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Posts posted by Scootaloo

  1. The server doesn't automate checkpoints. I'd rather not remove this unless we get a plugin that automatically saves checkpoints. (ie, akai/crazyfrogs have different levels.)


    I believe a checkpoint plugin can be added pretty easy, which would remove the need of /cptele.



    I don't understand what you mean here. Isn't /cptele what you're wanting in this case? It keeps your current speed. Make binds for /cpsave and /cptele during the surf, and just use your bind to tele to the "checkpoint" you created.


    On many different surf maps, ReSuSurf being one of the main ones, you can type !teleport and it will begin you at the start of the map, but hurdle you forward at tremendous speeds, so that you can try to complete the map in a quick time. It'd be a way for people to try and reach the end faster, but adds no extra bonus to the gameplay.


    Check out ReSuSurf and give it a try. A good number of their maps actually support it.


    As far as maps go, one that comes to mind is surf_mesa. That map is beautiful and a lot of fun, even at a beginner level. Hell, if anything, THAT should be our home map. It's just a straight forward linear map, has a hidden area, and is 100% focused on surfing.

  2. I'm not furthering this anymore. It's obvious to me you won't listen to anything I have to say, so I won't even bother. Don't know why I even tried, but somehow I've been put in a negative light because of it. Fuck me for wanting to help, right?


    @Forest, sorry about the drama, but to me, it DL/DM...doesn't matter. Ever since I have been promoted, I have BUSTED MY ASS to help shape this community. I've helped renovate and create countless TF2 servers, orchestrated events, reworked rules and procedures, and have supervised the clan since day 1. I've made this place better since I arrived. And MANY will attest to my contributions. Literally the only thing I don't do that the DLs do is edit server files, because I don't have access. It isn't an entitlement thing, it's a selflessness thing. I don't HAVE to be here and deal with this shit. I choose to be here because I genuinely care about this community and the people in it. And when I catch shit for giving my opinion about a server and a game mode I am VERY well versed in, it just shows me the return in my investments. I've structured my comments well, and it's just been thrown in my face because I disagreed.


    Doesn't seem like someone who has done so much for this community should be treated this way.

  3. Point is, the surf server should not be focused on the combat. We should not be tailoring rules based on combat. We should not be treating it as if combat is the number one priority. If we create a list of rules, it should be done in a way where SURF is the main focus and combat has little to do with it, not the other way around.


    1. Remove Utopia as the home map and replace it with a different map that doesn't have a large combat area that is easily spawncamped, like Crazy Frog or Akai.

    2. Remove the cptele plugin.

    3. Fix the plugins that aren't working, but should be.

    4. (OPTIONAL): Find a way to track user times and scores, similar to how ReSuSurfed does theirs. (AFAIK, there aren't any public plugins, so this may be difficult."

    5. Increase the map count and add more T1/T2 maps. Make the main focus of our maps to be beginner level stuff.

    6. Possibly add /teleport for high-speed compatible maps and include those in the rotation as well. (Utopia has capabilities for high speed tele, but we don't have a plugin for it.)

    7. Implement a map timer so we aren't stuck on a single map for too long. (15-20 minutes is the typical length of a surf map. There are also added Extention options for votes when it comes time to change the map, but they usually can't be extended more than three times.)


    This would fix the combat issue. I mean, I'd love to get custom maps and remove combat zones completely, and make it so failing the stage results in respawn, but I think we'd need more input first.

  4. no, I havn't because the server is nearly always on utopia while people DM in the jail.... that cp plugin should prolly just be removed entirely, it's the lamest thing to have people only have to win once and then tele every round, it's also extremely annoying to have to close the stupid popup every round...


    But no, you're probably right... the Surf rules that have existed in this clan for 5 years are completely useless... let's just have a surf(deathmatch) server without rules so we can all just fight in the jail... such fun.


