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  1. Optimistic
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Tsuchikure in The Mental Collapse Of Hachiko Tachibana   
    Mobile doesn't work for me. That's like a trip into Purgatory.
    GL Hachi, but I'm expecting to never see you again.
  2. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Haruka in Gigyas - Team Fortress 2   
    Hell, even ADMINS don't really have the power to deem if spawn camps are unbreakable usually. Back in my Admin days, there were times where I found pretty powerful spawn camps, and when turning to Kbraszzz or our acting DMs, they always told me to let it lay. I was always under the impression that there really isn't a level of "unbreakable" anymore. That's been a thing since before I became a DM.
    Either way, Gigyas is NOT an admin and this is clearly abuse of his donator perks. Giving yourself powerplay and Valve Rockets to take out a nest is a big no-no. It definitely isn't an issue with ALL donators, so removing it is fairly unjust. +1 to punishing Gigyas for his obvious abuse, with a possibility of a revoking of his donator privileges.
    I'll have words with the other DMs and get a clarification on the spawn camping rules, but until further notice, I'll just go on record and say NOBODY BREAKS SPAWNCAMPS. Our servers have a dedicated rule to ALLOW this kind of thing, so it'd be redundant to make exceptions to the rule. Getting camped? Get some Medics and pop some ubers, or RTV from the map. That way, it's nice and clear until a decision can otherwise be made.
    Cool with that @Rejects and @Moosty? We'll discuss it further.
  3. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Haruka in The Mental Collapse Of Hachiko Tachibana   
    Mobile doesn't work for me. That's like a trip into Purgatory.
    GL Hachi, but I'm expecting to never see you again.
  4. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Gigyas - Team Fortress 2   
    Hell, even ADMINS don't really have the power to deem if spawn camps are unbreakable usually. Back in my Admin days, there were times where I found pretty powerful spawn camps, and when turning to Kbraszzz or our acting DMs, they always told me to let it lay. I was always under the impression that there really isn't a level of "unbreakable" anymore. That's been a thing since before I became a DM.
    Either way, Gigyas is NOT an admin and this is clearly abuse of his donator perks. Giving yourself powerplay and Valve Rockets to take out a nest is a big no-no. It definitely isn't an issue with ALL donators, so removing it is fairly unjust. +1 to punishing Gigyas for his obvious abuse, with a possibility of a revoking of his donator privileges.
    I'll have words with the other DMs and get a clarification on the spawn camping rules, but until further notice, I'll just go on record and say NOBODY BREAKS SPAWNCAMPS. Our servers have a dedicated rule to ALLOW this kind of thing, so it'd be redundant to make exceptions to the rule. Getting camped? Get some Medics and pop some ubers, or RTV from the map. That way, it's nice and clear until a decision can otherwise be made.
    Cool with that @Rejects and @Moosty? We'll discuss it further.
  5. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Dethman in Steam Group   
    I do now.
    RIP in purpleonees Unusual Trade. Underrated map on a server that never got the love it so desperately deserved. T.T
  6. Friendly
    Scootaloo got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Tanner - Team Fortress 2   
    Tanner's been pretty helpful over the past few days contacting me whenever there are issues on JB. I know he wants to do right by our clan and help out to show that he genuinely cares.
    But, that being said, he's admitted to the very reason he was banned from being CT in the first place. Sorry Tanner, but we've got to keep the ban in place.
    Perhaps in the future, things can be reassessed. Continue contributing to a healthy Jailbreak experience. Hell, apply for xG membership and contribute to the clan if you are old enough. Show everyone else that you care and perhaps some day in the future we can re-evaluate the ban.
  7. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from kbraszzz in Altrey - Team Fortress 2   
    Just finished watching the footage. Seems pretty obvious to me that it's an aimbot. @DLs and @CLs, what are your thoughts? Just want another higher-up's opinion before pulling the trigger on this one.
  8. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Dethman - Team Fortress 2   
    Oh damn, that's actually a thing?! I knew about the idea that was kicked around for a while of making a chat filter for Lenny faces, but I didn't think that'd work as people would just bypass the filter.
    But if we have a plugin that auto-gags someone for spamming the same thing 3+ times in a row, by all means, let's use it! :D
  9. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Thunder   
    I was under the impression that if a membership application was put in before the 1st deadline, it was given the entire 30 days like any other application before it was closed. I'm not 100% on that however, so let's ask @Rhododendron what he wants to do.
    Pending his answer, this thread may be reopened. I mean, Thunder had 13 +1s in less than a week. Only seems fair to give him the full 30 days like everyone else gets.
  10. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Osiris in Thunder   
    Thanks for the clarification Silence. =)
  11. Winner
    Scootaloo reacted to Rhododendron in Thunder   
    Re-opening since any application made BEFORE May 1st, 2015 is eligible for membership!
    Member Minimum Age Change | Xeno Gamers

  12. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Osiris in Thunder   
    I was under the impression that if a membership application was put in before the 1st deadline, it was given the entire 30 days like any other application before it was closed. I'm not 100% on that however, so let's ask @Rhododendron what he wants to do.
