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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. If the server is consistently populated (which will probably be difficult to accomplish as the game's all-time peak concurrent players is only about 3,000 people) then it's fine by me.

    We would do fine during peak hours starting up. Once a server has a handful of players it fills up on its own we just get a few xG people on and the randoms start coming. During the initial startup period the overnight population would probably be fairly bad once xG people go to bed though, but after a while people have the server favorited and we'd start getting a handful on then as well. It would take about a month or two of effort to get a server consistently populated with its own community, but I love this game, others in the clan love it, the commitment would be there to get it started and keep it going.

  2. It isn't the most popular game, but it's on the rise. and it's the kind of game where there are a lot of empty servers, but once a server has five or six it fills up quick on its own. An xG server for our members to have fun on that fills with randoms fast could be a great way to bring xG into a new game.

  3. Okay guys, we really should start a fistful of frags division. It's a free, source based, old west style fps. Accessible for everyone, small download(1.8gigs). It's still in beta but it's much more stable now and multiple gamemodes have been added since release.


    Guys, this game is FUN. like, incredibly fun. Just spent almost three hours playing with people in teamspeak, we had a great time.


    This is a legitimate suggestion, I really think hosting a server or two would go well.


    If you haven't played it, check it out for yourself before posting your opinion here. We should do this.


    Tagging [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]


    Tagging people that played today

    @Bach @Kart @Xerses @Gr8_Butt_M8 @BananaShoes @Rejects @DeKoi @Waimalu sorry if I forgot anyone tag yo self


    We should do this

  4. dm_museum_b16 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Death Match) - GAMEBANANA[/url]

    Its a fun map with many secrets to find, and if we have a VIP area plugin donatiors can go to a bar and have fun togheter (or noclip it) it may not have anything to do with other games, but i feel like it would be a fun map

    Opinions? @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz @Dethman

    If you like i can post pictures of maps of it.

    It looks like a nice map, but I really do think we should stay with the gaming history theme.

  5. To Mexico!!


    Going to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for like ten days. Going to be getting obscenely drunk the whole time (that 18 drinking age though). There isn't internet at the resort, but if my phone gets service I'll check in on forums.


    Seriously though all inclusive resort, over thirty bars, two of which are swim up, all free drinks and open bar 24/7, hell yeah let's do this. RIP my brain cells let's get rekt.


    I'll be back soon to tell you guys about it.


    @Bach @ChickenPanda @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @BananaShoes



    If I don't vomit atleast ten times I'll honestly be disappointed in myself.

  6. I'm going to explain it better here:


    This is Bach on JB1:


    This is Bach on PTC:


    This is Bach on TGH:


    This is Bach on DR:



    The ONLY place Bach is active is on Teamspeak..... How can you guys say he is one of the most active people, when he's hardly been online since he got demoted.... Don't give someone powers so that they will play on the servers.... this isn't Minecraft FFS....

    Still more than me the last three weeks. GG you're doing great @Bach don't change a thing you're fab.

  7. He's fun to play with and not a dumbass with his powers. Oh no he's immature, so what? He isn't boring, if tf2 has taught me anything it's that over the top maturity is boring. Bach being staff raises the fun factor, and he knows better than to be straight up abusive or use his powers for personal gain. People like our servers because they're fun. Bach adds to that fun and makes the staff not come off as stuffy assholles. We should cry about him being rude to us that one time and then give him staff when were done because he adds the fun to the servers.

  8. I'm not a CL sorry. A User on the server said Vector was unbanned and has been on. Can't confirm wasn't there but this person is a past mod and would have known if it was actually him. Not our (tf2 staff's) call but could we get an official post from one of you guys with the verdict either here or on his ban protest just to clear up confusion not sure what to tell people who are asking.