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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. Scootaloo

    Steam Group

    I do now. RIP in purpleonees Unusual Trade. Underrated map on a server that never got the love it so desperately deserved. T.T
  2. Oh, and she's Uber Donator. She definitely deserves it. ^-^
  3. +1 A: Quite a bit, actually. 8 M: Always seems to be trying to help out. 9 Lucy Mcellion has been a LONG TIME active member on our TF2 servers, mostly TGH. I'm kind of surprised it took her this long to submit a Membership application, but she has my full support. I've checked SourceBans and located her former ban information. Link below: Xeno Gamers It was done by Kitty and the reason given was for "Admin disrespect." Not really anything to prevent Lucy from getting membership in my eyes, especially since it was almost a year ago, and she has been active on our servers since then with no offenses or complaints. Hope you get the membership! :D
  4. I really need to clean up my Steam friend's list. T.T
    1. Forest


      As do I. 80% consists of xG people who don't need to be on my friend's list in the first place :|
    2. The_Unlit_Torch


      Do it then you lazy nignog.
  5. Agreed. Prophunt is very cut and paste. The general rules that are everywhere else will apply fine to that. TF2x10 will be just chaos. Best to let that go on and see if there are any plugin issues we need to address. Once again, blanket the general rules on that one. I have zero experience with Hidden. I guess I'll have to learn that mode and get back to you.
  6. Scootaloo

    Steam Group

    Can we start doing populate events for the Unusual Server?
  7. Just finished watching the footage. Seems pretty obvious to me that it's an aimbot. @DLs and @CLs, what are your thoughts? Just want another higher-up's opinion before pulling the trigger on this one.
  8. Tanner's been pretty helpful over the past few days contacting me whenever there are issues on JB. I know he wants to do right by our clan and help out to show that he genuinely cares. But, that being said, he's admitted to the very reason he was banned from being CT in the first place. Sorry Tanner, but we've got to keep the ban in place. Perhaps in the future, things can be reassessed. Continue contributing to a healthy Jailbreak experience. Hell, apply for xG membership and contribute to the clan if you are old enough. Show everyone else that you care and perhaps some day in the future we can re-evaluate the ban. ~Closed.
  9. As per our most recent rule, which went into effect May 1st, you must be 16 years or older in order to become a member. Sorry. =( Member Submission Guidelines. (Read) | Xeno Gamers ~Closed.
  10. Thanks for waiting Vaporeon. <3 You have my +1. Great mod, active, mature. A: 8 M: 9
  11. Don't underestimate me. :D
  12. Oh damn, that's actually a thing?! I knew about the idea that was kicked around for a while of making a chat filter for Lenny faces, but I didn't think that'd work as people would just bypass the filter. But if we have a plugin that auto-gags someone for spamming the same thing 3+ times in a row, by all means, let's use it! :D
  13. Upside to being a teacher is that my summers are completely open. All I have to worry about over the next few months are entertaining my daughter. Other than that, I'm completely free! Unless I decide on a summer job. In other words, I'll be available MOST of the time.
  14. Thanks for the clarification Silence. =)
  15. Seems pretty clear cut to me. Phishing links? Get the hell outta here with that. XD
  16. Sorry, but you do not meet our minimum age requirement of 16 years old. New age requirements have been put into place since you last left. Sorry. =( ~Thread closed.
  17. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! Put on those tags and enjoy it! Thread closed! ^-^
  18. I've seen Kertainboi a fair number of times on Pokemon trade since my last post, and each time he's been pretty chill. I'll go ahead and give my +1 for membership. =)
  19. I was under the impression that if a membership application was put in before the 1st deadline, it was given the entire 30 days like any other application before it was closed. I'm not 100% on that however, so let's ask @Rhododendron what he wants to do. Pending his answer, this thread may be reopened. I mean, Thunder had 13 +1s in less than a week. Only seems fair to give him the full 30 days like everyone else gets.
  20. Scootaloo


    Get that damn bird outta mah country. #FightingTerrorismSince1492
  21. Scootaloo


    That's a big-ass pigeon.
  22. He snuck his submission in before the 1st. I'll allow it. =)