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Posts posted by Scootaloo

  1. User will not be unbanned. Wait out your week, and if you continue to be a nuisance after the week is up, we will move the ban to permanent status.


    Bit of advice. Don't come waltzing in here like you own the place, expecting everyone to bend the knee just because you raise a bit of an attitude with my staff, ESPECIALLY if you were knowingly in the wrong. You pressed the issue as far as it would go, and now you get to pay for your actions.


    Our system being broken in no way entitles you to abuse it. Even if there are faults, there are consequences for your actions, as you have learned first-hand. But we still have rules in place you are expected to adhere to, even if you find a loophole in the system. Not exploiting those bugs just so happens to be another rule we follow here, which means you are guilty of not only the evasion, but the bug abuse as well. Luckily for you, there is no hard evidence AGAINST you and what you did, so the ban cannot be further escalated.


    To put it simply, I feel you're getting off light. And consider this your final warning: don't micspam at all when you return or you won't see another xG server again.


    EDIT: ai.imgur.com_UQ8FNbb.png.0f3092e27efa4d331089e96a0195b21c.png


    Photo proof of mute evasion. This isn't possible unless there's a way around it. Muted 3 times in 5 minutes? GG.

  2. Found these maps:


    SCP: trade_scp (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA

    SM64 Whomp's Fortress: vsh_whompfortress (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Versus Saxton Hale) - GAMEBANANA

    Blood Gulch (Halo)(CTF): Halo BloodGultch (CTF) (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Capture the Flag) - GAMEBANANA

    Facing Worlds (UT): ctf_facing_worlds_2011 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Capture the Flag) - GAMEBANANA (Also already on FF2)

    LOZ Eagle Dungeon: LOZ Dungeon Eagle (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Arena) - GAMEBANANA


    Also, the most recent addition, Rogueport I believe is what it's called? That map is REALLY bad. Missing textures and a couple places where you can actually fall through the map. Should probably be taken out.


    We really should focus on keeping TGH all about old school game maps. That's what it should be.

  3. I'm not campaigning for a perm or anything, but a punishment should be administered for the evasion.


    Few days to a week, methinks. Also, that is quite a silly thing to have in the map, and if word gets out that it's a thing, everyone will be doing it, which kind of ruins the map.


    I'd say let's implement a rule that says this is unallowed henceforth. Kind of neat, but probably shouldn't be done.

  4. He did not break a rule to begin with so banning him is already stupid then perming for evasion is EXTREMELY stupid. He did nothing wrong and still got banned for evading something he did nothing wrong.


    Incorrect. Even if the initial ban is erroneous, evasion is STILL a big no-no. The proper procedure to follow is to come here to the forums and appeal the ban, not dodge it completely to get back into the servers.


    I don't care if someone gets banned because the mod that banned them just didn't like them. If they find a way to jump around a ban and get back in the server, it's considered evasion and is punishable. ALWAYS protest a ban correctly and NEVER try to evade, even if you aren't in the wrong.

  5. 5451-c855e9a4cfc2a9a99516e5a5be954d60.jpg




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  6. What are you talking about? it allows them to go into the activators area, and go melee kill him, Unless the blue is a heavy they're almost always dead.


    Either way, we didn't have any sort of rules set into place for this particular easter egg, so the punishment will not be upheld because of it. That doesn't mean it will always stay that way. The DMs/DLs will convene and decide on this particular point on the map and decide if we will continue to allow it in the future.


    Evading ban, on the other hand, is a very serious issue. If that's what the perm was for, there's probably very little to no chance it's being undone.

  7. Is it something that is easily triggered or abused? I mean, if it only works against Painis Cupcake, I wouldn't really count this as exploiting, specifically because we don't have any rules against it.


    But still, if this ban was for ban evasion, I can't really justify an unban on it. >.>

  8. This is appalling. How hard is it for someone to simply say "Yeah, sorry, I'll stop with the spam." instead of going on a verbal tirade at another user for asking them to follow the rules?


    We have ALWAYS had a rule against the Meet the Medic taunt in water, as it has been glitched for a long while so that the audio of the taunt is amplified across the entire server. We classify it underneath spam because that's exactly what it is. If you go into any Unusual server that has water, there's guaranteed to be a rule against this, or the Meet the Medic taunt has been completely disabled. It's disruptive, loud, and a nuisance.


    But, at this point, what bothers me is not the minor offense committed via spamming the taunt in the water, it's the verbal lashings Lucy received over her requests that the individuals stop their rulebreaking. The persistant "Lucy is the only one complaining so stfu" was disgusting and completely juvenile, as was the comparisons being made to her being a Nazi. Why? Simply because she's asking you to stop and calling you out on your bullshit when you decide to be a dick about it? Just because only one person is complaining doesn't put that one person in the wrong. Breaking a rule is breaking a rule, and being a complete asshat about it to the person trying to get you to stop is even worse.


    Rhodo was hard at work doing server stuff, so it wouldn't surprise me if he missed 90% of what was going on, but it is absolutely clear from the demos that this is cut and dry. If someone asks you to stop breaking a rule, just fucking stop breaking the rule. It isn't that hard, and you really SHOULDN'T be a dick about it either. If you're caught in the wrong, just stop, humble yourself, and carry on. THAT'S ALL IT TAKES.


    @Moosty @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @Rejects


    Opinions? Pretty obvious that this is blatant disrespect.

  9. After watching the demo that had been slowed, I was clearly mistaken in thinking there were no combined horizontal/vertical movements. At a slower speed, it is much clearer to see that it isn't tracking like your typical aimbot.


    So I apologize to citizen_ for mistaking it for an actual bot. That takes some skill to be mistaken as a bot like that.


    I won't, however, condone the attitude and the demeanor. It's not the best and definitely needs to be worked on. So I guess that means I'm sitting at a +1 for unban currently, but something needs to be addressed when it comes to the BM.


    We also need to ensure that any time we suspect an aimbot that we collect an ample amount of evidence before issuing a ban. 2-3 kills in the span of 15 minutes probably isn't very adequate, because if a user gets banned for aimbotting and protests the ban when we have little to no evidence, the ban cannot stand.


    While the video was indeed questionable, it isn't substantial in my opinion to warrant a permanent ban.


    Sorry ohstopyou. I don't necessarily think you were in the wrong. Mistakes were simply made and you were just doing your job. =(

  10. I'm still not sold. Those snaps were MUCH too precise for me to believe that he did them on his own. Like I said, there will be variations in movement when it comes to mouse movement. The kills in the video had no variation whatsoever. They were straight x/y axis movements, which is damn near impossible for a human controlling a mouse to be capable of doing.


    But then again, we do only have a 15 second video to go off of. The evidence may not be substantial enough to fully decide on whether or not an assisting program was readily used.


    I just feel caution with these kinds of situations need to be taken.