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  1. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from Swift in X the hedgehog   
    Also @Chrono god forbid we have some fun on forums. I forgot xG has that strict "no fun allowed policy".
    That being said stop being so god damn salty all the time. Reposting something someone saw isn't. Also I didn't know this was from 4chan but who gives a fuck
    (inb4 banning spree round 3)
  2. Winner
    Bach reacted to Moosty in X the hedgehog   
  3. Smelly
    Bach got a reaction from Fink in Best joke na   
    TF2 Division is full of nice, caring people
  4. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from BashinBolshevik in Best joke na   
    TF2 Division is full of nice, caring people
  5. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from Vaporeon in I'm back. glad to see jack shit happening while i was gone   
    inb4 TF2 shitstorm round 12
  6. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from Dethman in I'm back. glad to see jack shit happening while i was gone   
    inb4 TF2 shitstorm round 12
  7. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from John_Madden in I'm back. glad to see jack shit happening while i was gone   
    inb4 TF2 shitstorm round 12
  8. Drunk
    Bach got a reaction from BashinBolshevik in Selfie Sunday   
    more wow.
    I'm not THAT big of an alcoholic...
  9. Disagree
    Bach reacted to Moosty in Just want to clear some things up.   
    Woah woah woah. Micheal cera is god tier.
  10. Winner
    Bach reacted to Brian in Just want to clear some things up.   
  11. Creative
    Bach reacted to kbraszzz in Just want to clear some things up.   
    Alright then.
  12. Friendly
    Bach reacted to Kittylicious in Just want to clear some things up.   
    I want to clear a few things up that have been bugging me. This is not an attention seeking post I just want to speak some truths to everyone.
    First of all I'd like to talk about why I really left xG and speak some truths. Some of you on the forums at the time will remember I first tried to join xG when I said I was 13 but you had to be 14 to join. Well, when I said I was 13 I was actually 12 and said I was 13 because my birthday where I turned 13 was not far away and I thought an older age would have a higher chance to be accepted. Also I was unaware of the age rule to join xG at the time. I was a little sad I had to be 14 to join but I know I am liked on tgh and am mature enough to pass as older so I said I was 14 on my birthday so I could join when in fact I was 13, sometimes that showed with me being immature.
    So one reason I left xG was because I knew I shouldn't be in the clan to begin with and it especially began to bug me when I was promoted to moderator and several previously friendly and neutral people began to be hostile towards me. This led to my protest, my demotion and my decision to leave because while I felt I didn't step a foot wrong to be demoted, I knew I should never of been a mod to begin with and leaving would perhaps ease the negativity towards me.
    I don't regret being in xG or getting moderator. I loved having the responsbility of helping the server and community more direct than a normal member would. I only regret the negativity it gained among other members, which if I knew would happen I would of declined the opportunity to be promoted. I value friendships, being liked and having fun more than moderating the server, I would of liked both but that was not happening. I do feel I did a good job and banned with good reason as seen in my ban logs. I only banned when I felt there was no other solution to the problem. The only downside was the kart incident in which perhaps maybe I should of slayed myself instead of him but he did speak rudely to me beforehand and I was kind of angry at him at the time so that explains that action where I put my own feelings in front of protocol.
    Moving on about my sometimes over the top reactions to what some would call "internet jokes" I am very sensitive and new to online communities and saw them as exactly the same as the real world when talking to people so when someone says something I deem offensive I take offence to it even though its the internet and nobody is serious on the internet. Vector has told me many times to not take stuff so seriously and I don't anymore thus why I find my near 800 negative ratings funny rather than offensive because while I have nearly 700 downs ratings I don't take that as someone insulting me saying I have downs or I am dumb or something. It's just a rating on an internet forum and nobody is serious on the internet.
    To reply to all the "why are you still here I thought you left?" questions I am here because I love being in a community. This is the only forum I am a member of and I am yet to find another one to visit, I also like the shoutbox because its like a chat room and I like socializing so I just love to talk in the shoutbox even if at times there has been a lot of negativity and insulting towards me there. If I feel there are disagreements which could lead to fighting I simply close the site and either play a game or go to a different site and return when its calm again.
