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Posts posted by Scootaloo

  1. Our staff is completely capable at doing their jobs. They do it efficiently EVERY SINGLE DAY. And when our staff all congregate for a few rounds of JB, and the server is completely okay with our use of certain abilities which literally does nothing to negatively affect the game, I'd think it wouldn't be a problem to enjoy ourselves JUST A BIT and have fun once in a while. Nothing happened this evening that has me questioning anyone's integrity at doing their jobs, with the exception of maybe you. If you can't unwind every now and then to just chillax and enjoy the silly things we do, it puts the notion in my mind that maybe you're a bit TOO serious about this job.


    Is this really an indicator that people are incapable of doing their jobs?

  2. The one vote I did cast was invalid, I admit, because I structured it incorrectly (And subsequently received 78% approval), but it was followed by a completely valid vote that passed with an 83% rate. You can even check the video footage you supplied to confirm. But, that's besides the point, because the Admin Abuse Day vote wasn't even mine, (Which also passed with a 70%). I literally initiated only one vote, and while it was invalid, the same vote was done moments later in a valid format. The only reason it was invalid to begin with was because I was unaware that voting had been fixed. That much is evident because I wrote "SpyDay" as one word, thinking it would separate each word into different voting options.


    And also, regulars asked us to stop? I don't see anyone in the photos that asked us to stop, with the exception of you. But then again, I was juggling commands, so I wasn't exactly paying attention to chat either.


    Oh, and there isn't any evidence that shows I killed anyone. Because I didn't. I was literally cloaking, leaving cells, uncloaking, and either getting killed or slaying myself. I don't really classify that as abuse. =/

  3. Here's the true problem with our clan, right here. If the staff is online, having a good time, and actually INTERACTING with our members in an enjoyable way, it usually ends horribly because ONE PERSON has to be a sourpuss about it.


    Sorry if I upset you this evening. It was never my intent to try and gain any type of advantage with my actions. I was just doing it out of enjoyment, and trying to have fun with everyone else. =(

  4. Oh man, really? There's gonna be an officiated complaint about what happened this evening? Well then, where to begin.


    Was I cloaking at the start of the round? Yes. Was I backstabbing anyone in the process? Absolutely not. Not once in ANY game did I cause the deaths of any of the players. And every single round that I did this, I slayed myself shortly after. And that was literally only 3-4 rounds MAX. And the first time, it was even VOTED ON and approved by the server with a 70% vote. So I have no idea what the actual complaints are for. It was all in good sport. I mean, how is this any different from sticking myself in a kart and driving around the map, which I do a hell of a lot more often than I cloak as Spy, yet that has never been a complaint since I've been on the moderation team, but somehow, because I was a Spy, and I was able to cloak, it's so much more serious of an offense. I don't get it.


    The mood was that of everyone having a REALLY good time and just messing around on the servers. The ONE TIME I ever initiate something that could even be REMOTELY considered abuse and I get a complaint because of it. Sure I guess.

  5. If you are ever considering trading for steam fun bucks, be patient and inform the other person that you wish to have that amount done in TF2 or CS:GO keys. It will take a week, but it will save everyone the possibility of losing out on items.


    The biggest rule of thumb is to NEVER initiate a trade where you are giving items and not receiving anything in the same deal. NEVER do this. If a deal sounds too good to be true, odds are it is.

  6. Welcome aboard!






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    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!

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  7. Patient Zero has received an officiated warning for his actions. Using noclip to backstab enemies before a round starts, even to take care of an individual who is breaking rules, is constituted as abuse. No punishments will be administered for this offense. Please do your best to use the !calladmin bot next time you have issues, alright? If this offense happens again in the future, punishments may be given.


    Thread closed.

  8. It would seem that my previous thread created a lot of confusion, because the truth of it all is that I thought it would be better to step down from my position than to take a leave of absence, but apparently according to many of our staff, I'm not allowed to leave. =p


    Therefore, I deleted my old thread and wanted to post this new one so that people stopped complaining about me still having my mod powers. I am not currently stepping down from my DM position, at the request of many from the administration team, and will instead be on an extended leave of absence until after my son is born. This way, I don't leave you guys high and dry and I can still take some extra time to get things in order.


