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  1. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Goblins in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    Goblins has very valid points. Individuals with quick temperments are not typically a good mix with higher responsibilities.
    That being said, I think that we should coach Egossi on his attitudes and dealing with conflict. Maybe set him on a course to become DM if he can prove that he can handle his outbursts.
    I'd hate to pass up an opportunity like this without doing some sort of process to improve his faults. You know what I mean? =)
  2. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    Goblins has very valid points. Individuals with quick temperments are not typically a good mix with higher responsibilities.
    That being said, I think that we should coach Egossi on his attitudes and dealing with conflict. Maybe set him on a course to become DM if he can prove that he can handle his outbursts.
    I'd hate to pass up an opportunity like this without doing some sort of process to improve his faults. You know what I mean? =)
  3. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Tf2 Promo/demo Discussion Thread   
    Egossi has definitely shown that he is capable of handling himself in a much better manner. He has also been here for quite a long time.
    From what I can tell, he knows his stuff pretty good, but I'd want to make sure everyone on the staff is alright with him before making him DM.
    I'm cool with it, but you gotta sell everyone else on it, Bello. =3
  4. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from LucehMcellion in Remove Cyberpunk_2_2 Poll Leave Or Stay Edition Only For Gameboy Color   
    Not gonna lie, but I'm not liking the "Let's remove all of the TGH maps I dislike" tirade ever since edventures got the axe.
    There's nothing wrong with cyberpunk. There's nothing wrong with echidna. They're both staples of our server. If you dislike either map, nominate something else when rotation happens or try playing on a different server while the map is active.
    My two cents. Thread will stay open until tomorrow, but I doubt there's going to be an avalanche of support to remove cyberpunk. The early results already show something like 75% of people want to keep it.
  5. Disagree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Hushpuppy in Remove Cyberpunk_2_2 Poll Leave Or Stay Edition Only For Gameboy Color   
    Well, I mean....not for two weeks it won't. I'm fine with keeping it open for the duration of the poll, but not if the duration is THAT long. I'll allow it to stay open if it's shortened to no longer than a week. It's honestly not necessary, and honestly isn't any of the players' concern how we manage the server. (Don't freak at this comment, just read on below for more.)

    1. I don't exactly know why you'd dislike me giving my input, considering CM opinions go a LONG way on server decisions. It isn't something to get bent out of shape about. C'mon.
    2. While I will agree with you about people having good reasons for disliking the map, I will disagree with you about those reasons being good reasons to be removed. There have been many people already who have commented on ways to avoid the issues they have with CyberPunk. Music slider and avoiding the disco room, etc etc. I know Moosty has the point about people with extrasensory issues, but then again, and I mean no disrespect to Moosty or his gripes, but maybe people with extrasensory issues shouldn't be playing fast-paced video games if they are being set off by flashing lights.
    3. This issue has been danced around already in the past. People bitched about Cyberpunk, it was removed, and even MORE people bitched that it was gone. This is history literally repeating itself.

    This is honestly my biggest issue with your post. It is worded to make it sound like I don't have the community's opinion in mind and that I'm just trying to strong-arm my way. That's not what's happening. The first, major thing I want to address is that for whatever reason, the TF2 division has taken to the community's OPINIONS when it comes to map removals. That has NEVER been how it worked in the past. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you are not allowed to seek out the community's input, but I will tell you that I feel it is inappropriate to set the precedent that if people start polls and express dislike in a map in this forum, that the map could potentially be removed, especially when it isn't due to inherent flaws with the map, such as crashes or glitches, but instead due to preference. That's not a sound reason to remove a map.
    That is a STAFF responsibility, not a community one. It never has been and never should be a community issue. If we start asking for our community to make the decisions about maps on our servers, eventually people will find reasons to nit-pick everything we host into oblivion until there's nothing left. When I was DL over the TF2 division, these actions would have NEVER been allowed. I have no idea how it's being allowed now, but it isn't sitting right with me.
