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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. Title says it all. too many maps, some great, some bad, some horribly unoptimized. (not Hyrule that's it's own separate thing). here's a list of some maps I feel we should remove for the given reasons, to tidy up the map list and get rid of the bad stuff. here we go, in order I see them on the nominate list.


    1. Mumbo's Mountain: just looks not great, small and awkward to traverse, we have way better banjo kazooie maps we don't need this just cause it's there


    2. Freezeezy peak: better map, but runs absolutely horribly on a populated server


    3. Rainbow Palace: ..umm for real why though? there's no land, it's too small, and you spend all you're time there falling in an existential hell. why did we add this though. plus nobody likes it


    4. Blood Gulch: FOR REAL NOBODY LIKES THIS ONE. bland, weird proportions, gives off unfinished vibes


    5. Aperture Science: we have a strictly better and more finished portal map. this one, kinda just sucks and doesn't get played.


    6. Inkopolis: good detail, nice map, WAY too small for a server with 20+




    8. Hyrule Castle (wind waker): doesn't run the best and the teles to the cool spots are broken, RIP sword room


    9. SCP: good map but the spawns are basically hell, doesn't really get played because of it



    Those are the maps I feel like we don't need. note that these aren't maps I personally dislike, because Cyberpunk and Duketown aren't on here, those run well and get played. this list are the maps I feel are basically excess weight at this point, and I would bet the server get's better if we just straight up remove them.


    @Scootaloo @BelloWaldi @Goblins @Rejects @kbraszzz @Kypari @Vexx @Vixen @other TGH nerds

  2. Overwatch is a damn good game, And it isn't tf2. Mei isn't the pyro, zarya isn't the heavy, mercy...alright mercy is 100% the medic, only can fly and revive dead players, so it would be better, but mercy can't overheal.


    It's mechanically so different from tf2, you can tell the devs looked at tf2 as a jumping off point but they really aren't similar games. They wont threaten eachother.

  3. Mei is Bae. The ultimate character for playing like an absolute bitch. Walling off supports from their team. Flank freezing people. Charging in like a dumbass and going into the ice block in their face, then just back up and put a wall underneath you, Dank memes ready to go. So much self sustain. You can even be a worse person and just ice block yourself until your abilities recharge. 100/10 disruption class done right.

  4. The way I see it, if we aren't punishing the whiners, that's our staff not adequately doing their jobs.


    People whine because they see it as an inconvenience. You want to know the true inconvenience? Maintaining a server and providing a plugin to alleviate an issue, when we can simply ignore a secondary solution altogether and not provide a plugin and just tell the whiners "Sucks to suck." But no. They get pissy any time they have to type /friendly to prevent deaths, all because it gives their player model an opaque shading.


    frick that. I hate having to pander to the loudest of those birching. I'm going to put my foot down here and now and remind ALL of the TF2 staff that it is AGAINST THE RULES for people to be complaining about dying whilst not using the friendly plugin on our server. Our staff is to use the default warn>kick>ban process if the complaints stay up. I'm not going to be the only person in this community that upholds the rule. It's there for a reason, and if players can't take the time to type in a simple command, but can take all the time in the world to birch about dying in our servers, THAT'S the real problem here.


    The way I see it, we shouldn't have to cater to the loudest minority. We have a well established ruleset that ALL of our patrons need to follow and ALL of our staff needs to enforce. If I had it my way, the friendly plugin would be gone completely and complaints would be met with swift action, not pandering and hand-holding. But that's just me and I'm sure there's a ton of people out there would would disagree.


    I know the friendly command isn't the most functional plugin on our servers, but this isn't an issue with "I don't use it because it's bad." It's an issue of "I don't use it because I don't want to be inconvenienced." So enforce the rule, we'll work to fix the clipping issues, but spawncamp rules are staying how they are.


    That all being said, I am 100% okay with our Admin+ staff taking initiative to break camps. If a camp has been going on for a long duration (I'd say 10 minutes or longer) and it's actively affecting the flow of the server, break the darn thing. This is me empowering you to do so. If anyone complains about it, I'll have your back. But we don't need to completely rework our rules on the matter. We just need to begin reinforcing the rules already set in place.



