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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. The creator of The OoT Hyrule map said he uploaded a new version of the map which addresses these issues, and fixed the pyro crash thing. And said that the missing textures in the water are just a common source bug if you loaded another map with custom water before hyrule, in this case, can be fixed by restarting the game. ._.


    The updated map is version alpha_13a

    I've played on that map multiple times, there's no way restarting your game would fix this.

    We re added the new version of hyrule last night. Bugs got fixed. Discussion solved.

  2. Why are these necessary and how do they do anything but get abused?


    Also would they be open to donators or just staff?


    I've never liked the gimme command, so I don't use it. All I see it leading to is abuse. And we already had to overhaul the rules about it once. we made a rule that forbids people from killing with any OP item (valve rocket launcher etc.) Or any item that wasn't part of that classes official repertoire. We're definitely going to follow up on that.



    Inb4 no fun allowed

  3. -1 the only time I have ever killed anyone in godmode was @Muzzle before I was DM while he was spamming noisemakers in my face and saying I was in godmode and couldn't do anything about it (#rekt)


    Seriously though we removed them for a reason, they get spammed, everyone hates it, everyone bitches, we get told to remove them, we do, then the noise spammers bitch at us. End the cycle, keep them disabled.

  4. 5451-c855e9a4cfc2a9a99516e5a5be954d60.jpg




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  6. KB for CL. And promote swoosh to DL of tf2, he's better than kb at server things, kb is better at community things, it works out. Not sure who else from tf2. Only people I would be ok with besides him, assuming no scoot because he's the best option, would be Rejects, Myself, Chickenpanda, BelloWaldi, and grudgingly Matsi (his attitude lately damn). They've all shown dedication to the clan and haven't left, and have been staff for a year+ without screwing it up. Don't take this as me asking for CL, I'm the second or third best option after KB tops.