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Posts posted by Scootaloo

  1. Oh man, what to say on this one...


    Beefalo has been active for quite a long time, and is actually one of the younger peeps that frequent our servers that I've actually friended. I know we dropped our bar to 13, which Beef doesn't quite make it to yet, but if I understand it correctly, Beef is gonna be 13 soon.


    I'll have to consult with the other TF2 heads, but I think I'm ready to call him a member. @Ohstopyou @Moosty @Rejects , any issues with letting Beef become a member? If they have no issues with it, you can consider this vouch the one needed from a higher up.



    A: 9

    M: 10


    Super chill kid, and super mature for his age. I've never heard a single ill-word muttered against Beef ever. #GiveBeefMembs

  2. Hello again to all my TF2 cohorts! 2016 is just around the corner, so I thought it'd be a good idea to make a thread and give you all some insight to the changes that are just around the corner! This affects both members and staff, so everyone read up!


    I hope you all had an excellent holiday break. It was a crazy past few weeks. Lots of our staff let us know that they would be inactive for the holidays, but I fully expect that everyone has had a chance to recharge their batteries and are ready to jump back into their duties! We were not taking activity very seriously during the past few weeks for obvious reasons, but now that the holidays are over and done with, it's time to resume business as usual.



    Call Admin Bot


    The first thing I would like to address is the use of the !calladmin plugin. I know many of us already are responding to the calls, and to those of you who take the effort to make sure that bot isn't driving us all insane, I personally want to thank you. I do my best to answer calls when available as well, so hopefully that bot isn't driving anyone insane. XD


    When you DO answer a call, please make sure the first thing you do is use the plugin /calladmin_handle (#). The number will be which ever number the bot gives for the call resolution. As soon as you get in server, type in the command, then solve whatever issue you are responding to. This lets the rest of us know that somebody has answered the call. This way, we don't have 10 staff members rushing to the same call.


    If a call is made and somebody has alerted you to the issue beforehand, you MAY change your Steam Name and go undercover in an attempt to gather evidence. It isn't necessary, but sometimes it does help.



    Membership Applications

    The next big point of interest I would like to address is with how we will be handling membership applications from here on out. Beginning tomorrow, January 1st 2016, our age requirement of 16 years old to become a member is being lowered to 13 years old.


    Before some of you lose your collective shit over this change, please note that this is not the only change being made. In the event of a user applying for membership where the individual is under the age of 16, they will be required to secure 13 +1 votes instead of the basic number of 10. One of those votes MUST be a vouch from a staff member who is a DM or higher. By doing this, I feel that we can effectively filter out the more immature individuals who want to be members, as the DMs+ will be directly involved with their membership.


    Also on that note, any member who is accepted under the age of 16 will be put through a probationary period of 30 days. After becoming a member, they are still able to wear tags and all that fun stuff, but they must not acquire any strikes against them within the 30 day period. If they do, their membership will be revoked. We feel that this measure is an adequate solution to the concerns of maturity within our clan, and still allow us to accept membership applications of our younger players. TONS of people have been rejected this past year solely due to age, and I feel it's a shame we are automatically denying people membership because they are too young. TF2 has a predominantly young playerbase, so we will no longer alienate them. It's also proven highly successful to the CS:GO division. Ever since @Snackbar lowered their age requirements, they've seen tremendous user growth. After consulting with the other higher-ups, we feel we should start doing the same. Start spreading the word!



    Vouching for Members

    This is a big one. First off, I do want to remind each of you that we rely heavily on your input on who becomes a member in our community. Any time a Membership Application is posted, the vouches are what dictate who becomes a member. The best way to make our community grow is to be active in our servers, get to know the people playing in them, and directing them to our forums so they may apply for membership.


    That all being said, this has actually become a point of concern recently. I'd have to argue that a majority of the time vouches are counted, they are counted incorrectly, because a lot of the vouches being counted are not valid vouches. PLEASE BE ADVISED that when you vouch for someone's membership, you ABSOLUTELY MUST follow the vouching format:



    A (Activity): 1 - 10

    M (Maturity): 1 - 10

    (Short sentence why the person in question would or would not be a good member.)


    It's that simple. Leave a number for the Activity and the Maturity, then leave at least one short sentence as to why you think the individual in question should be a member of our community.


    HENCEFORTH, any vouches not following this format will be discredited and not applied to the final vouch total. If your vouch does not meet the minimum requirements, a DM+ will comment on the vouch and let you know it isn't valid. You can either edit the vouch or create a new one. DMs+, please make sure we are being diligent with this!




    With these points all addressed, the thread is now open to discussions and input. Here's to hoping xG has a hell of a New Year! Everyone's got a clean slate, so let's etch some good things into them. Promos/Demos will be much more rigorous, so be diligent in your work! You guys make this place a great community! Thanks for everything you do! :D

  3. I'll advocate for this on the TF2 front, but I will also advocate that if it is accepted, the person seeking membership is required to acquire 15 +1s and must have a vouch from a DM+, just as you've done in your division.


    If people are upset about this, let them be. If it's working for you guys, by all means, work it! :D


    Our division has actually been pretty low when it comes to traffic, but that's mostly due to the holidays. After the 1st, I expect it to go back to normal.