    You obviously didn't past where I disagreed with you in my first message, because I already said I want the cptele command gone. But who am I to point that out? Go ahead and keep poking at it until the fester bursts. The sarcasm is such a nice touch. Not to mention that TF2 surf and CS:S/CS:GO surf is completely different. But I should just take your word for it because you made a fancy looking post, right? Disregard the person in the clan who probably has the MOST Surf experience out of anyone else, right?

  5. Dude, calm down. Why are you acting so aggressive over this, lol. The guy posted a suggestion/basis for a set of rules that he thought might help, and literally almost every reply to it has been filled with hostile comments. Seems like you're losing your temper, but correct me if I'm wrong.


    Not even mad, just a bit perturbed by the fact that ANY TIME somebody disagrees with Matsi over something, there's always a volley of flack thrown back in their faces. Calling me high? Saying I'm incompetent? Acting as if one of the most active DMs has no idea what they are talking about?


    I'm sick and tired of the blatant disrespect that Matsi ALWAYS throws in everyone's faces, and quite frankly, so is the rest of the Higher up TF2 staff. He needs to watch himself because it is NOT going unnoticed.


    And I fail to see where comments have been hostile. Most have been very structured and supportive. Fact is the ruleset presented is a bad ruleset and we honestly don't need anything outside the general rules we blanket over all our servers.

  6. Maybe you need to watch your fucking mouth about me being more competent. That server wouldn't even fucking exist if I didn't push for it. It's not being handled correctly and combat should in NO WAY be the main focus. That's why it's called a SURF SERVER.


    You have absolutely no idea what you're yammering about. I suggest you just stop before you look foolish. Have you even BEEN to a different map other than Utopia? It's literally the only map that benefits from the cptele command or any of the rules you are suggesting. News flash, Matsi...we have a ton more maps than just Utopia.


    In fact, I challenge you to find for me even ONE other surf server where their main focus is the combat and not the surf, because it doesn't exist. If people want to combat, we have plenty of other servers for that very reason. It shouldn't be happening in the surf server.

  7. Have you even been on the surf server? lol combat is 95% of it and surfing is the other 5%, you start off surfing to get to a good cheap spot like the secret room, set your checkpoint, and thenshoot everyone and when you die, you tele back repeat... IDK what you're thinking. Hell most of the time, people jump out of spawn to tele into the jail and kill everyone else.... it's basically a deathmatch server a majority of the time.


    >Pushes for the Surf Server in the first place.

    >Has over 200 logged hours on ReSuSurfed

    >Over 300 completed maps.

    >Elite Ranked.

    >"Have you even been on the surf server?"


    Uwot. Guaranteed I log more time there than you do. And this is the problem. CURRENTLY, it's treated like 95% combat. That needs to change.


    If the surf server were to be managed and played like an ACTUAL surf server, all the rules you suggested would be completely pointless. And I'm not about to start regulating the server as a deathmatch server. Sounds to me like you haven't even been on enough to see that we actually have other maps than Utopia.

  8. I can support a rule where players are not allowed to spam the same boss. Is there a way to edit our plugins to make it so you can't choose the same boss more than once out of, I dunno, every three picks? Similar to how when you nominate a map, you can't nominate any of the ones that have been recently played?

  9. One thing I do thing we need to implement is a map timer. No more than 15 minutes on any map without a change. Unless, of course, the server votes to extend. That's how most surf servers do it.


    Also, can we PLEASE change the home map from Utopia to something else that doesn't have a large combat area that encourages camping? It's a great map, but too often people lose sight of actually surfing and just focus killing each other. I'm all for combat surf, but if you take out the surf, it's just combat. T.T

  10. So... kinda wondering why noone has bothered to make rules for the surf server.... so I went ahead and copied/modified the CSS surf servers for a base to build upon if a DM/DL wants to edit them as needed and make them official(move them to the rules forums and set them to the MOTD on the server.) @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz



    Under NO circumstance should anybody be in the other teams spawn UNLESS a tele-pad put you there, in which you MUST LEAVE as soon as possible. DO NOT FIRE INTO, AT or CAMP the enemies spawn points -- This includes areas that spawn you above, below or anywhere AROUND the enemies spawn area with intention to kill. Also you are not allowed to camp portals or teleports waiting for enemies to go through them and shoot them as they come out. No matter the location, if you are caught firing at the enemies within there spawn or camp their spawn, you will be slain/kicked/banned accordingly.



