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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. No Meme Mike Brannigan, an Autistic 20 year old Runner, a sub 4 Miler, was The best Miler and 5k Runner in the state of New York in High school. He took top 10 at XC Nationals and third in a "Dream Mile" of the best Milers in high school in North America. The two runners who beat him, by barely a second, are already pro. He's fast enough to run in the Real Olympics and probably will. He was academically ineligible to compete at the NCAA level but is still improving on his times at a community college, decimating every JUCO record ever.


    But the autistic kid coming into the fourth quarter of a basketball game thats already over and scoring a basket is a national feel hood story.


    I'm not salty



  2. Hey so I've been looking into the IEM Oakland CS:GO tournament this November at Oracle Arena where the Warriors play. Considering it's only an eight hour drive for me and 40$ for admittance to both days, I'm looking pretty heavily into going. The five teams announced already of the 12 that are going are SK, Liquid, VP, Astralis, and NiP. So it's going to actually be a pretty legit tournament.




    So as far as a meetup goes, I have a comfy as shit Buick Regal grandma car with Leather seats and Hella Room for Five. And I'll be driving anyway. I think I'm the only Oregonian nerd here but if a Norcal nerd, or even someone a few hours out of the way wanted to carpool I'd be down to pick you up. Or even if we didn't share rides it's a cheap tournament we could book hotels as a group. Something could definitely be figured out here.



    Or nobody wants to join me, in which case I'll shell out the 135 on a premium ticket and be one of the dudes chilling at the bar during the VIP lounge B roll shots on Twitch. No Shame.

  3. The red spawn on this map is really not good, it's literally fenced in.


    I gotta be petty even Though I agree with you and say this is kind of a BS reason. we have maps with objectively worse spawns. The protection works and it's nowhere near as campable as blu spawn on clocktown or Rusty Bucket. But people don't complain about those because camping is fun.


    I'm gonna -1, but only because it isn't gaming history related and I have no idea why it was ever added in the first place. and for no other reason.


    I love the map, the sounds, the color scheme, and the memes. I even liked it without +use disabled. The amount of people who like the map and sounds are a lot more even than this poll would suggest, the players who enjoy it just don't come on forums.


    I see Edventures the same way I see frantic, abstract, and cyberpunk. A well made map, with lots of amazing custom stuff and secrets, that you can interact with in so many ways. But people get so angry on both sides when the map doesn't do exactly what they want, or people switch songs, or close the boxing ring, or even just play a song. This leads to just more malicious spamming and trolling. I don't think the population of our Trade severs have ever proven ourselves to be mature enough to handle a map with so many custom options without constant conflict. And staff just get overwhelmed and don't want to deal with the minutia of moderating with all of that going on at once and just tend to want the map gone. We should remove the map, and be careful about maps that have a lot of user end bells and whistles


    Tl;dr remove the map, it isnt gaming related. And from now on stop adding maps with so much you can manipulate/customize on the user end (+use,buttons, etc) because we've never been mature enough to handle them and they have only ever caused problems.

  4. +1 can confirm I dealt with this all day. I only saw the git gud and lenny stuff and some blocking while I was one but trust the logs and honestly wouldn't have doubted him using slurs had I just been told. He wouldn't spam the binds but was generally toxic and made the server a noticeably worse place to be.

  5. I guess I'm just numb to it now but ratings are ratings. Even if they're negative. They don't mean anything. I can never tell if people are more passive aggressive about giving or getting ratings but both are just wasting time.


    As for the the app +1. Snowy cares about xG and wants to improve it. And she's knowledgeable about the rules. And more than active enough. I don't see enough negative to cancel that out.

  6. Alright I finally got back to this. For context I'm an Autistic Person, and have previously been affiliated with a national Autistic Advocacy Organization. I've also done a bit of Lobbying in D.C. against a bill that would have given parents access to tracking their Autistic children via GPS in a way that violated the childs HIPAA privacy rights. You'll notice that I've exclusively used the word Autistic to describe myself and other Autistic people here, that was intentional. Most Autistic people prefer to be referred to that way. It's not an insult. We think logically, and it's just more correct. Autism isn't an appendage, or something I carry around with me, or something somehow separate from me being a person. It's a state of being that colors every experience and can't be turned off. So I just don't really trust a thread claiming to know what makes Autistic people more comfortable when they went beyond even the common "person with" or "has Autism" all the way to "suffers from", which is what people like me actually have much more of a problem with and want to stop. Autism isn't suffering. It's uncomfortable at times, and can put you in bad situations, but it isn't suffering. Calling it that just diminishes the positive qualities and experiences that Autistic people have and only leads to the general public pitying us rather than looking at us at equals, so let's stop with the "suffers from" talk.



