rules doesn't say "No micspamming, unless a DM says so."
    Also, you said he should handle his own problems, instead of reporting it to kbrazz, isn't that why we have report abuses? Mods have no power over a DM, so what else can he do?
  24. Like
    DrLee reacted to Chrono in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    I publicly do not support any of those bans in "toxicity"
    Before the weeaboos and furries and bronies and mexicans get at me for again stating my disapproval let it be known it is not just because I am chill with vector I protest his ban. Hell other than the recent perm you gave him, I probably have the most ban time given out vs. him. I do not support any of the bans, here is my reason.

    they are all retroactive bans (taken from things that have happened much in the past.)
    they are all double jeopardy bans (they are banned now for things they were previously tried for, and either acquitted or banned at their individual times)
    none of them compare to other trolls (no major offense towards rabid) but people like rabid and neteX were much worse than any of them ever could dream of. you know what happened to neteX? he got banned from servers and forums. it wasn't until he DoS'd xg that he got teamspeak banned. why are these people banned on TS? it's meant as a public grounds for all people to just talk and relax, very rarely is anyone ever banned on there. it's saved for special offenders (cont.)
    They aren't special offenders, they are light BMers. they dont actually troll (by definition target a person or group and go out of their way to harass them.) they have some salty attitudes and get angry quick, not actually troll. they don't do anything worthy of real bans especially from TS. the only real ban on the list i saw was @Bach for the hacking thing, while i disagree that he wasn't banned based on our rules that he shouldn't have, i see the good intention behind it. (note: batman has good intentions about being a vigilante but the police hunted him/technically are supposed to arrest him even in current comics where he works with commisioner gordon; they don't because he helps a lot)
    the "higher ups" involved in the conversation already have very very strong biased opinions towards the individuals in question. there was no way in hell you were going to receive a fair punishment when they are your only source of discussion.

    I feel as if the CL system was a good idea, take individuals from higher ups in different divisions, mix them together and get differing opinions, require votes etc. however when you take the opinions of only a select sample that all share common interest/ground, it will be very very very very very very very very very biased when situations like that arise, you should be looking to a real jury. and outside source of opinion who is not effected by it (i.e. if you want to "discuss" perming someone from TF2 because he BMs tf2 staff, you should look to individuals from CS:S CS:GO etc. who don't give a rats ass about tf2 to look over any real evidence instead of testimonials/opinions and then take action on a real jury and their thoughts)
    that's my thoughts on the recent development, i tried talking to a couple CLs earlier, and they thought i was saying bans are for pussies blah blah blah, instead of listening.
  25. Like
    DrLee reacted to Rhododendron in Reform Of Xg   
    We could start forming the promo/demo in the admin discussion a week or so in advance.