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Posts posted by Scootaloo

  1. Honest opinion?


    I watched the demo. The 15 seconds that were captured of this user snagging those headshots looked remarkably botted. I don't care how long the video was, what was CLEAR AS DAY were the horizontal and vertical movements that were precise enough to be suspicious. I don't care HOW many hours you have clocked in on TF2, or how many kills your gun has, or how many UGC events you participated in. NOBODY twitches perfectly horizontal or vertical like that. It's my honest opinion that was assisted by some form of bot. The crouching for headshots is also a pretty dead giveaway, especially when so many bots utilize that as a quick Y-axis shift.


    That's all BEFORE we even consider the BMing he has been banned for in the past. The guy is purely toxic and, once again, is my personal opinion that he has nothing to contribute to this clan. Hell, he even came in here with an attitude, slinging daggers before anyone even got the chance to approach the situation whatsoever. That leaves a pretty bad taste in the mouth about him as an individual. Had he come in respectfully, humbling himself and requesting an unban in a kind way, I may have been prone to spout the whole "He cares enough to protest" schpeal, but he was an asshole right out of the gate.


    -1 for unban. I've dealt with my fair share of aimbots in the past, and if you honestly watch that footage, skim the first 15 seconds, and say "naaaah, that's not a bot," you need to learn what botting looks like.

  2. I like these, except for rule 2, the server does not crash unless the person spams it like a madman. Halloween bosses almost never crash unless you spawn like 5 merasmuses. Aia @all with rockets can be a problem if they rof @all 10. Nukes don't crash if you spread them out or don't spam them. Smash @all does not even lag unless you spam etc. Just say dont spam the commands and the servers won't even crash once


    I kind of want to regulate which powers you CAN abuse for 2 reasons:


    1. The server doesn't possibly crash, because crashes can occur even when things aren't being spammed over and over again, especially with bosses. They make things super unstable.

    2. Who wants to have an Admin Abuse Day end instantly because someone just mass-spammed nukes or something? :D

  3. If it exists you should have set rules for it to begin with in the first place, if you guys actually had seen how things work on jailbreak without having to watch some guys youtube video, this thread shouldn't even be a thing.


    I didn't even really know this was an actual thing until I read the thread. That, and the fact that I'm expecting my wife to give birth literally at any moment, I mean...I can't exactly be on top of EVERYTHING that happens here 100% of the time.


    Cut me some slack. I'm literally already trying to do everything you keep telling me to do before you even tell me to do it. Lemme do my job. =p

  4. There's no rule for what you just said, so either make it one or just don't allow abuse days anymore cause they are overused and pointless just like everything else in jailbreak.


    What do you think I'm trying to do here by suggesting these rules? >.>

  5. In that case it's too much work to even get this as a day, plus since mods don't even have a voting system this isn't possible for them, everything else is common sense or all ready should be a rule for everything.


    Admin Abuse Day isn't possible unless an Admin is on anyways. We shouldn't be doing Admin Abuse Day AT ALL unless an Admin+ is on, so I don't see your concern.


    The point is to make it so that the Admin Abuse Day is still available, but only if the server is willing. This isn't something JB HAS to do. It's something we're ALLOWING to happen, but it's causing us issues.


    Hell, I'm 100% fine just doing away with it altogether, but it seems there's a demand for it. Either we regulate it strictly, or we just don't do it at all. There's no middle ground.

  6. My two cents. If the other DM's/DL's like the idea, we will begin immediately enforcing this suggestion:


    1. Admin Abuse Days can be an LR request, but once it is requested, it MUST pass a 70% vote in server before the next day actually begins. If the vote doesn't pass, the next day becomes a normal Freeday. No reselections are permitted.

    2. When Admin Abuse Day begins, Admins are allowed to abuse their server commands, but cannot use any commands that would otherwise crash the servers. This includes spawning bosses, using the Halloween Smasher, AIA with Rockets/Stickies, or launching Nukes. Everything else, including commands such as noclip, grab, powerplay, ROF, and goto are all fair use. Simply put, don't use anything that has the potential to crash the server and you're fine to abuse the rest of the day, and make sure you reset all commands before the next day begins.

    3. Admin Abuse Day ends the second the round is over.

    4. Admin Abuse Day should be limited to every once in a good set number of rounds. It isn't an LR that should be selected every other day, because not only does it need to pass a server vote, but it is also a round where no winners will be selected. Admins need to use Admin Abuse Day to their discretion. I probably would limit it to, at most, one Admin Abuse Day an hour or so.

    5. Play resumes as normal the following day.

    6. If someone requests an Admin Abuse Day and one has recently been done, deny the request and have them select something else.

    7. If a server crashes because of Admin Abuse Day, the Admin responsible can face disciplinary actions, and Admin Abuse Day will no longer be tolerated for the remainder of the day.


