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Posts posted by Scootaloo

  1. 5451-c855e9a4cfc2a9a99516e5a5be954d60.jpg




    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!


    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!


    Want to get Moderator?


    There are a few ways to earn admin!

    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.

    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!

    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!


    For a server list, click here.


    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/



  2. I don't know what xG would be like if Vector was never here. Not gonna lie.


    When I first joined, Vector was one of the main dudes I went to with questions and concerns. He was one of the biggest supporters of me initially getting Mod and eventually Admin that I can recollect. He stood up for me when I was going through the ranks and actually gave a shit about me. I consider Vector a friend.


    I've never had any issues with Vector on a personal level. There are very few times we have ever actually disagreed about anything, and when we did disagree about something, we were quick to bump heads and resolve our issues, and get right back to work on whatever we were working on.


    Vector was always one to handle things a bit more brash than others, but he never slacked in his duties and always made sure rules were being enforced. It wasn't until I became a DM that I even really ever had any sway over what Vector was doing in our clan, and when it happened, I was bombarded by an overwhelming rush of complaints about how he handled things. Perhaps it was just my new responsibilities that meant I'd eventually have to deal with the issue, or maybe it just came with the job, but the inevitable fallout of Vector being banned happened, and I am still very mixed on that decision.


    But here we are now. Vector is here, protesting the ban, showing us all that he still very much cares about this clan. The very clan that cast him out, told him that he was unwanted, that he was a jerk and a butt...he still cares about this clan. He still wants to be apart of this community, even after everything that has happened.


    I can't say I'd feel very much like sticking around a clan that did that to me, even if I was or was not in the wrong. The moment something like that happened, I would have been out of that clan in a heartbeat and never turned back. It takes a hell of a lot of drive to stick around a place like that, especially if a majority of the members made it perfectly clear that you were not welcome.


    Well, I say "Fuck it" to all of that nonsense and will give my +1 to the unban. I'm not advocating a reinstatement of admin privileges or an immediate addition to the moderation team or anything, but if Vector can humble himself enough to say "I fucked up and want to make amends." and still show that he actually gives a damn about our community, I say we give him the benefit of the doubt and welcome him back.


    I can't speak for everyone, and I know that a lot of those who have already posted in this thread have made it evidently clear that you dislike Vector, but me....I'm a forgive and forget kind of guy. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me, you know?


    Just my two cents.


    tl:dr I +1 the unban.

  3. I think that with the influx of these Moderation requests, us as DMs should streamline this into our selection process.


    DMs, what do you think? Think we can change how we select our Mods just a tad, as to make it a bit more involved with the rest of the community? I actually enjoy hearing everyone's opinions about Mods before we make the final decision.

  4. This is a refresher. We rarely get threads from people who are actively seeking a Moderation position. I can honestly say that Hero of Hyrule definitely hasn't gone unnoticed. Deliberations will be made and this will be considered for our next Promo Demo.


    Thanks for showing your enthusiasm Osiris! We will keep you posted!


    I'll leave the thread open for other comments and opinions from the other Admins and Mods.

  5. I normally gave people a warning beforehand anyways and they usually stop right then. Seems good


    I would like to say that I feel like this should mean that the several recent perm bans, like @jrulez8 , should be lessened in respect to this new protocol.


    This is another thought being kicked around as well, just so I can give an officiated statement on the matter. We are looking into recently banned individuals who were given the axe for this reason to see if there was any other negative behavior that added into the ban, and considering all aspects.


    For those who were banned solely because of telling someone else to "Go Kill Themselves", we will most likely be reducing the sentence.

  6. That was addressed as another concern, and I can assure you that if our Mods and Admins make sure to follow correct procedure, we will NOT have another blunder like that again. But you are right, that last thread was a huge mess. We are aiming to avoid things like that in the future.


    Also, you are 100% correct. Death Threats are a HUGE issue. However, telling someone that they should kill themselves isn't a death threat. It's disrespect. That doesn't mean it isn't severe, but it isn't as severe as threatening to track someone down and murder them, which is what is textbook definition of an actual Death Threat.

  7. In light of recent events, the DMs and DLs of our TF2 division have congregated and discussed at length how our Mods and Admins are to handle specific offenses, those of which are directly related to "Death Threats", "Encouraging Suicide", and "Disrespect" as a whole.


    @Vector created a thread on the forums last night that directly addressed these issues. If you haven't seen said thread, it can be read here: Death Threats | Xeno Gamers


    In this thread, many good points have been made about the validity of individuals being banned for using such harsh terms as "Go Kill Yourself" and whether or not these kinds of insults should be tied into the "Death Threat" category. On one side, many of our members are of the mindset that this is the kind of language and treatment we want to avoid on our servers at all costs. The other side feels that we are making too many leaps and bounds to ensure that people aren't being offended. Both are valid concerns, and I can say a decision has been made.


