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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. Nobody's in trouble over this shitshow of a thread but having an LR of whatevs for tomorrow, and the next LR is the same whatevs today, isn't loopholing. It's a different day, different people doing it, and besides it's trivial bullshit anyway who cares.


    Plus you get to do whatevs twice if you're man enough.


    On the record though, loopholes are great. No exceptions. Super useful in any circumstances. If you don't want people to find a way around your rule then buck up and write it in a way which they couldn't. Gotta be specific sometimes bruh.

  2. That's because some states are idiots. My mom's a teacher, one of her students in 8th grade had a topless photo of his 8th grade girlfriend. Didn't show it to anyone. The girls mom took her phone and saw what she sent. Pressed charges. Sex offender for life for CP. Laws can be really, really dumb.


    Also the police aren't watching for every single person who clicks on a 4chan link. Even they know better.

  3. ...I really think you're overreacting about forums and teamspeak being taken down, and almost factory resetting is crazy. Yeah it's illegal, but accidentally seeing it has happened to so many people, none of whom are in trouble over it unless they downloaded it. CP shouldn't be tolerated in xG but you're being kind of overdramatic about thinking you'll get in trouble.



    As far as his ban, if a CL saw the thread and confirm that the CP was posted before he posted the link, it should be a perm. Otherwise with the nature of 4chan there's a very real possibility he had no idea where the thread would go. I really think we should leave this up to @Rhododendron like was suggested.

  4. For starters, yes i did mention that after you called me immature for finding evidence to perm you which is what cl's told everyone in a conversation to do. I asked diabeetus a week ago that are there warnings still valid and he said yes they are so i started collecting after looking at you calling kypari a crybaby for no reason in a post that no one was even mentioned in.


    Bruh calling Kypari a crybaby is literally the definition of a petty reason. I just don't see why you guys are so against him getting a second chance. He's an adult, I've seen him act like one. He got banned for half a year, he's serving the time. Why is him getting another chance to be mature on the servers after six months thinking about it so damn scary of an idea for everyone. Anyone else would get away with calling kypari, or any other member a crybaby, without even a warning. And I'm ready to prove it.


    @Kypari is a crybaby.


    Don't just be harder on vector because you don't like him, let him wait out the ban. It was agreed he'd be monitored after the ban anyway, why is that such an issue? Just be impartial.

  5. Don't know anything about people trying to perm rabid so if it's happening its behind my back as well. I haven't seen him do anything bad since his last warning.


    People definitely want Vector gone though. And seem fully prepared to perm you over the first petty thing you do. I don't even like you all that much but this shit is out of hand. I don't think people realize you're a legal adult and not a complete idiot. You understand when you need to buck up and be at least a bit more mature. And even though you haven't been on the servers I definitely see improvement on the forums. Why they don't see it IDK, they aren't even trying to look. I personally have no idea why people won't just let you wait out the rest of the original ban. Watching you closely afterwards was part of the original deal anyway. People have it out for you, I don't really know why. But you have my word I won't support anything other than waiting out the ban (unless you post CP or break major rules or something but you know better). I'm as confused about the whole thing as you are.

  6. Of our 23 active servers (not counting FoF, isn't official yet), 14 are from tf2, 7 from Nuclear Dawn, 1 from CS:S (active is a strong term), 1 from CS:GO.


    The leadership structure doesn't match this whatsoever.


    So, two burning questions off the bat.


    Why the hell isn't @Stickz a CL or some kind of way higher up? Guy does his job better than anyone else here, any div.


    Why the hell isn't @kbraszzz a CL? People complain that it's hard to handle tf2 drama, this guy is somehow immune from all of it. Plus he's the most trustworthy tf2 member by anyone's standards.


    If they don't want to that's fine, but have they even been offered the position?


    Secondly, I realize that CS:S JB was amazing, and started xG. But times have changed. This isn't a counter strike clan anymore. Why are all the higher ups from the smallest division? It honestly makes zero sense.


    Most of you know I'm a Disability Rights policy activist (who am I kidding you all think I'm a lazy stoner), in the disability community we have a phrase that applies here just as well as it does in society, "Nothing about us, without us". This means that if discussions are taking place that affect disabled people, then Disabled people need to have a seat at the table. The policy that comes out when the people that are effected by the policy had a hand in making it, is immeasurably more affective at helping the people it aims to help, because they advocate from personal experience.


    Tf2 needs to be more well represented in the higher ups of the clan. We make the lion's share of the revenue, we have the most members, and most of the issues with tf2 members could have been resolved much better if the people calling the shots actually knew the tf2 division and the members.


    Alot of people are saying tf2 doesn't have enough mature members. Haven't even seen those people checking out the servers or meeting members. Yeah there is a whole lot of immaturity in tf2. I'm sure though, that if I was on the forums during css jb's peak, I'd have a similar reaction to what they were like on forums. When there are more people, there's more problems. I'm sure that's a concept you guys understand well. Dismissing tf2 as immature when you aren't even making an effort to know the div or the members, is equally immature.


    That's about it for this post I already wrote an essay. Lazy stoner out.