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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. And I haven't done one of these in a while so I'll do one. (Don't expect me to go shirtless like @Vector though I'm nowhere near that fine.) Plus, I've been losing a ton of weight. I peaked at probably 317 (I'm like 6'0/6'1 for reference) and I've dropped down to the mid to low 250 range which is where I was when I was still a Discus thrower. The change from my ice bucket challenge to now is insane and that wasn't even my heaviest.... still over 300 though.




  2. As someone who's played quite a bit with Kiriy I think this might all be being blown out of proportion. He hasn't been playing on the server for very long, and I really don't doubt him being confused by the things he's said he's been confused by. I haven't had any problems with him and he's by and large added the fun to the server when he's been on, which is quite a lot. I guess all I can say is that I give Kiriy the benefit of the doubt for being new but super active and while Goblin isn't in the wrong here, I can see how things not being explained past a warning could be irritating seeing as he honestly wouldn't know why this happened. Nothing should happen to either party, Kiriy should read all the rules, and then he should apply for membership c:

  3. Did you both apply for staff? Cause I'm talking about the staff application rules

    I've never donated (except for custom title) and I got promoted through a staff submission. That could also be favoritism or oversight or nobody really caring about the rule or any mix of of the three but it happened.

  4. I've been loving overwatch. Played mostly mei during open beta weekend but I've stopped being "that" scrub. I'm really loving zarya, she's like a heavy with alt fire pipes and shields. D.va is flanky/danky/stanky and you can just show up out of nowhere and wreck shit. Basic I've all them tanks are my shit. I've even been having a ton of fun supporting. Zenyatta (pls buff) is fun, good mechanics, way too squishy (I got the Ra skin though so ayyyy). Lucio is great for me, As long as I keep my songs playing I can help while either lost/fucking off or if I actually want to try the way he controls the pace is great, and his heal is actually powerful. Mercy is a german battle medic blizzard you aint slick. Basically I'm all about the supports and the tanks. Plus anyone who has 1k hours+ in tf2 can be a sufficient pharah so I've had some good games with her.




    Add me, touch me, queue with me Moosty#1894

  5. Tf2 will have servers online, somewhere somehow when I'm 90 I'd honestly give that a 50% chance. It's so easy to host your own server and it's just a supremely accessible game. Plus Overwatch isn't on steam. 8 year old f2ps don't have battle.net accounts tf2 the game will be fine. It's probably RIP what's left of comp tf2 though with all the people that have already left for the paychecks unless valve just starts pumping money into hosting tourneys. And if matchmaking ends up sucking that's basically a wrap on comp tf2

  6. They do play differently I can't say otherwise, but the concept is the same, the buildings are shaped differently and there are tighter spaces here and there, different indoors, but the main idea is the same, no new additions other than different indoors.



    No, I mean people think the rotation will and always will be the same as it is right now, and can not be changed, besides I would love a 24/7 Goldenrod, not everyone would, although I wouldn't mind if there's another map, it wouldn't be 24/7 Goldenrod, but at least when the server restarts it goes back to Goldenrod, so like Goldenrod is the default map, sure another map would not be a disappointment, unless the trees are the same as Ecruteak's, in that case I'd rather stick with Goldenrod.

    This is all irrelevant now because COLD UPDATED HIS GOLDENROD TODAY FAM



    Goldenrod City Revamp



    HURRY UP AND UPDATE TO THE NEW VERSION HOES @Rejects @Scootaloo @BelloWaldi @kbraszzz @Goblins

  7. So, you think having different versions of the same map is "up to par with the rest"?

    Yeah people still come to the server, for the map or something else I do not really know, but most people do not really care for the maps, perhaps because they think they're meant to stay and that's how the server works, not the regulars though.


    It is just my opinion after all, whether or not it is wrong or right, I am just stating my opinion on the subject, and I think a new map should be added rather than have 2 of the same map but different versions.

    They're both finished, polished maps that play differently and have differences so yes I totes do. Plus goldenrod v2 and ecruteak were made for us by a member of the community, so once he got them finished enough we added them.


    and it sounds like you think the people want 24/7 goldenrod, "perhaps because they think they're meant to stay and that's how the server works", I would be SO DOWN

  8. Wow I never thought a staff would go as far as to make a thread changing the map rotation, I am so glad someone did; the new Goldenrod is really bad and Ecruteak isn't enough, I don't know what "pkmn saffroncity b3 (Team Fortress 2)" is but, anything that isn't a remake of a map that's in the rotation is good, not necessarily good but a change is for the best.

    nah, whether you enjoy the pokemon map rotation we have or not, all of the maps in it are, finished products, with the polish and everything. we have a much higher level of map in our pokemon rotation than say, TGH. adding a map that is nowhere near up to par with the rest, for the sole reason of "we don't have enough" is dumb. if the maps on the server were bad, you wouldn't be dumping so much time into them, which people will continue to do whether we add more maps or not. had we had low quality maps on the server since the beginning, we wouldn't have the population we do now.