    These are used to kill players in jail -- spamming them is annoying and causes lag for some players - you will be kicked/banned accordingly.



    This is annoying and will get you kick/banned!



    This is telling other players, while you are dead, who are alive where the opposite team is currently located, doing this is a kickable/bannable offense.



    You cannot use the kill button to kill your own teammates unless there are also opposing members in the jail, if it's just your own team and you teamkill them, you will be slain.



    You cannot camp in secret areas that give you an unfair advantage, for example: areas with one way glass. If you camp one of these locations you will be warned/slain/kicked/banned accordingly.


    Every single one of these rules is absolutely useless to the surf server. The point of the server is to SURF. Combat shouldn't be considered AT ALL. Utopia has a lot of hidden areas because it REWARDS actually surfing.


    Sorry Matsi, but this isn't a very good ruleset for the Surf Server. I don't feel it needs its standalone ruleset as there isn't anything special that needs to be addressed. We can just use the general server rules and be covered. And IIRC, there is spawn protection currently implemented on the server, so spawncamping ALSO shouldn't be an issue. If it isn't, we can change that and make sure it gets implemented. I'm also not sure if using the kill command even affects your teammates. It may do so in CS:GO, but I'm nearly 100% sure it does nothing on TF2.


    As far as trying to regulate the kill command goes...that's not a good idea. If a normal surfer wants to use the server, his main focus will be surfing the map, meaning as soon as he hits the combat area, he's probably going to suicide. Hell, if I had it my way, I'd completely remove the combat areas of the maps we use and make it so the instant you fail the map, you spawn right back at the beginning. Too many times I log onto our surf server and NOBODY is surfing, but instead, all fighting each other in the combat zone. That's not what the server is for.


    Ghosting...once again, our focus isn't combat. It's surf. Not an issue.


    So...yeah. I appreciate the effort in trying to help, but this set of rules is in no way going to be implemented for the TF2 surf. If anything, we need to completely rework how the server is being handled, as it currently has too much focus on combat.


    THAT BEING SAID, I do want to address a few issues with the server. For starters, God/Buddha mode is not accessible, and I don't believe any of the donator commands are either. I was also unable to force a map change the other day when the server glitched and wouldn't change on its own, even after a vote from the server, so that should probably be fixed too. Also, to comment on the /cptele command...why do we even have this? Going back to the whole idea that a surf map should be focusing on surfing, why do we need a teleport plugin when we should be surfing the map anyways? I feel like it's an excellent tool....if our primary focus is on Utopia, but it really shouldn't be. @Ohstopyou, any chance we could get those added/fixed?

  11. Too many inconsistencies in this story.


    Sorry man, but if you really cared about playing on our servers, you wouldn't have waited a month and presented such an asinine and irregular story about why your free kill was justified. Ban stays in place.


    Thread closed.

  12. Get hype!


    Event starts tonight at 7:00pm EST, (5:00pm MST), and we have a large schedule of games and events planned for the evening. For those of you wondering, here is a generalized schedule of the activities that will be taking place tonight:


    7:00pm - Populate the Server

    7:15pm - Random Item Raffle

    7:30pm - Event 1 - Mass Spycrab (1 key prize)

    7:55pm - Random Item Raffle

    8:00pm - Event 2 - Heavy Boxing (1 key prize)

    8:25pm - Random Item Raffle

    8:30pm - Event 3 - Fashion Contest (1 key prize)

    8:55pm - Random Item Raffle

    9:00pm - Event Freform Mode


    This isn't a set schedule, but we will be sticking to something close to this, firing off raffles as often as possible. Once again, the more items we have to give away, the better this event will turn out. So, if you have anything to donate, PLEASE send me a trade offer and I will stow them away tonight.


