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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. There was 16 people on tgh at midnight EST (there were 7 when I joined) and we've been having red team go for the boats on delfino while blu goes pyroshark to knock them off for like the last two hours. This is what I've been missing I totally made the right choice.


    Tonight on tf2 was actually fun :)

  2. So I'm going to step down from staff. I've been playing on the servers for three years. A year and a half of those I was staff. And the past 8 months I've been a DM. Honestly I got farther than I ever thought I would, or than most even get close too. I'm glad I got to play a major role in the tf2 division for so long and I'm super proud of a lot of the changes and decisions I've been a part of. While I was staff this place has definitely changed for the better, especially recently and I'm really glad to see that.


    Honestly though, I never had as much fun on the servers as I did before I was staff, When there were no responsibilities. I feel like being obligated to be on TeamSpeak all the time and all the responsibilities you're expected to do, especially as DM, for free has just made me a bitter and more closed off person on the servers. I grew to love these servers because of just interacting with people and BSing without having to take anything seriously. @Bach, @metalslug53 and I used to just spend eight hours a day on clocktown. 5 or 6 days a week. And it never got boring, because we were just screwing around with no alterior concerns, going with the flow of whoever came on and whatever they wanted to do. That's the kind of shit I grew to love xG for. And being staff disconnects you from that.


    I've done everything I could have ever wanted to as staff, and this place has improved in small part because of me in the last year and a half. I came here for the fun not to have a huge E-dick and a rank and power. I think it's time I go back to what made me love this place to begin with. I'm just going to play on the servers for fun, when I want, as a member of xG and nothing more.




    ...I'm actually really looking forward to it c:



    Argle Pargle bitches.

  3. So it sounds like you're basically expecting Liekos to keep up the forums himself with only a little bit of help every once in a while. Plus things have been way picking up since we lowered the age limit. Plus he's expected to just start getting super forum active now. I don't know all the details but from this it kind of seems like Liekos is getting set up to fail.