    Pending his answer, this thread may be reopened. I mean, Thunder had 13 +1s in less than a week. Only seems fair to give him the full 30 days like everyone else gets.
  13. Agree
    Scootaloo reacted to IAmLegend in Opinion On Recent Events   
    Just don't be an asshole and boom! All the toxicity problem's will disappear..... or just don't get butthurt.
  14. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Dethman in Opinion On Recent Events   
    I made my feelings pretty well known in our conversation, but I guess I can give the tl:dr version here.
    The Vector debacle was a big blended bowl of bowel movements. I think everyone had heated passions and may have hastily said things that weren't actually truthful or serious. Do I think there would be a mass exodus of leaving members if the CLs reversed on a decision? Possibly. But I know that for myself at least, and possibly a few of the other higher ranking staff members, those statements were made out of passion and frustration and not very well thought out.
    I think the main frustration was also the miscommunication and the thought that such a decision could easily be overturned, especially after such a long amount of time spent deliberating.
    That being said, after a good amount of time away from the forums to clear my head and give things a good thorough thought, I think the proposed alternative is a good solution to everyone involved. It was handled in a messy way, but the conclusion we ultimately came to was a good one.
  15. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Osiris in Smash Fortress   
    I am all for trying this out.
  16. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Osiris in Vaporeon   
    I'm Done. | Xeno Gamers
    Sorry Vaporeon, but you left on the 4th of April. Per our rules for member resubmission, you must wait a minimum of thirty days before you can reapply, as per the rules posted in the Member Submission forum, which state:
    If you have left or got kicked out of xG, and are allowed to re-apply, you must have
    - 20 vouches
    - A Division Leader from the respective division to agree on your return 01/13/14
    - waited a month minimum from the day you have quit/left xG

    Sadly, these +1s are invalid. You'll have to resubmit your post on the 4th of May and no sooner.
    That being said, you DO have my welcome back, (As well as Moosty's and Rejects' Welcomes too, it seems) and I'll even go so far and let you use the +1s you've already gotten in this thread when you do resubmit your Member Submission. It seems you've already amassed 12 +1s, meaning you'll only need 8 more. (I don't think anyone will mind if we give you at least that much leeway.)
    Good to have you back. We will officiate it when you resubmit on May 4th. Thread closed.
  17. Informative
    Scootaloo got a reaction from diabeetus in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    Allow me to make a public apology. My post was not very well worded, as I should have stated that we were discussing the possibility of Vector being unbanned. The way I wrote it, it made it seem as if we had decided that Vector was indeed returning. That was in bad wording on my part. Sorry to have put that connotation on you.
    I also want to apologize for only receiving half of the truth. I WAS under the assumption that a few of the CLs (None in particular really, just a few of you) were in support of unbanning Vector. It was only until later when I re-read through the entire conversation that I realized that nowhere was it proposed to unban him completely. I allowed myself to jump to that conclusion due to the hot passions that were heavy last night in the Teamspeak channel. So, to you and the other @Community Leaders, I do apologize for having that be conveyed.
    You guys rock at what you do. I know our voices are not unheard. I know you all have the best intentions in mind when making these huge decisions. I don't want to step on toes or make it perceived that I believe you guys are doing anything ill for the group. I believe the exact opposite.
    The threats of people leaving the clan due to Vector's unbanning, I believe, were also probably in part to the misconception that we were deliberating completely unbanning Vector and having him return immediately. You can probably understand how that might make a few people upset. But, I think that better understanding on our parts would have helped avoid that miscommunication.
    So, to you all, I apologize. I will be diligent and more attentive in these future discussions, and work towards conveying my messages in a more clear manner.
  18. Informative
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Forest in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    Allow me to make a public apology. My post was not very well worded, as I should have stated that we were discussing the possibility of Vector being unbanned. The way I wrote it, it made it seem as if we had decided that Vector was indeed returning. That was in bad wording on my part. Sorry to have put that connotation on you.
    I also want to apologize for only receiving half of the truth. I WAS under the assumption that a few of the CLs (None in particular really, just a few of you) were in support of unbanning Vector. It was only until later when I re-read through the entire conversation that I realized that nowhere was it proposed to unban him completely. I allowed myself to jump to that conclusion due to the hot passions that were heavy last night in the Teamspeak channel. So, to you and the other @Community Leaders, I do apologize for having that be conveyed.
    You guys rock at what you do. I know our voices are not unheard. I know you all have the best intentions in mind when making these huge decisions. I don't want to step on toes or make it perceived that I believe you guys are doing anything ill for the group. I believe the exact opposite.
    The threats of people leaving the clan due to Vector's unbanning, I believe, were also probably in part to the misconception that we were deliberating completely unbanning Vector and having him return immediately. You can probably understand how that might make a few people upset. But, I think that better understanding on our parts would have helped avoid that miscommunication.
    So, to you all, I apologize. I will be diligent and more attentive in these future discussions, and work towards conveying my messages in a more clear manner.
  19. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Goblin in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    I personally am caught in between a rock and a hard place in this dilemma.