    Thanks again for all the help!

  13. And yes @GreyIgnis , I DID reopen the thread to allow Vector have his final say, because unlike you, he can respond to a comment without resulting to petty insults and baseless claims. It seemed only appropriate, and I personally reviewed the comment before I allowed him to post. I also rejected your report, btw. Have an issue with me? Talk to me about it. Don't abuse our report system, please.

  14. Pretty cut and dry if you ask me.


    AngryBird, I suggest you learn to calm it down. You're lucky Rogue_Skittle is so lenient about things like this. Had it been me, you'd have received a minimum of a day ban for the sass. There's no need for so many warnings. Settle it the first time it's an issue.


    Rogue, good job on keeping a level head. Commendable that you did so without losing your cool. Not too many mods act with such maturity. You weren't in the wrong here in the least.


    Thread will be closed. Any further issues and further punishments will be administered. PLEASE do try and act like a level-headed human being, alright? We have to deal with a lot of nonsense day in and day out. One less nonsense is very much appreciated.

  15. Sounds to me like you're upset because one of our mods took action against you for breaking one of our server rules.


    Yeah, this isn't daycare. This isn't "First one to tattle is deemed in the right." If you're at fault over something, and you try and flip it around and present a nonexistent issue, I'm gonna get to the bottom of it and find out what's really happening.


    I have it from a close authority that you want this thread closed. That isn't happening. I'm going to hear what Rogue_Skittle has to say on the subject at hand, and depending on the severity of YOUR actions, consequences may follow.


    I don't take too kindly to others trying to cover their ass while they throw someone else under the bus for doing their job. That's a shitty thing to do.

  16. I'm not letting this thread diminish into yet another flame war involving whether Vector does or does not deserve his punishment. Iggy will wait out his ban just like Vector will. See you both in October.


    Thread closed.


    EDIT: Thread is being reopened momentarily so Vector may make one final response to the whole situation, then will be closed permanently.

  17. Black_Dynamite is correct. We typically don't take actions on claims unless they are substantiated by at least some form of proof. Rogue Skittles has never had any complaints or problems brought forth against him in the past. Do you have any sort of screenshots or video footage of his mistreatment towards you? If not, I'm afraid this thread will have to be closed. Thread has also been moved to the correct forum for the time being. I'm sure that if there were actions taken against you, they weren't done without reason.


    Also, let's tag @Rogue_Skittle to see if we can shed some light on this situation.

  18. So, I am currently saving for a mass unbox at this year's Halloween event. I currently have 77 keys in my backpack and am saving as many as I can. I am even considering selling my Max's Severed Head for a chunk of keys, just so I can have more to open.


    You guys come in here. I need crates. Like, LOTS of crates. And I would prefer the crates I open have decent things in them, but that isn't necessary. My goal is to have 150 keys by the time the event begins. That's in about a month. I think it's totally doable, especially if I sell the Max's. So I will be needing that many crates.


    If you have ANY crates that you are willing to spare to me, please get a hold of me so I can trade them from you. I want only crates that can be opened with regular keys. No special Gun Mettle crates, robo crates, or anything that needs a special key.


    When I do the mass unbox, I will make an event out of it. I will be giving away a bulk of the stuff I uncrate that I don't need. I will also be livestreaming the entire process and capturing the footage to save to my computer. I want this to be a fun event, and I am hoping to be extremely lucky and get at least one unusual with a decent Halloween effect. I am hoping that they do an Eerie Burning Flames and I can get it on something spectacular. =3


    With your help, this can be a kickass event. I thank anyone ahead of time who helps me secure the crates. Here's to hoping I can finally uncrate an Unusual so I can mark that from my bucket list!