    If our members have issues with maps, it's okay to make threads to discuss reasons why they don't like a map, but they need to be addressing the division heads to express their concern, and these issues need to be discussed in the staff forums, not here in the public. I mean, this isn't even a forum for expressing dislike for a map just because you don't like it. It's a map request forum. How did it turn into this? I mean, most of the removal requests have logistical reasons to remove maps. This one...it has annoying music and flashing lights? There's nothing wrong with Cyberpunk. >.>
    I know you mean no beef with me over this, and I hope you understand I mean no beef with you with my reply. I simply want to give you a bit of perspective on what I am seeing, as the Community Manager. It's my job to take community issues and sort them out, for the entirety of the clan. TGH, whether you know it or not, is probably one of our most populated servers, and I can't simply sit idle as people begin voicing their concerns on this forum with the expectation that a map gets nixed. Sorry, but that isn't how it works.
    So, to meet you halfway, I won't shut down the thread, but I do request that the duration of the poll is lowered. The Edventures vote amassed something like 23 total votes. We're almost there. After the week is up, thread is to be closed and the results need to be taken into consideration, but the ultimate decision needs to be discussed in the staff forums.
    And from here on out, I would also request that users refrain from posting these kind of threads in the Map Request forum in the future. If necessary, we can make a separate forum for addressing issues with existing maps, but ever since this was added, it seems to be filled with requests to remove maps. That's kind of the opposite of what we were going for. We can't satisfy everyone. XD
    This is a forum for posting potential new maps, not for rioting to have maps removed. Let's follow the same protocol that has always been in place and start directing these ill feelings from our regulars to the division leaders, who can then discuss those issues in the staff forum.
    Is that a fair enough request of me? (I wrote up a pretty heated reply, took 30 minutes, reread, and decided to write this one instead. Hopefully it didn't come off too dickish. =/)
  6. Drunk
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Remove Cyberpunk_2_2 Poll Leave Or Stay Edition Only For Gameboy Color   
    Well, I mean....not for two weeks it won't. I'm fine with keeping it open for the duration of the poll, but not if the duration is THAT long. I'll allow it to stay open if it's shortened to no longer than a week. It's honestly not necessary, and honestly isn't any of the players' concern how we manage the server. (Don't freak at this comment, just read on below for more.)

    1. I don't exactly know why you'd dislike me giving my input, considering CM opinions go a LONG way on server decisions. It isn't something to get bent out of shape about. C'mon.
    2. While I will agree with you about people having good reasons for disliking the map, I will disagree with you about those reasons being good reasons to be removed. There have been many people already who have commented on ways to avoid the issues they have with CyberPunk. Music slider and avoiding the disco room, etc etc. I know Moosty has the point about people with extrasensory issues, but then again, and I mean no disrespect to Moosty or his gripes, but maybe people with extrasensory issues shouldn't be playing fast-paced video games if they are being set off by flashing lights.
    3. This issue has been danced around already in the past. People bitched about Cyberpunk, it was removed, and even MORE people bitched that it was gone. This is history literally repeating itself.

    This is honestly my biggest issue with your post. It is worded to make it sound like I don't have the community's opinion in mind and that I'm just trying to strong-arm my way. That's not what's happening. The first, major thing I want to address is that for whatever reason, the TF2 division has taken to the community's OPINIONS when it comes to map removals. That has NEVER been how it worked in the past. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you are not allowed to seek out the community's input, but I will tell you that I feel it is inappropriate to set the precedent that if people start polls and express dislike in a map in this forum, that the map could potentially be removed, especially when it isn't due to inherent flaws with the map, such as crashes or glitches, but instead due to preference. That's not a sound reason to remove a map.
    That is a STAFF responsibility, not a community one. It never has been and never should be a community issue. If we start asking for our community to make the decisions about maps on our servers, eventually people will find reasons to nit-pick everything we host into oblivion until there's nothing left. When I was DL over the TF2 division, these actions would have NEVER been allowed. I have no idea how it's being allowed now, but it isn't sitting right with me.
    If our members have issues with maps, it's okay to make threads to discuss reasons why they don't like a map, but they need to be addressing the division heads to express their concern, and these issues need to be discussed in the staff forums, not here in the public. I mean, this isn't even a forum for expressing dislike for a map just because you don't like it. It's a map request forum. How did it turn into this? I mean, most of the removal requests have logistical reasons to remove maps. This one...it has annoying music and flashing lights? There's nothing wrong with Cyberpunk. >.>
    I know you mean no beef with me over this, and I hope you understand I mean no beef with you with my reply. I simply want to give you a bit of perspective on what I am seeing, as the Community Manager. It's my job to take community issues and sort them out, for the entirety of the clan. TGH, whether you know it or not, is probably one of our most populated servers, and I can't simply sit idle as people begin voicing their concerns on this forum with the expectation that a map gets nixed. Sorry, but that isn't how it works.
