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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. I've spectated him multiple times. He doesn't aimbot, he's just good at the game. Is it annoying as fuck to have this guy hanging out on trade servers and just killing indiscriminately, not letting anyone just run around and have fun, yeah it is. But he doesn't cheat. "Just playing the game" or not him and everyone else know it's irritating to have some guy with a sniper rifle keeping everyone in spawn who isn't friendly, and he BM's people who call him out on it. That's what most of the complaints I've seen about him come from. He seems to kill everyone on trade servers and sass back when they complain in his free time. Pretty sad but no rules broken. Let me reiterate, he didn't cheat, I don't buy it. So a perm is wrong.


    A shorter ban for BM would have been fine. I could totally see that happening this guy's a shitstarter, but the perm is wrong. And like hiding said this is about the aimbotting, which is why he should be unbanned. He BMs alot so if we actually pay attention there would be enough evidence for a ban in no time.

  2. Been playing on the server. Two team shootout is going over well. Fairly populated. Was wondering if anyone could find the radio plugin that some servers have that plays western music. @BananaShoes you can do it I believe.


    Also getting the maps to rotate would be a welcome change.


    Just some ideas.

  3. I love this map alot. but we've proven before that our community isn't mature enough to handle a mic room like this, and this one you don't even have to noclip to. i'm sadly going to have to +1. it's a great map but this makes it more trouble than it's worth.

  4. I've been getting a lot of complaints about ads. apparently they aren't just showing up at the beginning, like they used to, they are restarting every few minutes and blocking the screen while people are trying to play. people are definitely salty about it and I don't blame them. wondering if this was a change I never knew about or a bug. just letting the people with the server powers know.



    @Nomulous @Rhododendron @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @Bleed

  5. The only one I actually played a bunch of is n64. Never actually owned a copy of the others just played with friends once in a while.


    N64 samus was great. My main for sure. Cpt falcon and Ness were fun and hard to use but were more used as a joke to have fun and not seriously. Never cared for being actually good at the game, just played for fun and to beat family, the way Nintendo intended.

  6. I come back on forums and there's this shit going on out of nowhere. What the hell happened to this thread my sincerest apologies Armin.




    Alright then,

    I created this account because I released I was a member for a couple years now and I should probably make one. And its not possible to comment on this stuff w/o one too.

    Lol you made the account today, and have only commented on this post. Don't act like you made it for any other reason. I honestly thought you were a member making a different forum account to troll but no shared IP, and nobody knows you, so that means you're literally just a punk internet tough guy bitch coming here for no other reason than to start shit. And if you are a member and you hid your IP then way to be a scared punk internet tough guy bitch. Don't pick on the high school age transgender kid, find a challenge. You're going for easy targets you think you can screw with and have no retaliation, there's no fun in that and it makes you look like a pussy. I've known Armin a long time, could honestly care less about her gender, or anyone's gender. It's pretty damn low on the list of how I judge a person and honestly nobodies business but their own. it's not that hard to add an s to he when referring to someone she isn't asking for the goddamn moon here. I'm not saying this to stick up for the oppressed trans kid, or to stick up for a friend, or because I'm triggered, but honestly because I want too. Get off the forums, you actual trash. You should never have felt the need to comment in the first place. you've never met her and this post was for friends. I'm not going to ban you just yet, I want you to read this first, but it's pretty safe to say you aren't welcome here regardless. Inb4 no right to ban, honestly don't care, I'll get in trouble on the internet oof the fear.


    And someone said xG is becoming tumblr not sure if it was you supreme or phantom but good. I'd rather accept otherkin as a valid identity and have tumblr feminists rule the world than have this be a place you want to be and feel welcome in. You're a piece of shit. Go.

  7. Why can't you just be more like smiley. Guys had paid mod for years and still comes on once or twice a week nobody knows he exists. Low key with powers and zero issues.


    Also we have enough staff without paid mods.


    Also it doesn't matter how much you payed if you abuse. It's your own money you're wasting. And you made the choice. Ignorance of the rules has never been a defense.