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Posts posted by Scootaloo

  1. Kickass. Thank you, sir.


    Let all of your friends know. Spread the word. I want the server 32/32 for the following 24 hours after the event begins.


    All staff are to encourage our patrons to use the Trading Server if they are looking for trades. Do not restrict them from trading in the server they are currently playing, but simply remind them that we have a new trade server and it may be a good idea to check there too.

  2. Alright guys, this Friday, I would really like to host some sort of server kickoff party so that we can begin trafficking to our newest server. I was thinking of maybe having Dethman schedule a TF2 populate event for the server, and I was also considering doing a ton of item raffles, including a few things out of my own personal backpack. If anyone would like to donate to the raffle to help get people into the server and get the word out that we have a new place for trades and events, I'd really appreciate it.


    Let everyone know that this Friday evening, starting at about 5:00pm Mountain Time, that we will be meeting and populating our newest trade server. There will be games, giveaways, raffles, and prizes galore. I want it to be a big deal, and I want to hit server capacity as soon as possible, and keep it as booming as possible throughout the night, so that hopefully people will find it in the server list when they search the keyword "Trade". My thought is that if we can get it populated and flow in enough traffic, it will manage itself.


    @Dethman, can we get a Populate event scheduled?

  3. Wall of text.


    I too would like to take a moment to comment on how this entire ordeal was handled, because quite frankly, I have grown weary of having to deal with this issue and everyone else treating Vector like the second coming of Hitler himself.


    Vector is NOT a bad dude, no matter how much our TF2 division wants him to be. He's a asshole. That's a given, and I don't mean that in any bad way other than being brutally honest about how brash he can be when dealing with other people. I know plenty of assholes personally, and I don't hold it against anyone. That's just how people can be. It's part of their personality. Some people are more brutally honest about things than others, and some simply do not go out of their way to try and sugar coat the things they say. Some people express themselves differently than others, and some are just .... buttholes. Vector just so happens to be OUR asshole. (srsly, the guy isn't even bad enough to deserve that label, but it's the best way I can put it without being a dick about it. XD)


    I've never had any issues with Vector, but you guys have put me in a right awkward position with the label you've given him. You can't imagine how hard it is to have to cast a vote against a guy you've literally looked up to for YEARS, or to have to put him on the chopping block because everyone in the division under you have the emotional capacity of a whiny 5-year-old in a daycare who just had his teddy bear stolen and shit on by all the other kids. I don't want to be the guy to make the call to nix someone, especially when I want to look at the majority of the complainers and tell them to "Grow the hell up. If he bothers you, simply mute him." IT ISN'T THAT HARD.


    I will admit that after Vector was demoted from Admin, he really seemed to drive it home and got under the skin of many of our users. I personally thought it was funny to see just how much the butthurt ran rampant across our community, but I was in no position to speak against the mobs. I did what I could to say my piece and make it known that I didn't have any personal issues with Vector, but I reflected that his actions could be deemed as hurtful to the clan as a whole. When the time came, he was ultimately banned for an accumulated amount of disrespect directed to many of the members here in our clan. The decision would have been reached regardless of my input, so there was no stopping it.


    What was said was said, and what was done was done.


    My issue with the situation really escalated when his ban was extended to permanent status without anyone giving notice. Had Vector been an ass before on our servers? Indeed, but his punishment was set in stone and elongated until October. So why was his punishment ultimately extended to permanent status for absolutely no reason, without the council of the DMs and DLs of our division? I was livid. It was unjust to permanently extend the punishment and go against the initial ruling of our staff. I made many moves to get that extension reduced back to the original length, and now Vector is primed to be unbanned in October.


    But this inherent HATE against him is absolutely ridiculous. People post all the time and use him as an example, as if Vector is the worst thing to happen to this clan. News flash: HE ISN'T. If anything, Vector has shown exemplary efforts to remain civil in the face of the anger directed at him, and has shown, to me at least, incredible willingness to change for the better. Anyone who says he hasn't changed have obviously veered far away from even attempting to communicate with him, let alone get to know him. The biggest mystery to me is how he found the drive to even stay around. I know for a FACT if I was treated the way Vector was treated, I would have left and NEVER looked back.


    All I am saying is that I am a firm believer that ANYONE can change, and I am a firm believer in second chances. Vector has served the time required of his punishment, and will continue to serve until his ban is lifted, and when he comes back to the servers, I will personally welcome him. And to anyone who automatically disregards him because of a personal bias, I emplore you to do the same: Give a second chance. If we automatically assume he cannot and will not change for the better, all it becomes is self-fulfilling prophecy when he doesn't meet our nonexistent expectations.


    xG, seriously, Vector is not the super villain you want him to be, and it's unfair to treat him that way. Vector, you got the shit-end of the stick, and I am seriously sorry this played out the way it did. You're a chill dude when you don't have to deal with idiots. I look forward to seeing you in servers again.



  4. I know we've got work to do populating our newest trade server, but I will not be around this weekend. I am taking my family far away to the woods to spend four days in a cabin, fishing, drinking, and not giving a shit about anything. We will be taking some much-needed time away from life for a while.


    I should be back Monday. Hold the fort down until I return. If I come back and one thing is out of place...I swear to God.


    ONE. THING. >.>

  5. Only issue I'm seeing is that the server does not show up in our server list when you type /servers. Can that be fixed?


    Oh, and Hub isn't active yet either. And Halloween could be activated too. <3


    Also getting reports that not everyone has access to /ks. Doesn't allow some users to use it. And /grab needs to be a thing, just in case.