    So, to meet you halfway, I won't shut down the thread, but I do request that the duration of the poll is lowered. The Edventures vote amassed something like 23 total votes. We're almost there. After the week is up, thread is to be closed and the results need to be taken into consideration, but the ultimate decision needs to be discussed in the staff forums.
    And from here on out, I would also request that users refrain from posting these kind of threads in the Map Request forum in the future. If necessary, we can make a separate forum for addressing issues with existing maps, but ever since this was added, it seems to be filled with requests to remove maps. That's kind of the opposite of what we were going for. We can't satisfy everyone. XD
    This is a forum for posting potential new maps, not for rioting to have maps removed. Let's follow the same protocol that has always been in place and start directing these ill feelings from our regulars to the division leaders, who can then discuss those issues in the staff forum.
    Is that a fair enough request of me? (I wrote up a pretty heated reply, took 30 minutes, reread, and decided to write this one instead. Hopefully it didn't come off too dickish. =/)
  7. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Aczel in Remove Cyberpunk_2_2 Poll Leave Or Stay Edition Only For Gameboy Color   
    Not gonna lie, but I'm not liking the "Let's remove all of the TGH maps I dislike" tirade ever since edventures got the axe.
    There's nothing wrong with cyberpunk. There's nothing wrong with echidna. They're both staples of our server. If you dislike either map, nominate something else when rotation happens or try playing on a different server while the map is active.
    My two cents. Thread will stay open until tomorrow, but I doubt there's going to be an avalanche of support to remove cyberpunk. The early results already show something like 75% of people want to keep it.
  8. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Remove Cyberpunk_2_2 Poll Leave Or Stay Edition Only For Gameboy Color   
    Not gonna lie, but I'm not liking the "Let's remove all of the TGH maps I dislike" tirade ever since edventures got the axe.
    There's nothing wrong with cyberpunk. There's nothing wrong with echidna. They're both staples of our server. If you dislike either map, nominate something else when rotation happens or try playing on a different server while the map is active.
    My two cents. Thread will stay open until tomorrow, but I doubt there's going to be an avalanche of support to remove cyberpunk. The early results already show something like 75% of people want to keep it.
  9. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Aegean in Remove Cyberpunk_2_2 Poll Leave Or Stay Edition Only For Gameboy Color   
    Not gonna lie, but I'm not liking the "Let's remove all of the TGH maps I dislike" tirade ever since edventures got the axe.
    There's nothing wrong with cyberpunk. There's nothing wrong with echidna. They're both staples of our server. If you dislike either map, nominate something else when rotation happens or try playing on a different server while the map is active.
    My two cents. Thread will stay open until tomorrow, but I doubt there's going to be an avalanche of support to remove cyberpunk. The early results already show something like 75% of people want to keep it.
  10. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Reptile in Remove Cyberpunk_2_2 Poll Leave Or Stay Edition Only For Gameboy Color   
    Not gonna lie, but I'm not liking the "Let's remove all of the TGH maps I dislike" tirade ever since edventures got the axe.
    There's nothing wrong with cyberpunk. There's nothing wrong with echidna. They're both staples of our server. If you dislike either map, nominate something else when rotation happens or try playing on a different server while the map is active.
    My two cents. Thread will stay open until tomorrow, but I doubt there's going to be an avalanche of support to remove cyberpunk. The early results already show something like 75% of people want to keep it.
  11. Agree
    Scootaloo reacted to Reptile in Remove Cyberpunk_2_2 Poll Leave Or Stay Edition Only For Gameboy Color   
    The map still contains a large portion of video game, even if the Spongebob area is the centerpiece. Plus, that map is well liked by a fair amount of people too.
  12. Agree
    Scootaloo reacted to Goblins in Remove Cyberpunk_2_2 Poll Leave Or Stay Edition Only For Gameboy Color   
    That's not really a legit reason to try and remove the map..