    Some of you have also wondered about my dad and how I am able to afford the things I have. Well I won't speak personally on here about my family or myself and that goes for my picture as well. As I said I'm sensitive and I don't like putting my picture online especially because I do fashion modelling work for a fashion agency which provides pictures for clothing catalogues throughout the UK and such a thing could be used to easily identify me and in some pictures I model swimwear and other stuff which I do not want people posting my picture everywhere or make a spray of me wearing a bikini. Also I have learnt there are a lot of weird people on the internet and somebody could find my picture sexy and save it on their computer and that thought just freaks me out.
    Thats all I'm willing to say right now. I feel I should just speak up and not hide anything I'm comfortable speaking in the community with. I only ask of you from the non members to the CLs to accept me as a friendly and active member of the community, Try not to sitr up trouble about who I am, why I am here, what I am doing. I'm just a girl who enjoys playing games and wants to make friends and have fun but I do feel I didn't deserve my demotion for trying to fix my problems but now that I have spoken out about things I hope everyone will treat me as a normal member of the community and to enjoy playing with me on the servers even if I am not officially in xG.
    Also I should add Bonfire left xG with me because obviously he knew of my real age and stuff and the likelihood of me being removed from the clan for joining too soon despite my maturity. But the main reason he left was he thought I shouldn't of been demoted after all the bullshit I put up with as I did a very good job and he has seen my diary I keep next to my computer with all the names of anyone I have ever punished in game so I can easily look up previous rule breakers and punish them accordingly if they re offend, countless times I would sit reading a book and keeping an eye on the server like a strict librarian just without the glasses and the wrinkled face lol. But I guess getting involved in arguments despite trying to befriend everyone when some people just don't want to be friends can easily end something that was going so well. I guess the thing to do is for myself and everyone else involved to put it in the past, move on and just have fun.
    TL;DR - I am 13 not 14 and explains why I can be immature at times. I left xG because I want to be treated more friendly, Sad about losing mod but not the sole reason I left. Also I should never of been xG but I enjoyed my time in xG.
    So rate this what you want, downs, shitpost, like. It doesn't matter. I spoke my mind and that does matter.
    @Vector @Kypari @Tekage @Shadower @Vaporeon @SupremeWolf @metalslug53 @Moosty @FoRgE @Muzzle @StarmiX @Ohstopyou @BelloWaldi @John_Madden @kbraszzz @Nomulous @TwoZeroFour @Nu_13 @ColdEndeavour @Slinkerton @KendrickLlama @Swift @Gwoash @others @CLs
  13. Disagree
    Bach got a reaction from Shadower in Swift   
    Have rarely, if ever seen the user on the servers.
    Clear evidence of immaturity and impersonation of staff
  14. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Nomulous in Best joke na   
    TF2 Division is full of nice, caring people
  15. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Swift in Best joke na   
    TF2 Division is full of nice, caring people
  16. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from StarmiX in Best joke na   
    TF2 Division is full of nice, caring people
  17. Drunk
    Bach got a reaction from KendrickLlama in Selfie Sunday   
    more wow.
    I'm not THAT big of an alcoholic...
  18. Agree
    Bach reacted to kbraszzz in Full moon always enabled (poll)   
    RIP in peace Spycrabs.
  19. Drunk
    Bach got a reaction from StarmiX in Selfie Sunday   
    more wow.
    I'm not THAT big of an alcoholic...
  20. Agree
    Bach reacted to StarmiX in Public opinion on the new unusual server rules, (cancer).   
    I never said "cancer" but I use terms like shit-tier/low-tier, if they're offended, then it sucks for them.
  21. Winner
    Bach reacted to Forest in This is our town scrub!   
  22. Winner
    Bach reacted to DrLee in Selfie Sunday   
    It's Monday.
  23. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Muzzle in Skullface2011   
    Aren't you dead?
  24. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Adventure gamemode   
  25. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Dumbest Quote Ever 2.0   
    "Why am I frozen?!?!? WHY CAN'T I MOVE?!!?" - Squeakers on JB when they're frozen for mic checks