    Lastly, is there ANY chance we could add some sort of jukebox/radio plugin to the server? It's awful quiet and I think it'd really help.


    (Sorry I'm so demanding. T.T)

  6. Most excellent. Thank you, Kbraszzz. I'll work directly with you to help make it what it needs to be! :D


    Here is the map file: Free File Hosting - Online Storage; Upload Mp3, Videos, Music. Backup Files


    As far as requests on how the server itself should operate, I feel these points are important to make sure are there:


    1. RTV is unnecessary because it will be only one map.

    2. I'd probably say RTD should also be disabled, that way things like Heavy Boxing and Sniper Duels don't get interrupted by God Mode or whatever. (Could also have RTD if we remove certain effects too.)

    3. Team Balance needs to be off by default. Make it so you can join either team at any time, regardless of how many players are on.

    4. Donator Perks are okay, with the exception of the perks that allow players to spawn bosses. That's something that can also interfere with server events.

    5. Instant respawn would be very much appreciated.

    6. Like we did before, enable a Killstreak of 10 kills for every player automatically, so they may see KS effects without having to kill for it.


    This would be a great start. If there's anything else I can think of, I'll let you know! Call the server xG - Trade, Events, and More!

  7. Also we need middle man on spycrabs bills and higher, and if it's lower and they run (or do it at own risk) and they provide evidence, anyone who breaks a spycrabs shall be permed until the crab is paid to the winner, (that means we should make a special exception thing for the how to get unbanned thread) and also we wanna name it something people would randomly search up when going for a trade server, like nothing to complicated, something g simple, simple is so much better, also maybe don't put any like special plugins for donators on the server, it's a trade server and that's the type of thing to distract for sure. I mean I've got a fudge ton of ideas for this server to work, be functional and also appropriate for what we want it to be


    Yeah, we had similar rules for this in the Unusual server. It was necessary to use a middle man for anything that was worth 5+ keys. It'd be the same way here. Find an Admin+ for middlemans.

  8. Thanks a ton for the application, Brandon!


    Unfortunately, we here at xG have a strict age requirement of 16 years minimum before you can become a member. Sadly, you don't quite meet the requirement, so we will have to raincheck on this one.


    We look forward to your future attendance in our servers! Thanks for applying!


    Thread closed.

  9. It also isn't like we don't have server slots that aren't being used, either. When was the last time anyone even used Prop Hunt? I mean, no offense or anything, it just doesn't seem like that particular server ever has anyone online. Surely we could try and use it as a trade server?


    I honestly feel like with the right people, xG Trade could be a huge success. All we have to do is direct trade traffic to it and it should flourish. Not Unusual Trade or High Profile focus, but just a trade server. I honestly think it's worth a shot.

  10. Trades happen on Pokemon. Trades are not Pokemon's main focus.


    My thought on it is that we should have a completely dedicated server who's primary focus is trading and events. Not focused on combat. Not focused on game modes. Focused on allowing players to do their business and for people to be able to Spycrab, Heavy Box, Sniper duel, and conduct business in the ways of giveaways, raffles, and events.


    Trust me. We are in dire need of a server to fit that bill. Trying to hold an event on Pokemon or TGH turns into a god-awful nightmare, especially when half the server focuses on playing the game, which in part ruins the event. Then, you're put in a tough situation where half of the server is mad at you because you aren't doing anything to protect the event, and the other half of the server is mad at you because you are taking away from the combat.


    It sucks. We need a place to do this stuff safely.

  11. Okay, so for the longest time, I have always associated xG with having a bunch of iconic servers. TGH, Pokemon, and JB all immediately come to mind. But one thing I have never associated our clan with was trading. I mean sure, every once in a while, I'll find a decent deal by someone in our servers, and I'll happily trade with someone for whatever they happen to be selling, but in all honesty, our Trade Gaming Server shouldn't even have "Trade" in the name. Pokemon is more about goofing off and casually fighting other players, but one thing that happens very little is any actual trading.


    On a different note, over the past few days, a regular of our TGH server, (Ziron for those of you wondering), has been reaching out to me to help him coordinate giveaways of some high dollar items, including multiple Australiums, in the form of events planned by him where members had to kill him using only Melee while he was Pyro, or in the form of Heavy Boxing. Now, take a moment to think about this, what kind of organizing and headache do you think we dealt with on TGH, trying to keep the participants safe from griefers who just wanted to kill players? I can attest that it was a godawful nightmare.


    So all of this got me thinking. TGH is all about capturing various video game experiences in the form of TF2 maps. Pokemon is all about goofing around in a Pokemon surrounding. Surf is Surf. JB is JB. FF2 is a legit popular game mode. All of our servers have purpose. The one purpose our servers aren't fulfilling is an actual trade server.


    My proposal is this: Bring back an ACTUAL trade server. Let us use the map ColdEndeavor and I designed as an every-day trade map. We don't even have to put an emphasis on unusual trading. If there's anything I have learned over the past few days, it's that we need a sanctioned place where we can host events, giveaways, spycrabs, heavy boxing matches, and sniper duels without the fear of other people interfering. The unusual map is the perfect map to do that with.


    Allow us to use the map as an ACTUAL trading server. Allow us to broadcast to our patrons that if anyone wishes to do any actual trading, the specified trade server would be the place to go. Give us an outlet to host events and giveaways without the fear of others ruining it, or without impeding on actual gameplay to do so. It gives us a server we have never really ever had, and it puts the magnificence that is ColdEndeavor's map to use.


    @kbraszzz @Rejects @Moosty @Ohstopyou , what are your thoughts?