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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. That is pretty easy considering servers fill up fast and 20 player slots make it easier to maintain, there are multiple game modes so maybe have a rotation or something. I would think doing community events and a raffle of some sort can boost interest. People will favorite it and come back regularly knowing that at least couple regs will be on a day. The game is definitely something with a lot of replay ability. Swoosh said something that he knows some customs maps he could add as well.

    Yeah I'm honestly not terribly worried about getting populated. Just thought it would be a good idea to atleast get a dialogue about leadership going early to avoid as much drama and hurt feelings as possible if it does happen. If we do this we should do it right.

  2. We (the tf2 higher ups) have been considering matsi for tf2 DM for a while. The guy's active and would do well moderating the forums. With scoot staying on though it's not looking like that would happen anytime soon. But he still deserves powers no matter what division. And since I already offered to step down from tf2 for FoF in the original thread, if we start a division I say we give Matsi the choice of my DM spot or a FoF spot as DL. I'd trust him with both.


    Totally agree on swoosh though, him and I have been playing FoF since day 1 of the steam release, he ran his own server before he got really active in xG. And we've ran an entire clan (two servers for the win) together. Confirmed he's trustworthy and knows his stuff he'd do a great job.

  3. Matsi already has a temp xG FoF server up. Info here:

    Official Unofficial Fistful Of Frags Server


    Original thread bringing up the idea of a FoF server:

    Fistful Of Frags Division?



    This has gone past the point of a pipe dream or a random idea, so the question is should we do it for real and make it a full division. If we do decide to do so who should lead the division, how many servers should we have, should we convert an inactive tf2 server or use Matsi's, etc. The threads haven't been getting much attention from higher ups, so compiling everything here to make it easier to go over and give everyone a place to discuss.


    I personally love the game, would play and/or admin the crap out of it, and think it's a great idea.



    Tagging [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=5]@Division Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=29]@Division Manager[/uSERGROUP]


    Let's hear everyone's thoughts.

  4. They are, or at least most of them are. It's a random drop system though, and wearables are really rare drops (I have 2,600+ hours in the game I've only ever found 5 through drops) if you really don't want to spend money then the best way would be to just go through the crafting system with the weapons you get dropped and be lucky.



    Tldr it's almost impossible but yes, you can in theory eventually get all the mann co items without buying them. Trying is pretty much impossible and a waste of time though.

  5. As a person from outside TF2, I do have a question for all. Is there just more relaxed use of powers in TF2? I mean this in a sincere way, I've been on jb a few times and saw things that would have never been allowed in CSS. I have a feeling that this isnt necessarily an abuse issue, rather a confused line regarding what powers are and are not appropriate.

    To an extent yes, I'd say using powers is more relaxed in tf2 then other divs. Especially in the trade servers without a set gamemode or objective where powers can't win you a round. I'd say the main offenders are donators though, most of the "for fun" type powers were taken from staff over a year ago and given to donators. Until you get quite high up, like dm level, you only have the basic slay/kick/ban/mute and maybe a speed boost or resize for trade servers. Which I personally never liked. You're taking potentially gamebreaking powers in jb and dr from the trusted members and just giving them to whoever gives you enough money. It's broken and has been abused so much.

  6. When you cloak and a blu sees it, they will try to find you and most of them will be distracted, you know that for a fact. While they are distracted with finding the exploiter more people will take advantage and kill those blus or rebel making the day become a clusterfuck.


    You're treating this like some grand conspiracy. It's a fucking game, if the Blus care more about finding a dumbass cloaked spy then actually playing the gamemode then good for them, that's their choice. He didn't force them to be distracted, they chose to be distracted. Honestly what the hell kind of argument is this. Suggesting he cloaked away to distract the blus to give the reds a chance to rebel with an advantage is really, really stupid.

  7. I mean I can't check a demo from here but I saw nothing in the screenshots to suggest that scoot killed anyone or used powers for an advantage in winning a round of jailbreak. He snuck past the blus but unless he killed them that's like, a minor warning/being told to not be a dumbass at most. Saying no fun allowed has been happening forever, and you've been on the servers long enough dethman that if you consider that bad with what you've seen on the servers then I'm honestly shocked. The no before yes rule is dumb, not related just commenting, it's just completely unnecessary. Guys, this clearly isn't as big of a deal as either of you are claiming it is. Calm down and talk it out we have these private boards to avoid this shit.



    Also people wonder why I rarely play on the jb server.

  8. Tier 6 is a bit odd. I'm good with forum moderator, that makes sense. And honorary member should happen regardless because it's a great idea.


    But division admins have never had forum powers, at least as long as I've been here. And I honestly don't see a reason for them to have them. Especially with the bigger divisions, because tf2 doesn't need 15 people with forum powers, it's just clunky and wouldn't make things run better.

  9. We've had instances lately of higher ups in divisions leaving the CLs out of things. And while part of that is on the DMs and DLs for not including them, I do feel like people don't think to include CLs because they don't see the CLs as an effective authority when they don't play on the servers. I don't see this trend changing anytime soon unless the CLs atleast make an effort to be more active, and staff of divisions work to keep them well informed. They can't do their jobs at all with no information, we need to work on that. The clan runs alot better when everyone is on the same page, and that simply just isn't happening right now, and that's on everyone

  10. Free up funds for something like, a #FistfulofFragsdiv maybe?


    I do see matsi's point, and it would probably make the clan better if CL's played on the servers, but it's important to note that they don't claim to speak for divisions they don't play in, and unless there is disagreement among dms and dls they leave decisions that affect a division to the higher ups of the division. It's not a perfect system we have, and it's clunky, but it isn't broken (not yet at least).


    We do have a lot of dead divisions though, and it seems like some people from those divisions have forum powers for no reason, and that isn't really what we need. We should give them CL or demote them, we don't need unnecessary DLs and DMs. I'd say that's a bigger issue than CLs not playing on servers. And those dead servers could be converted into new games, so xG can grow. because right now xG is stagnant to dying, because higher ups seem scared of trying new things and growing the clan. Fear of failure is valid, but it's better to try and fail then to not try so we can die slowly. Because tf2 being popular is going to end some day, and when it does xG isn't going to survive without populating other games.


    Just my two cents

  11. You know what, Barm is right. You guys want it now but you'll only do it for so long before ya'll get bored with it. Just like H1. We wanted a server SO bad, but where did that dream go? Servers cost money, something xG dose not have growing on trees. We only get donations every once in a blue moon. And once we start something, others will copy us and eventually do much better then we could.

    It isn't the same as h1. H1z1 servers are ran in a completely different way than source servers. Hell, we wouldn't have even been able to name an h1 server xenoGamers or customize it at all, plus server costs for h1 are drastically higher than what we pay for source servers. I've been playing this game for a while, I really like it. I think an xG server or two would do well, I'd even step down from tf2 to get it running and populated. I've been having a ton of fun with FoF and tf2 has lost a bit of luster. It's not difficult for us and we should do it.

  12. I've been playing since release, so has swoosh, you could tell by this thread how many people tried it and liked it, this game is FUN and we're going to play it regardless of if there is an xG server or not. I understand thinking we'll just forget about it and move on but this isn't like those past games, and plus if I'm understanding the situation correctly implementing the server or two wouldn't be a problem at all. Everyone seems content with the dead divisions, and empty servers in our popular divisions. Why not actually try to spruce this place up and try something new.