  13. Agree
    Scootaloo reacted to Reptile in Remove Cyberpunk_2_2 Poll Leave Or Stay Edition Only For Gameboy Color   
    -1 I'm afraid. It was removed once before and then re-added because it was wanted, and while it isn't fully video games it still contains bits and pieces or references unlike Edventures. Also unlike Edventures it does have a pretty large amount of people who still like the map, while Edventures only had a handful of people who liked it or wanted it back (like 3 or 4 people vocal about it anyways and it's hardly brought up anymore.) Personally I'm not bothered by it either, I usually keep the music slider down anyways and try to advocate others to do the same if the music spam bugs them, but I'm usually met with resistance on that front for one reason or another just like when I tell people to mute someone else if they don't like them or such. I think the only map I might be bugged by at all is Delfino but that's just my own dislike of maps that are way too flat and open and even then I'm fine with that map being around. Sorry.
    Just copy pasting myself from the other thread really since this is the more official one.
  14. Boring
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Egossi in Time For Me To Get Outta Dodge...it's Been A Long Time Coming, Actually.   
    This has been in the works for a while, and I'm sorry if it upsets any of you, especially because I consider SO MANY of you to be such close friends.
    But alas, the time has come for me to leave. Personal life calls, y'all.
    Literally. I'm leaving. For the Labor Day Weekend. Car is packed. Kids are antsy. Wife is breathing over my shoulder. Time to go spend the next four days in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, drinking my cares away and enjoying time with my family.
    AKA, NOT stepping down, just taking a short vacation.
    I'll probably be back Monday.
  15. Like
  16. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Thorax_ in Time For Me To Get Outta Dodge...it's Been A Long Time Coming, Actually.   
    I mean, if you want. But do you think I'll follow that one? =p
  17. Boring
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Time For Me To Get Outta Dodge...it's Been A Long Time Coming, Actually.   
    This has been in the works for a while, and I'm sorry if it upsets any of you, especially because I consider SO MANY of you to be such close friends.
    But alas, the time has come for me to leave. Personal life calls, y'all.
    Literally. I'm leaving. For the Labor Day Weekend. Car is packed. Kids are antsy. Wife is breathing over my shoulder. Time to go spend the next four days in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, drinking my cares away and enjoying time with my family.
    AKA, NOT stepping down, just taking a short vacation.
    I'll probably be back Monday.
  18. Like
    Scootaloo reacted to Kadeshi in Time For Me To Get Outta Dodge...it's Been A Long Time Coming, Actually.   
    have a good time scoot
  19. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from LAN_Megalodon in We Gotta Purge The Tgh Map List.   
    I nominate 24/7 Walmart server instead of TGH. Then everyone can just be miserable all the time.
  20. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Tomahawk in We Gotta Purge The Tgh Map List.   
    I nominate 24/7 Walmart server instead of TGH. Then everyone can just be miserable all the time.
  21. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Reptile in We Gotta Purge The Tgh Map List.   
    I nominate 24/7 Walmart server instead of TGH. Then everyone can just be miserable all the time.
  22. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Shadower in We Gotta Purge The Tgh Map List.   
    I nominate 24/7 Walmart server instead of TGH. Then everyone can just be miserable all the time.
  23. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Tomahawk in Remove Trade _edventures_v2   
    To piggyback on Bello's removal of the map, I'd just like to clarify the following:
    trade_edventures is not being completely removed from the server, just from rotation. This means the map can no longer be voted on or selected by the regular players. Admins+ can still change the map to edventures, but must first secure a 70%+ vote to do so, just like koth_wubwubwub and koth_trainsawlaser.
    Since there's such an outcry against the map, it only seems logical to ensure it can't be voted for anymore. That is all. =)
  24. Dislike
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Hype in Remove Trade _edventures_v2   
    To piggyback on Bello's removal of the map, I'd just like to clarify the following:
    trade_edventures is not being completely removed from the server, just from rotation. This means the map can no longer be voted on or selected by the regular players. Admins+ can still change the map to edventures, but must first secure a 70%+ vote to do so, just like koth_wubwubwub and koth_trainsawlaser.
    Since there's such an outcry against the map, it only seems logical to ensure it can't be voted for anymore. That is all. =)
  25. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Aczel in Remove Trade _edventures_v2   
    To piggyback on Bello's removal of the map, I'd just like to clarify the following:
    trade_edventures is not being completely removed from the server, just from rotation. This means the map can no longer be voted on or selected by the regular players. Admins+ can still change the map to edventures, but must first secure a 70%+ vote to do so, just like koth_wubwubwub and koth_trainsawlaser.
    Since there's such an outcry against the map, it only seems logical to ensure it can't be voted for anymore. That is all. =)