  4. If it's their first time on the server, I highly doubt they're concerned about our website unless we put a !guide command that links it in the motd @metalslug53 @Ohstopyou


    I'm not bashing the idea by any means. Just my $0.02


    This is actually fucking brilliant. Ohstopyou, is that something we can do? And if so, perhaps we should consider guides for ALL our servers. Lord knows Jailbreak could use one.

  5. UPDATE:


    We are fully moved into our new home, but we still have the dull job of unpacking everything and finding a place for all our shit. I will still be inactive during this process, but I am still constantly checking forums and logging in every once in a while to make sure servers are still operating as they should be.


    If you guys need anything from me, contact me here or send me a Steam message!

  6. I remember when @Moosty tried to make sweet, sweet passionate love to me, only to find out it was actually @Bach the entire time.

    I remember @Hachi kicking me from a server once for saying the word "period", after she was, unbeknownst to me, harassed by a bunch of randoms for being moody.

    I remember @Kart's stupid fucking giggle sending the entire TS into fits of uncontrollable laughter when he lost it one evening just laughing at something dumb as fuck.

    I remember reading the Banana Shark to a server full of people, then being invited to join the clan by an Admin after reading it.

    I remember the nuclear fallout caused by all the spergs from BCGAD. That pretty much solidified my friendship with @Moosty.

    I remember the entire community coming together to stand against the rich, 14-year-old model scourge known as Kittilicious.

    I remember fighting tooth and nail over the Scootahive, to prevent any and all Dinklebergs from compromising the sanctity of our sweet, sweet honey.

    I remember #Scootagoo, #Oof, #SwedishSubway, and #CanMoostyHaveAdmin.

    I remember @Bach's signature catch phrase "I'm so done."

    I remember xG Talks and the Fanfic Fridays.


    And I hate that I remember all this. How much is a lobotomy?

  7. Might be a good idea to remove the xG tags from your name, considering you AREN'T a member yet. Upon getting your 10th +1, a 24 hour waiting period will begin. After 24 hours, an acceptance message will be posted, and THEN you can put the tags in your name. =D

  8. I don't see the problem here. If a Moderator is seen as "experienced", then why haven't they been promoted to Administrator already? That being said, the gap between Moderator and Administrator is already incredibly slim. From what I can remember, the only difference is the ability to permanently ban and the fact that Moderators cannot target Administrators (correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just speaking from CS:S experience).


    Point is, if you give Moderators the ability to perm ban then.. Well, they're pretty much Administrators. This is all assuming Administrators don't have other "perks" to their rank. Might as well just merge the two if it's that big of a deal, because besides the whole "seniority" factor, what else sets them apart?


    Way I see it, y'all are making more work for yourself by making another rank when you aren't even considering the simple solution that those "seasoned" Moderators should just be promoted to Administrator if they're so up there :coffee:


    You put it pretty well. I do admit, the thought of adding yet *another* rank just to give mods perm powers does seem quite silly.

  9. 5451-c855e9a4cfc2a9a99516e5a5be954d60.jpg




    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!


    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!


    Want to get Moderator?


    There are a few ways to earn admin!

    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.

    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!

    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!


    For a server list, click here.


    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here.



  10. So basically, our mod structure would look like:


    xG: PM (Probationary Mod)

    xG: M (Moderator)

    xG: A (Admin)

    xG: DM (Division Manager)

    xG: DL (Division Leader)


    I....actually like this. A lot.


    It gives our seasoned mods more to work with and gives the newbies incentive to get out of the probationary period. I vote that if we DO go ahead and set this up, we should set the probationary period to be no less than 30 days (Roughly 2 Promo Demos).

  11. Think I'm gonna have to side with Moosty on this one.


    When we break it down, Mods are our entry-level position. They are the "admins-in-training". When we bring someone onto the administration team, they are given Mod powers so they can get their feet wet and experience what it's like to regulate a server. Becoming a Mod requires a bit of personalizing with the regulars and staff, as well as showing a level of maturity and clear-headed reasoning. That being said, these traits are EASY to fake. I'm not saying our judgment in our staff is negligible, but it IS possible for someone to seem like a good dude who wants to contribute, then turn and do a 180 and ban an entire server for no reason whatsoever.


    What we are trying to promote is a sense of communication between the newer staff and the higher ups. Communicate with the Admins, DMs, and DLs to get something rectified so they will, hopefully, educate you about the process when it comes to dealing with said offenders. Sure, it's a bit of an inconvenience for the mod in question and the higher up who has to change the ban, but on the same note, mods are typically new to their position, and should a perm being requested isn't justified, a higher up can explain it to the mod.


    The system wasn't set up to inconvenience people. It was established to promote communication and instill learning opportunities.

  12. Thank you for basically a review. I actually just got a phone but it won't be active till next week, so I'll be looking forward to using this rather than email verifying. I just have one question: So basically trades won't change if you use the mobile thing, but if you don't then the 3 day wait period activates? Just curious


    Yes, if either you or the person you are trading with does not have the authenticator active, it will hold your items for 3 days before completing the trade. If either person cancels the trade before then, they receive a 7 day trade lock-out.