    Well I can confirm we aren't punishing them. Whether thats not enough staff on the trade servers, or the staff on not knowing the nuances of the rules, im not sure. But either way they haven't been punishing "the whiners" in a long time if ever. My opinion is what it always was. We shouldn't punish people for not wanting to choose between not being able to leave spawn and having to use a broken plugin that will probably get them stuck anyway. If we fix /friendly then great. Otherwise we're punishing people for what are essentially 100% valid complaints and that isn't what xG should be.

  5. TF2 General MOTD


    It's not an "unspoken rule". It's been in the ruleset for a long time now. There's absolutely no spawncamping whatsoever on maps with teleport exits.




    As for the other suggested new rule, sorry, but no. If people don't want to be spawncamped, they can use the !friendly plugin. That's why it's there.

    Bruh I love you but I gotta come clean. our friendly plugin sucks and people hate it. why have we had problems with people being complaining about being killed? because our friendly plugin is awful and not a solution. We don't even punish people for whining anymore because we realized a plugin that gets you stuck whenever you bump into an enemy player wearing miscs, and makes you basically invisible, is a poorly made plugin, not a solution. weve had these problems for literal years. friendly available the entire time. I LOVE YOU BUT YOU'RE CRAY IT DOESN'T WORK AS AN EFFECTIVE SOLUTION.

  6. I agree with number one.


    Number two however I don't necessarily agree with. Staff shouldn't have to wait for people to leave. We're trying to avoid people from leaving, right? If people are spawncamping the blue team on Clocktown and you notice that no one can leave spawn for a decent amount of time, then you should step in and break the spawncamp.




    You're right, they chose to left. But I'm sure they left because the people who were spawncamping made them frustrated.

    makes sense, what do you think would be a good time, 5 minutes of nobody being able to leave?

  7. Hey so I know that spawncamping is, and will always will be allowed. we have the rule that admins+ can break it if it goes too far, but we never really specify what too far is, so I think we should try and do that, I have two major clarifications I think we should make.



    1. NO SENTRY CAMPING TELEPORTING SPAWNS (spawns you go through a teleporter to leave)

    it's just impossible to break. even with uber you cant leave spawn with it as the teleport breaks the uber chain, and the half second before you can reclick is more than enough to screw you over.



    Not only is it not fun for half the server, it negatively affects the population, which makes randoms less likely to see the server in the list, which negatively affects pinion revenue, plus more people just leave until @Vexx @Vixen and @Kitsune are alone on clocktown because the entire blue team left.



    these are common sense changes. we've already been enforcing these when possible it would just be so much better to have official clarification.


    what do you think? @BelloWaldi @Scootaloo @Rejects @Goblins

  8. Adding it surf only seems random but there isn't an issue with it. Idling just kind of seems like a non issue if people can still join and it doesn't affect the mode for others. The servers hasn't peaked at over 27 in the last week that's still five slots of leeway. I couldn't find an instance of the server being full enough to require this plugin but if the higher ups want to make a point against idling on xG servers that's your prerogative.

  9. Also I know we make jokes about nobody trading on our servers but in practice that's a lie. If this is added to the trade servers we will need enough time for both parties to chat about the trade, add everything, and go through the mobile authentication system. I'd suggest 20+ minutes.



    Also if chatting doesn't count as not being afk, literally just don't add it. That was the worst problem we had

  10. I mean it was originally removed because even editing the plug-in and cvar didn't work. Set it to whatever and it still kicked in less than a minute. This was 2013 when I was still new to the servers so it may have been updated and actually work since then but if we try it and it still kicks before you can take a piss and come back please end it like the plague.



    Also it was there because servers were full constantly and we needed a 10 min afk kick to actually have spots on the server 24 hours a day. This isn't the case anymore. I see the point for jb hale and zf but it seems unnecessary on the trade servers it's been months since I've seen a 32/32 on a trade server.