    On one hand, I once considered Vector a friend. Like others, I have seen his declining attitude and demeanor, but he has never really done anything to me PERSONALLY that would make me want to never speak to him again. I do see how his mannerisms are hurtful and toxic, so I understand the outcry to keep him banned. I feel that it's for the better of the clan that he stays banned, but at the same time, I don't want to be the guy to make that decision. Luckily for me, I don't seem to be alone in feeling this way.
    Also, I'm stuck in the position that if Vector DOES get unbanned, practically ALL of the people I call friends in this clan will leave. Where would that leave me? Being one of the only higher-up staff that remains after a mass walk-out? Can't say that sounds too appeasing to me, to be completely honest.
    If I had to make the choice, I'd say to keep him Permanently banned from all servers and services, then in a couple of months, unban him from forums to give him a chance to make a new Member Request. IF he can prove he has changed, that is.
  20. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Haruka in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    I personally am caught in between a rock and a hard place in this dilemma.
    On one hand, I once considered Vector a friend. Like others, I have seen his declining attitude and demeanor, but he has never really done anything to me PERSONALLY that would make me want to never speak to him again. I do see how his mannerisms are hurtful and toxic, so I understand the outcry to keep him banned. I feel that it's for the better of the clan that he stays banned, but at the same time, I don't want to be the guy to make that decision. Luckily for me, I don't seem to be alone in feeling this way.
    Also, I'm stuck in the position that if Vector DOES get unbanned, practically ALL of the people I call friends in this clan will leave. Where would that leave me? Being one of the only higher-up staff that remains after a mass walk-out? Can't say that sounds too appeasing to me, to be completely honest.
    If I had to make the choice, I'd say to keep him Permanently banned from all servers and services, then in a couple of months, unban him from forums to give him a chance to make a new Member Request. IF he can prove he has changed, that is.
  21. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Flareon in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    Before anyone gets all up-in-arms about me doing this, I have the approval from our fearless leader.

    As many of you have already heard, there are rumors floating around about Vector possibly being unbanned from all xG servers and services. I am here to put those rumors to rest. Those rumors are all true. We are currently working to find a suitable solution to this scenario.
    SOME of the CLs believe that Vector was unjustly banned because he has only received a single forum warning for his actions. They feel that his Permanent Ban was too harsh of a move. They think that it is unfair that he was banned and does not receive a chance to submit a Ban Protest.
    So, when the word got out that he was being unbanned, MANY MEMBERS have openly stated that they would leave the clan if he is indeed unbanned and makes a return. The number of members and staff is impressively high.
    So, Silence requested a poll be made so the community could voice their opinion. Should we unban Vector, or keep him away? Is his presence good or bad for the whole of xG?
    Please voice your opinion by voting. Also, leave any comments (In a respectful way) below. I'll have it know that I will not tolerate this thread turning into a shitstorm. Any disrespectful comments will be removed and your forum account will receive a ban for an undisclosed amount of time Thank you.
  22. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Kypari - Team Fortress 2   
  23. Winner
    Scootaloo reacted to realBelloWaldi in Kypari - Team Fortress 2   
    I have the ultimate solution.
    [spoiler=Only click this if you're Kypari]
    [spoiler=Only click this if you're Rabid/ASock]
  24. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Haruka in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    Wasting your 1000th post makes me cry inside. Right @Hachi?
  25. Informative
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Forest in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    It makes me all warm and giddy to see that nobody really seems to have any issues with me. That's good, I suppose.
    I, on the flip side, don't really have any issues with any of you either. Always been pretty straightforward with my problems if they ever popped up. I'm one of those personalities that knows when shit needs to be done, and is quick to please once I'm sure everything that NEEDS to be handled has been handled.
    If I were to come up with an issue that I do currently have, I think it's with moderation as a whole. There are times when we can assess a situation on a server and let things just play out while everyone is being dumb and having fun. Such examples are when a server is full of xG members and we are just having a hayday, being stupid and annoying and just basically having a good time with one another. HOWEVER, while we have been known to get a bit carried away, I think we need to learn when we've hit our limit. Sure, it's important to have fun with each other on the servers, but we also must maintain a level of professionalism and control. At the end of the day, our staff isn't here to have fun, but to ensure the server rules are being administered so our patrons are having fun.
    My number one goal as of now is to ensure that ALL of our staff know the ins and outs of our rules and can correctly enforce those rules when the time comes to enforce them. I don't necessarily want to turn into a rules Nazi, but I do want our staff to be able to discern the difference between subtle nuances that are coming about from everyone having a good time and people who are actually breaking the rules.
    The biggest instance that comes to mind is the recent events that perspired that involved Moosty and myself in the TGH servers. Moosty was allowing light mic spam and another member basically jumped down his throat for it. Should Moosty have asked the rule breakers to stop? Yes. (And he did.) But from another user's point of view, it had gone on for far too long and he wasn't happy about the length of time that it took Moosty to act upon the offenders.
    It's stuff like this that I want to mainly focus on. Not necessarily being the "No Fun Allowed" clan, but knowing the times when the rules should be rigorously enforced and when it's okay to slack a little. We definitely don't want to be so extreme one direction over the other, but we definitely do need to be able to put our foots down when necessary.
    That's all I got. You guys are great. Thanks for keeping things so civil.