    I feel like Admin Abuse Day is an integral part of the JB experience, and gives our Admins an outlet to abuse their powers every once in a while, which I feel translates into less ACTUAL abuse in other servers. I don't think it's wise to do away with it, but I do feel it needs some sort of control. It shouldn't be free range, and servers shouldn't be crashing because of it, and it also shouldn't be happening willy-nilly either. The server should be in agreement to participate in said event and it shouldn't be thrown at everyone without the permission or expectation of the server beforehand.


    @Moosty @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @Rejects


    Feel like this is a fair compromise?

  7. Brawl is an amazing game for fun with your friends, but on a competitive level, it's ridiculously laughable. Sure, it brought in loads of characters, but the fact that you kept tripping and you were so god damn floaty meant that you could never do combos unless you were 10/10 IGN at them. Metaknight was a complete piece of bullfudge too, thank god he was nerfed in SSB4, but still not dead #LEOvsMR-R

    But come on. Despite how non-competitive brawl was, Subspace Emissary was frickin sick.


    Subspace Emissary works in Project M too, you know. =)


    There is literally NOTHING Brawl does that you can't do better in Project M. ^-^

  8. Hurts me to my soul to see that Brawl is the highest ranked so far. That's disgusting. Slipping completely RUINED that game and put it at the bottom of the list.


    1.) Super Smash Bros Melee

    2.) Project M

    3.) Super Smash Bros 4

    4.) Super Smash Bros (N64)

    5.) Super Smash Bros Brawl


    Mechanically, you cannot get better than the system used for Melee. It was amazing and very well balanced, and didn't cater to the casuals. There were TONS of advanced techniques that gave huge advantages to those who knew how to use them, such as L-Canceling and Wavesliding, but weren't completely necessary to be decent at the game. It definitely does not have the character spread as the newer games does, but it didn't have any mechanical issues whatsoever. The serious Smash players in the Smash community are in unanimous agreement that Melee is the Magnum Opus of the series.


    Brawl is at the bottom purely for two reasons: Meta Knight and Slipping. Either of these reasons would have been enough to put this game on the bottom rung, but the fact that both of these issues were present in one title, I can't fathom how this is ANYONE'S favorite in the series. But then again, I realize not everyone was on a competitive level, and for casual play, I could see the draw. But as someone who ran the competitive scene in my state for ~2 years, I can't justify the poor quality of that game.


    Project M....oh, where to begin with that game. It took Brawl and mechanically balanced it so it felt and played similarly to Melee. It fixed character balance issues and created completely new gameplay mechanics for quite a few of them. For certain characters, I actually prefer this game to Melee, MG&W being a big one, as well as Ganondorf. The support and community interaction with the devs on this game give it a HUGE plus to how good it is. They actually talk with the people who play it and take their feedback into consideration when making important changes, which is a lot more than I can say for Nintendo, which was proven by their recent rebalances for many characters, which unnecessarily buffed a lot of them and ignored a lot of overpowered ones.


    The N64 game also isn't bad, it's just different, and has a completely different meta altogether. Combos and juggles are much more difficult to perform and much more satisfying when done correctly.


    EDIT: Forgot my mains. Here they are.


    Melee: Peach, Peach, Peach. You can't stop the turnip storm. You can't stop the spinning down-smash.

    Project M: Peach, Olimar, C-Falc, Diddy Kong, Mario, Marth, Ness, Ganondorf....There's actually very few players I use and use efficiently. I can match with almost anyone. I play this game the MOST, so I have a lot of time to practice.

    Smash 4: Bowser and Peach. Bowser is so goddamn good it isn't funny.

    SSB64: Pikachu and Ness.

    Brawl: Ike, Wolf, Diddy Kong, and Meta Knight, because they are the most overpowered and if you DON'T use them, you're a goddamn chump.

  9. Eeeeewww, Sanic.


    JK, I can't talk shit. My name's Scootaloo, whereas the fanbase I come from is arguably just as bad IF NOT WORSE.


    But, Amiibos kick ass. I made a killing on those things once. Found like 8 Golden Marios at Walmart for $12 each. Flipped those things and sold them for about $70 each a few months ago. Good profit. :D

  10. To step in and have a final word, since I missed this entire ordeal, I think the idea of someone paying to become part of the moderation staff is a terrible idea. Sure, it's good monetarily for our servers, but detrimental to our image when people buy their position and can't handle the responsibility.


    I'd personally be content with doing away with it as a whole. You shouldn't be able to buy responsibilities like this when you can't handle them. That's why we make judgment calls on who gets those privileges.

  11. Alright, thanks. From what I understand this is definitely something you guys need to figure out (not anything for CLs) and stop from happening in the future. I mean I'm all for some nights of fun with powers but set guidelines or something so this argument doesn't arise.