  11. Relevant to this thread, but also applying to the general population of Staff Submissions, there seems to be this misconception that the period of time between a Staff submission and the next promo/demo is sufficient activity enough. It isn't really in my place, and I'm in no position to really be talking, but do keep in mind that when referring to activity, it's activity over the course of an extended period of time both in and outside of the Staff submission taking place.


    What I mean by this is simply that someone could go hard over the course of say, a week, up until the next Promo/Demo. Activity looks promising, so he/she ends up being promoted. The problem here is that once that person has been promoted, they may no longer feel obligated to have that activity remain consistent with the time they put into the Server prior to being promoted.


    My suggestion [to any applicants] is to just play whenever you have the time to do so, don't spruce up your application with so-and-so amount of hours that you only put in to gain their (Higher-Ups) attention or otherwise wouldn't put that much effort into moderating to begin with. The only thing achieved out of putting a large amount of hours in is demonstrating that you have a lot of free time, thereby making you a target if you happen to be "inactive" (which will differentiate between Staff). When you put a lot of hours in say, a week (that you normally don't do), what this says about you is "Hey, I'm super active in this Division and I plan on being this active after receiving a Staff position too."


    Obviously this doesn't apply to those who genuinely play such and such hours weekly, but more-so to those who claim to be active when they're simply proving that they can be. The biggest distinction here is that a [staff] Member should be active, not can be active.


    Indifferent to this submission otherwise, just wanted to throw that out there :coffee:


    I mean I was staff for long enough that I hope the higher ups know I'm committed to maintaining activity. I was never demoted for inactivity and outside of a few weeks here and there as DM I always kept up the minimum server time. That's literal years of consistency. This thread is really just letting the higher ups know that I'm committed to the servers again and that my official step down is no longer valid, so I can be considered for staff. I'm going to have 20+ hours every two weeks whether I'm promoted this promo/demo, the next one, or never again. Because I love the servers and this is about that more than wanting to be staff.

  12. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:

    I'll put it in the promo demo thread I aint no nerd



    Time Active:

    Since 2013




    I was a Tf2 Division Manager for almost a year and server staff for like two


    Plus years in the trenches doing naughty things with @Bach and @Scootaloo


    Pick me up tho fam $$$$$$



    So I've been having a more regular schedule and the matchmaking beta has been making me want to play more tf2. I got super burnt out and basically played only CS:GO for the last couple of months but I needed that and it's over. The problem is whenever I join the servers now it's been pretty rough and I haven't been able to do much about it. So I want to be server staff again. I really have no interest in being a higher up again though, so while I realize the tf2 div is in a tight spot management wise I'm not the hero we need. I just want the servers to good because I do still care about this place. I probably won't be on ts as much as I used to, but I could come whenever asked. I'd be sure to meet the requirements for activity even though I haven't been playing as much lately, I'd just play less CS:GO. Plus I'm on steam all the time so if I'm called I could be there.


    So I guess, in the immortal words of a certain fanfiction, Can I have Admin now?















    Oh my god Nobody ever Leaves :, (


    ...until I pull an Origins when Matsi gets DM ;) (99% joking)




    Tagging peeps:

    @BelloWaldi @Rejects @Bach @Scootaloo @kbraszzz @Hidingmaster @Forest @Fiery8022 @Insane @TheSupremePatriot @SnowyMinion @Diamonde @Kart @Egossi @Goblin @Goblins @ArminArmout @Matsi @Skitters @Bone @XHina_sanX @Vixen @Kitsune @whoeverelse

  13. I was searching through profile backgrounds to find a good one and stumbled upon a throwaway background (Literally called"bg01") from a crappy licensed Are you smarter than a fifth grader game. I knew I wasn't going to use it, but it was less than 15 cents, and there were only 5 on the market, so I decided to buy them all and hold a fantastic Background hostage. If you want one, you'll have to trade me.


    Gyazo - d9620165689c65cb5a39c6edca099bcb.jpg


    It's honestly one of the most horrifying things i've seen and I'm glad I'm not ever going to use it.