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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. LOL better safe than sorry, might want to uninstall every program you have on your computer because any one of them MIGHT be exploitable....gg


    It's specific to out of date games that run on source 2013.... which means that things that DO NOT run source 2013, like TF2 and CS:GO.... aren't affected....


    Do you know how many times I've had any account compromised or stolen or hacked.... none.... and I have never had a serious virus or malware on my computer, plus I have AV that scans daily... even on my phone and tablet...


    Anyways, I'm not saying the guy knows nothing... I am saying that I usually don't listen to random youtubers for my security advice... and my steam account will notify me and require me to authorize any new IPs that even try to login to steam both via the client and the website.... there no way anything can steal my hats... :)

    Turn... down... your... ellipses... game... bruh...

  2. Damn @Matsi why the sass level. Some games got an exploit found out, some of the games members play. Why the fuck can't they make a thread and be on the lookout. Not really seeing a cause effect relationship for the salt, this whole thread just reads as people letting eachother know about an exploit, and then you coming in out of nowhere screaming about how big your E-dick is for never being hacked. And how everyone else is retarded for discussing an exploit that wouldn't have affected them if they were as diligent as matsi. Seriously dude, calm down, it's irrelevant. Nobody cares.

  3. oh yeah it is. but we're making changes. Every class get's tried out for, we're actually training. so whatever class you want to play, comment. tryouts will be in a week. we gon' round robin MGE to decide the spots, everyone in a class plays everyone else, most points total wins tiebreaker to 5 if necessary. if you guys don't want to play this season that's understandable, I'll probably just join a different team. but if you do play, we're gonna focus. let's take over steel div again.

  4. omg minecrek trol me on ts *tear* xd!





    lerofl copter. I'm pretty sure we've been through this before where you received verbal rape (ironic since you rape animals :O?).



    Ayyy first impressions are cool you seem like a sweet guy


    I'm clueless, never played CSS, hence why I didn't vouch. Hiding and Forest aren't though, and they seem to want you unbanned so you have that.


    Words of advice, take a big first bite and fill those cheeks it's easier to sing with your airways clear, and don't have the pizza while it's hot


    Can't wait to see the pizza grease stream down that face cutie pie, I might even pop one over it

  5. Don't think I can vouch on CS threads so not going to. But for what it's worth he should have to Mona Pizza or do something else from the want to be unbanned thread. He's obviously freekilled alot. If this was tf2 he'd have no other choice. We don't unban people who mass freekilled multiple times just because they asked nicely.