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Posts posted by Scootaloo

  1. Chicken, we didn't disable combat. It's been reimplemented. I think you are making assumptions when you haven't been on the surf server in the past hour. We removed the buddha thing a while ago. >.>


    And it was never permanent. Like I said, it was just a test that Ohstopyou and I did. It was never meant to be taken as a permanent implementation. T.T

  2. The ideal solution would be to find a plugin that can teleport to server set locations, such as spawn. That way, it can't be abused. OR, make cptele a perk, like for mods/admins, or for donators. But before the server was revised, it was a huge problem.


    You gotta understand that I like the plugin, I just don't like the outcome it produces. T.T

  3. I am not opposed to people being able to teleport around the maps. I am opposed to people being able to save ANY POSITION on the map, because it promotes camping. I am aware it is a great tool, but it is also an easily abused tool.


    I mean, the argument is that people are leaving because cptele was removed? People were also leaving because cptele was being spammed to help people escape fights and spawncamp. So, who am I suppose to try and satisfy? =(

  4. The server was fine how it was. Combat was a large part of why some people got on the server. If they couldn't surf, they could try to learn, fight in the arena, then go back to spawn and surf again. Spawn protection is already implemented, a 15 second spawn timer is unnecessary and if you're removing !cptele offer an alternative. I'm not going to do a perfect run of crazy frog every damn time I do the map. And you damn well better know I'm not starting over every time my run isn't perfect.


    The home map should have stayed Utopia. It's a beginner map with an arena that offers multiple places to go back to spawn and continue the surf. The map is easy and all of the regulars love that map by default.


    We shouldn't have to kill ourselves each time to restart. It's stupid. Each time you sedoku you lose one credit and have to wait 15 seconds to get back on the surf? No thanks. I'd rather have a /cptele bind. Way easier.


    We are not a competitive surfing server. We are a casual one. We don't have timers. We don't have a scoreboard with the #1 placement. You're wanting this server to be identical to Resurfed because you love surfing. That's not going to happen. It will never be the perfect server you want it to be. Improvements were to be made to the server, not a makeover. You should have left it alone and asked the community before touching it.


    While this may be the case, there were a LOT of complaints about these very things. /cptele was being used as an escape and a means to camp. Utopia became a deathmatch map and nobody was surfing. We currently are looking into an alternative for cptele, as in a way to load specific stages for maps with them. They caused more headaches then they were worth, so things were changed and we aren't going back.


    Like I said, this is how things should have been implemented from the beginning. This is a SURF map, not a deathmatch map with added surf areas. The last thing we need to change is how combat works, and by the looks of it, we will be going the route of regular combat with the friendly plugin, minus cptele for escapes and camps. Sorry, but if people want to focus on fighting, they can go to Pokemon or TGH.



    Our original surf server had combat enabled. It was MUCH more player friendly, as if you want to focus on a beginner surf map I think you should make that a specific server. People love the combat currently!


    I think you should use !friendly, and treat it like PKMN trade :D


    We can also disable losing credits on a sedoku for the server, so that shouldn't be a selling point!


    I agree. I feel this is the best option. And we already beat you to the punch. Killing yourself no longer takes away credits. =p

  5. Okay, so all this morning, I have been working directly with @Ohstopyou to make some much needed fixes to the surf server. We removed !cptele, implemented a 30 minute map timer, and have made our new home map surf_mesa, a great beginner map. But, there is still one big thing we need to make decisions on, and that is how we are going to implement combat.


    In MY opinion, I would like to see combat completely disabled so that it just isn't an issue anymore, but I understand that there is allure in combat on surf. But before we pull the plug on combat, I want YOUR guys' opinions on how we should do it. Here are the current options:


    1. Leave combat as it is and add the !friendly plugin to the server. Implement a 15 second spawn timer to prevent camping on maps that share a spawn and/or have easy access to the other team's spawn point.


    2. Spawn all players into the server in buddha mode. No spawn protection (won't be necessary with buddha), and give the players access to the !mortal command, so they can choose if they want to engage in combat. (Carries the risk of fighting other players in buddha mode, which would not carry a consequence, as it is the player's choice to leave buddha.)


    3. Spawn all players into the server in buddha mode. No spawn protection (won't be necessary with buddha), no access to !mortal. Absolutely zero combat whatsover. (It's a surf map. Focus on surf.)


    Granted, I am going to include in the surf ruleset that it is suggested that each player bind /kill or /explode to a key for faster respawns, so that's happening with any of these three options. I just want to know what you guys think. Please cast a vote and give any feedback you have! Thanks!

  6. Also, let's talk a bit about the quality of the person making this ban request, as I feel it IS relevant.


    The user in question has multiple negative marks against him on bp.tf for scamming, as well as an open report on SteamRep. Also, in case anyone is wondering, he's 14.


    BP.TF: ⁢'s Trust - backpack.tf

    SteamRep: Pending - Report: 76561198166492015 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items) | SteamRep Forums

    Very shady steam interaction: [MEDIA=imgur]a/dPHdh[/MEDIA]


    Mixed with the fact that he literally just threatened the entirety of our server, I am denying your motion. Your ban will stay in place and will not be lifted.

  7. Oh boy. Here we go.


    Before I begin, I am NOT an Admin. I am a Division Manager in this clan, specifically over the entirety of our TF2 division. I make decisions on Promos and Demos, congregate with other higher ups about rule changes, server changes, and bans and punishments. I have been a member here for well over a year and a half, and I have done a great many things to make xG the place it is. In the time I have been here and worked this position, I have never once had a legitimate complaint lodged against me or my abilities in ensuring the quality of our servers. There's a reason for that; I do my job and do it efficiently. Recognize.


    Let me weave a tale for you all, about a 14 year old patron who was caught breaking server rules. LeKekLenny420 here and I met when I came into the surf server earlier this afternoon, only to find that he was micspamming by reading some made-up story about GabeN over the mic. As I was trained to do, I asked him to stop spamming the mic, in which I was met with resistance and told no. I gave him his second warning, and when he still refused, he was muted for 30 minutes. I informed him in chat that micspam is against our server rules, but he proceeded to protest by calling it a "dick move". So, the user was also gagged for 30 minutes.


    Once this happened, the user in question then proceeded to use a nametag on his Rocket Jumper to rename it "Can't mute this, faggot." As per our server rules, this was in violation of our disrespect rule, so the user was given an hour ban.


    Photo evidence of this occurrence: [MEDIA=imgur]Vhh6vDG[/MEDIA] [MEDIA=imgur]pjNWiib[/MEDIA]


    After this exchange, he added me on Steam and proceeded to pester me until his ban was lifted. After it was, he rejoined the server an hour later, and everything seemed to be hunky dory for the most part.


    30 minutes or so pass, and a good portion of the server is heavily spamming the mic. I give two written warnings in the chat, and when nobody responds, I administered a server wide mute for 30 minutes. I explained how quiet time was initiated because nobody could seem to control themselves on the mic, and our friend here started back in with "You are abusing." "You have no right." "Just client-side mute me."


    Once again, I instructed the user to stop instigating the issue, but he persisted. I gave him one last warning, and when he continued to persist, I extended the ban to permanent status. Then, the profile spam happened shortly after he created his account. Real classy.


    Sorry bro, but we don't deal with people who cannot or will not read the rules before they come into the server. You taking a photo of me doing my job is not enough to get me removed from my position.


    I suggest that next time you want to be loud, annoying, and trolly in a server, make sure it isn't in ours, because we don't deal with it here.


    Chat logs for proof: Xeno Gamers - Recent Chat Log (It goes on for quite a few pages.)