    I apologize for any confusion caused by my last thread. I wasn't really in a straight state of mind at the time of posting it, but I can see that this is a much better solution.


    tl;dr I am not going anywhere, just taking a bit of a break. I'll still be active on forums and do my best to be active in game. =)

  9. He is the next Hitler.


    Chillax on that there, slick. He's an internet troll, not someone who's going to bring about genocide.


    I was unaware of the previous bans and mutings. OFC it should be higher than a warning, but I haven't seen any evidence of a Perm-worthy punishment. Just because the dude hurt someone's feefees doesn't mean he needs to be instantly permed.


    Motioning for a week ban to get the message across that we won't tolerate the disrespect, but I don't feel he's done anything worthy of being perm'd from our servers. If he comes back in a week and continues the abusive behavior, I'll be happy to extend the ban to permanent status.

  10. God, you people are impressionable.


    I'm not even going to go through the routine I've devised at this point, because I can see that it is just being blatantly ignored.


    If you won't try and work things out with the involved party yourself and instead only insist on causing more drama, talking behind backs, and trying to go out of your way to get someone in trouble without working out your own issues, what makes you think we want to do it for you?


    Confront the person you have beef with, express your issues, and work it out like human beings who can think rationally. If, and only if, you have a civil conversation with the accused and try to resolve your issues peacefully, they are STILL combative, collect your evidence and try again.


    I'm not dealing with this petty bullshit any longer. Follow my advice and do what I've been telling everyone else in this clan to do when they have problems with another member. And if that doesn't work, ignore them.


    I'm just done with it. Thread closed.

  11. I'll +1 it. I know it as fact that the only reason Bach has become the Turd Ferguson of our clan over the past few days is to get a rile out of people that would be easy to get a rile out of, and it's been quite effective as far as I can tell.


    To anyone who actually thinks this dude really means the shit he says, I don't know what to say. But, what we are looking at here is his merit in doing his job.


    When he was DM, Bach was commendable and kept things as they should be. He knows the rules, can uphold them, and has proven himself time after time again. When he wants to be mature and get a job done, he is mature and gets the job done.


    And to anyone trying to take jabs at him, claiming that he is a hacker, you should know that the ONE INSTANCE where he did such things, he had my direct approval to do so. So if you consider his "hacking" an offense, you can consider me an accomplice. But that's not what's happened, because he had PERMISSION to do so.



  12. Well I'll be damned. Seems the impossible is possible today. Welcome back, egossi!







    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!


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    There are a few ways to earn admin!

    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.

    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!

    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!


    For a server list, click here.


    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/



  13. Also, to add...


    If a user is using the calladmin command and they genuinely think that there is an issue when there really isn't anything for us to fix, instead of immediately administering a day ban in the future, explain to the individual that the call is not verifiable and give them a warning. If someone is constantly spamming the calladmin command with absolutely NO reason, then we utilize the day ban.


    Use wise judgments in these situations. Look at it from their perspective. Adapt wasn't trying to use the command without reason. He was just trying to help.

  14. I'll go ahead and say this:


    When you guys have complaints about exploits and abuse, you need to MAKE SURE we have video evidence of the occurrences. Images and word-of-mouth doesn't directly cut it in these kinds of situations, because we literally have no context and no actual evidence to go off of.


    That being said, if @Tomahawk did indeed use the resize commands to gain an advantage, it IS considered abuse and is punishable. HOWEVER, according to Kypari, his explanation of donator perks may have been fuzzy at best, so it is very possible that Tomahawk was committing an act of abuse he was unaware of, especially since he is a new donator. Now, ignorance of the law is no excuse, but typically we have to explain these benefits when they become active, just so our members know the boundaries of what they are and aren't allowed to do. So, we are typically pretty lenient when this kind of thing occurs the first time.


    So, just to kill two birds with one stone, Tomahawk has been tagged and this will be his official warning for the offense, and the parties reporting the incidents now know what is expected of them when reporting abuse. No direct punishments will be dealt because it is such a minor infraction, but should he continue to commit these abuses in the future, actions will be taken.


    Tomahawk, while you are under any influence of your donator commands, such as resizeme, you need to make sure you are NOT actively engaging other players. This includes toggling any of your perks to give you some sort of unfair advantage and untoggling them so that they aren't active while you kill anyone. If you are directly benefitting from your perks, it's best not to kill anyone, okay?


    If there isn't anything further, we can consider this closed. I trust this won't be an issue in the future, and if it is, I'll handle it personally, yeah?


    Thread will be left open for the next few hours so I may answer any questions either side may have.