    Henceforth, the way we handle these kinds of offenses is to change. Before this, we were permanently banning individuals for using such harsh language towards others on our servers, but now, we are going to be a tad bit more lenient. To all the Mods and Admins reading this thread, you are expected to follow the same measures as we have always expected of you when dealing with said issues: Warn, then Mute/Gag, then Kick, then Ban if the offenses continue. No longer are we expecting immediate bans of any sort. Instead, you are to follow the same procedure as with any other disrespecting individual. ANY MODS OR ADMINS NOT FOLLOWING PROCEDURE AS WE EXPECT WILL FACE IMMEDIATE DEMOTION. You are all expected to follow procedure with a level head, to the tee. Absolutely no exceptions.


    The DMs have all unanimously decided that members telling others to kill themselves is NOT as severe as telling someone that they are going to be murdered. That being said, this offense will still be met with a matter of severity.


    If you encounter any individuals who continue to tell others that they need to kill themselves, even after the warnings, then the offense will be met with no lower than a week ban at minimum. This is ONLY to be dealt out if said individual continues to ignore warnings and persist with their behavior. As I stated above, any Mods or Admins who are NOT following the given procedure to deal with offenders will be met with immediate demotion. PLEASE ensure you are following correct procedure and giving warnings, using the mute and gag systems, and using the kick function before issuing bans. This should be the norm with ANY issue you face, and bans should only be used in the most extreme cases. As always, when bans are administered, please also do your best to collect the proper evidence if you feel it necessary to possibly seek a permanent ban down the line.


    We do not want ill-spoken users making anyone's experience negative, but at the same time, we don't want to turn into Nazi's trying to censor everyone and cater to the smallest hurt feelings. No longer will we treat "Go Kill Yourself" offenses as permanent bans, but will handle them as any other form of disrespect.


    If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to post in this thread. Thank you.


    @Moosty @Rejects @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz

  8. For the difference it could be easily said as one is encouraging sedoku, and the other is a threat to make someone fear their own life from bodily harm from another person.Either way in my opinion both deserve a permanent, or long term ban. There really should be no discussion about it.


    If that makes it easier for people to understand, that's totally doable. We could simply still categorize "Encouraging Suicide" in the Death Threats category and handle it exactly the same as we have been handling it.

  9. And just so that it is on the record, breaching the current standing rules involving Death Threats is an immediate permanent ban. That's how serious we are expected to crack down on this particular issue. (That is, assuming, that things haven't been changed since the last time this issue was addressed.)

  10. Let me go ahead and give an officiated statement regarding this matter so that we can move on and clarify how it's to be handled henceforth.


    There is a difference between someone making a genuine death threat and someone telling someone else to "Kill themselves." I don't think that there is any hard-to-see discrepancies between the two and they can be differentiated, and they are simple enough to see are completely different things altogether. But, for moderation purposes, these have been lumped into one category for simplicity.


    So, with this being a taboo point, (And I do mean that, not to be directed at @Vector because he made the thread, but because I hear it a LOT on the servers), I want to clarify exactly where we stand on this particular issue. Death threats are a serious issue, but so are threats of suicide and implied wishes of suicide from other players. To keep things simple, we have in the past lumped all of these three different offences together in the "Death Threat" category. Is Player A telling Player B to kill themselves TECHNICALLY a Death Threat? No it isn't, but that's the category of offense we would have classified it as because they are all lumped together.


    @Rhododendron has made it VERY clear to the DMs that these types of threats, insults, and conversations about self-harm are NOT to be tolerated any further in the future, hence why we have cracked down so hard recently on the offending parties who choose to use this kind of language to our patrons. Sure, the majority of them are just angsty teenagers trying to sound tough, but that's the kind of attitude we are aiming to eradicate in our servers.


    We have had multiple problems with this kind of issue in the past, and the LAST thing we want is some sort of liability because we actively allow such language in our servers. If someone tells a kid that they should kill themselves, and they ACTUALLY go through with it, it'd be horrendous. I don't think that would ever actually happen, but it is a possibility, and it is something we are aiming to mitigate.


    So, I will discuss this at length with the other DMs (@Ohstopyou, @Moosty, @Rejects, @kbraszzz ) and we will deliberate on whether or not this needs to be changed.


    In this DMs honest opinion, I have no issues continuing to lump these types of offenses together in a "Death Threat" category, as they all fit snugly as it is, but if it is the wishes of the other DMs to relabel it, we shall do so. At the very least, we can clarify the rule about "Death Threats" to include telling others to commit suicide, as to levitate any confusion.

  11. Agree with Vector. I can't take this as sufficient proof. Sure, it's edgy and not cool, but I can't even determine if this was taken from chat on our servers or a different server entirely.


    This is why we ask for Demos. =(

  12. Your ban is still legitimate and still isn't changing. If you post another ban protest thread about this same ban, when you've already been given our verdict, you will be permanently banned from the forums. Don't do it again.