    As for the thread though, I don't see it as the biggest issue and seeing as I've already explained Autistic People preferring to be called such It's obvious I'm against outright banning the word. But seeing as the one driving principle of Disability Rights movement and Autism/Neurodiversity movement is "nothing about us without us" this decision should be made largely by the people it actually affects.

  7. I'm barely going to -1. It definitely breaks some maps, and some maps we have would be more fun with objectives. And I have a lot of good memories on TGH with objectives enabled, especially on lava giant and saturn valley. The issue is RTD, which we would never get rid off. The ctf mode was broken the second someone rolled Noclip. And godmode or lucky sandwich would end any chance at a fair koth game. I know RTD is for random shit like that, and that case could be made, but having lives through it once I can say it's way more trouble than it's worth.



    Bringing back a server with custom maps not limited to gaming and points enabled like rotation history to replace one of our dead servers though, I'd +1 the shit out of that.

  8. I've been to the last three US olympic track and field trials in person and solid 45%of the top US distance runners live and train in my city (even Mo Farah does as well, for you brit nerds) so I'll be all up in the track coverage. Watching my boy Ashton Eaton, the world's greatest athlete, in the decathlon as well as Galen Rupp in the Marathon/10k and Devon Allen in the 110 High Hurdles for being the hope of white people medaling above bronze in track events and for going to the same college as me.

  9. I've lost 70 lbs so far and found an old shirt that there was a picture of me near my heaviest at, it's still kind of stretched out. I did a quick edit and had to use lame stickers to edit out my sisters because I couldn't find a draw tool on the crappy free photo editor. But here.


  10. Ayy I finally get to make my storage run and have a bed and desk again starting tomorrow. I know I've been inactive the past two weeks but that changes tomorrow. I get fully moved in and settled, and I won't be living out of a duffel bag and sleeping on the floor anymore. That means back to gaming. My steam activity is basically RIP right now but have no fear it won't stay that way. I'll be over the 20 hours server and 5 hours ts3 by next promo no problem. Thanks for believing in me and not insta demoting, good looking out fam @Goblins @Bello @Rejects and @mrnutty12 (for like 5 minutes)



    Honestly I'm so hyped to game again not being on the computer is super refreshing at first but it gets old fast.





    Just look at the setup lying in wait, longing to be completed.


    Also my roomates cat fucked up those paper towels and I hadn't noticed, damn.


  11. So gather round children and let Moosty tell you a tale of woe. My lease ended the 30th and I couldn't move into my new place until today. So I had to find a motel to stay at inbetween so I could keep my job. PROBLEM ARISES: My city is hosting the USA Olympic Track and Field trials for most of that span, so finding any kind of halfway decent hotel became impossible. This leads me to the Welcome INN. Literally the kind of place you can pay for by the hour, if you catch my drift. For the past ten days I've had to stay here, and it's been real shitty. It wasn't covered in literal semen but it was disgusting. And only about a 10 by 10 room with the closet converted into a bathroom so real cramped, I had to shit sideways because if I faced forward my knees bumped the wall. And while I thought I would atleast have gaming since I braved bringing my PC, but the internet was spottier trash than Tomi Lahren's bathroom garbage bin so the only thing I could consistently do was CSGO pick em and a youtube vid if I was lucky. So glad to be out of that dump. RIP the love lounge.




  12. There's lots of random shit around here. I have 2 300+ cp Tangela. I've seen psyduck. Kingler/Krabby and Exeggcute/Exeggutor. Poliswag. Pinsir and Scyther. Wild Ivysaur once even. Gonna drive around one of these days see if I can't find a ghost type or fire type.

  13. I even won a match when we had 2 minutes to cap both points on Hanamura and the other team had 7. all it took was BMing my team to go two winston, two lucio, one tracer, and one pharah and not letting a single god damn one of them let go of w. capped both with 3 seconds to spare, I had never been more proud.