  9. We've tested it before. The only area with correct proportions is the tower, which is also the only enterable building. The main area of the city is much smaller than it should be, proportions and area wise. This is an objectively shitty map. We don't need more maps, we need good maps. In zero ways is this a good map. All of my -1 holy shit toma did you even test this or just link the first pokemon map you saw on gamebanana?

  10. and the reason freezeezy is on here isn't because it crashes the server, it doesn't. it's not the low grav, because people don't complain as much as they do on click clock. it's not just your character moving awkwardly, the whole server get's stuttery, way more than just the character stuttering a bit with low grav on clickclock. play clickclock with 20+ and then play freezeezy with 20+ one is clearly optimized, the other clearly isn't. I don't doubt it tested fine but testing it doesn't mean it will run the same way when the servers working it's hardest. because it demonstrably doesn't run as well as clickclock.

  11. So, to address each map individually, here are my responses:


    1. Mumbo's Mountain: The complaint lodged is that it "looks weird"? I don't understand this one. It was literally ported from the N64 rom. That's how it always looked. Then it's claimed that we have "Better Banjo Kazooie Maps" yet one of the two other maps is also on the chopping block. Are we honestly just going to keep ONLY Rusty Bucket Bay? T.T


    2. Freezeezy peak: See above. AFAIK Freezeezy has never caused a server crash. Many people are quick to dislike it because of the low gravity, but the map doesn't really have any huge issues.


    3. Rainbow Palace: Bomberman 64 was a huge N64 game. It has a giant cult following and is very iconic. The map is the same, but I can understand wanting to nix it. The free falling for ages is daunting. If I had to agree with any to be removed, this is probably it.


    4. Blood Gulch: Calling to remove Blood Gulch but not Delfino Airstrip? .............. C'mon. Halo was arguably WAAAY more popular than Super Mario Sunshine was, and probably way more impactful too. But both are sniper camp-fests. So why is one okay but not the other?


    5. Aperture Science: I actually agree on this one. Another that I would be okay with removing.


    6. Inkopolis: I'm iffy on Inkopolis. It's very well designed, but the spawncamping is becoming a real issue, similar to the bodyblocking problems we had with Rogueport. It seems like half of the time we go there, I have to get onto someone for Spawncamping the tele out.


    On one hand it's a beautiful map, on the other there are design flaws. I'm impartial to removing this one. I can do it if everyone decides to nix it, but it seems pretty popular.


    7. Morbias: I completely forgot we added this one. I did it one evening with every intention of removing it after an hour. My bad. Add it to the block.


    8. Hyrule Castle (wind waker): AFAIK, again, no issues with the server crashing while on the Castle. It's a great design and the only issue is the broken teleport, which REALLY doesn't change much. It's very often rolled to, so I am not sure killing it is the best.


    9. SCP: People love this map. They hate getting camped. But that's what !friendly is for. I say people can suck it up and use the plugin if they don't want to be camped and we keep it until there is literally no desire to ever go there, which doesn't seem like it will happen soon.




    So, my tl;dr version is this: Nix Rainbow Palace, Aperture Science, Inkopolis (Maybe, depends on you guys) and Morbias. I'm okay with these cuts. The rest, I honestly think they need to stay because they are at least semi-popular.

    we actually have four banjo maps. freezeezy, click clock, rusty bucket, and mumbo's. im suggesting to remove two


    Mate blood gulch isn't finished and has bad proportions. airstrip is finished and doesn't. please you know they aren't comparable.


    legit, it happened today, people only roll to hyrule castle because they think it's OoT hyrule. a troll convinced the server that it was and laughed in their face after they switched.


    homie when I said the words "what map should we remove" on a server of 24, 8 people in quick succession in the chat "oh god scp plz" it isn't well liked

  12. Why are people voting to go to a specific place if the map is broken/horrible? I honestly don't understand it


    not really related to the thread, but as for this, it's trolls. people who know the maps are bad, yet purposely nominate them first so they can trick newbs into hitting 1, then laugh at them when they realize they chose a laggy map. they did it 100% to ruin the experience for others. and if we have maps that can ruin the experience for players, why?

  13. Just gonna say that we have over 30 maps, do we really need that many? if we remove all of these, we'll still have over twenty and all of them will be good. the server was at it's peak at two seperate times while I've been here, one we had 1-3 maps, the other time we had 9-12. we can have a lot of maps but we need a standard of excellence. more maps doesn't mean the server is better.