    I plan on addressing this issue with the other DMs and DLs, and we will collaborate on the appropriate measures to be taken to ensure this kind of thing doesn't happen in the future.

  12. How is 15 vouches an unreachable number? 30 people make up the TF2 staff, and there have to be significantly more people who are just members. If 15 vouches is unreachable, then we have major problem with forum inactivity from TF2.


    Anyways, this was Silence's decision, so I'd like to hear his opinion before I leave my own. I'll try to get a hold of him as quickly as possible.




    He does have a bit of a point. I've seen regulars who frequent our servers, and have been for months, make member applications and fell short of even getting 10 vouches, simply because the members in our division don't utilize the forums very much. =(

  13. I think I tend to agree with what Dethman is getting at with his post. I cannot tell you how many member applications have been automatically rejected since May, simply because the person submitting the application was between 14-15 years old. When it comes to terms of growth in our division, like it or not, that's the average age of the people applying to be part of our group.


    That being said, I can't say for certain that our group has matured at all since implementing the age restrictions. It seems like we still have the same amount of issues with conflict and drama than we did when we were still allowing people to join at 14 years old. It may be unrelated completely, I'm not sure, but from this DM's standpoint, a lot of potential members have been turned down in the past few months solely due to their age.


    I think that reverting the age requirement to 14 for members might be the right step, but definitely keep the requirement at 16 for any sort of staff position. That's a must. But, as diabeetus said, it's all on Silence to make this call. I just wanted to provide what I've seen since the change has gone through. =)

  14. As a person from outside TF2, I do have a question for all. Is there just more relaxed use of powers in TF2? I mean this in a sincere way, I've been on jb a few times and saw things that would have never been allowed in CSS. I have a feeling that this isnt necessarily an abuse issue, rather a confused line regarding what powers are and are not appropriate.


    To be quite honest with you, we never really relax the line unless it's a big majority of staff being in a server, and it really isn't very often. Once in a blue moon kind of thing.


    Typically, if one of these nights do occur, we may push the line a bit, but there is still a line that we just don't cross over. And usually it's in a trade server. This is the first time I can recall something like this actually happening in our JB server.

  15. @Moosty, I've talked with Dethman, and I've apologized for my actions, and he apologized to me for lumping me in with this.


    Dethman is mostly upset at how his buddy was treated by our staff. He just so happened to catch me being naughty in this way, even though it was super minor, and just did one big post to address it all.


    I understand it wasn't exactly allowed and how it could have been misconstrued, and that's why it won't happen again. But the big issue we need to talk about here is the fact that one of our regulars was literally driven away from the servers because he didn't like what was happening. That isn't okay.

  16. After having a bit of time to cool off and communicate directly with Dethman, I feel like my actions were indeed a bit over the top, and not only Dethman, but the rest of my staff has my sincere word that I won't handle myself this way in the future. Sorry about this.


    But, Dethman does have a point. The bulk of this complaint stems from how one of our regulars was treated during these events. I do agree that the comments from our staff towards this individual were inappropriate and brash, and we need to make sure we don't handle ourselves that way.

  17. And to address the attitude of the moderation team, with the "No fun allowed" thing, I can't be lumped into that category because 1). I wasn't making those statements, and 2). I wasn't aware they were happening as I was concentrating on inputting commands via console. So THAT we can talk about addressing, but to say that I am incapable of doing my job and that I am abusing my position, I will stand hard against those accusations and say "Fuck that, I'm DAMNED good at my job and I feel I represent my clan in the best possible way."


    I don't think many will disagree with me on that either. =D

  18. I am up for having fun once inawhile but when it is constant and staff just ignore rules it is annoying as fudge, especially when staff you promote tell server regulars who ask to stop to frick off and get there heads out of there buttes. I have not had a problem with you ever, but this was unacceptable.


    If it's honestly at the levels you describe it as, where is the overwhelming amounts of proof that you have stored away somewhere, showing that our staff is constantly abusing their ranks? I know for a FACT that this evidence does not exist, because you are totally overanalyzing how often this is an issue. It is literally NEVER an issue, because we don't ever get out of control. And you keep saying that our regulars were asking us to stop, yet you have not provided a single scrap of evidence to back that up. I was in that server too, and NOBODY was asking us directly to stop, via voice chat OR typed chat. So stop acting like everyone was up-in-arms against us.


    And as far as my actions being "unacceptable", they totally weren't. I definitely wouldn't jump down your throat and make an officiated complaint against you if I saw you doing what I did tonight, but that's just me. I mean, I could see it being a problem if it was an annual occurrence, but am I the kind of person to blatantly abuse his position? I'm honestly asking this question.