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Posts posted by Goblin

  1. We heavily plastic wrapped every entrance to the school. They actually delayed school an hour to clean it up.


    Some kids poured cooking oil on the cafeteria tables and seats.


    Then some kid put "Fart Candy" in a bunch of cupcakes he brought into his classes and caused like 30 some students and teachers to have Cronic Indigestion, and diarrhea.

  2. -1 1. Not actually 19,

    2. Bought me a B.M.O.C a long time ago with parents credit card without permission and got old account banned. (I have witnesses to support my claim) Had to pay $75 out of my pocket to recover steam privaleges for about 3 months before permed when i suspected he stole again.

    Holy shit.



    Incase you didn't notice I've been very inactive in-game and on ts (which I'm rarely ever on anyways) recently, this is because #collegefinals


    I will hopefully be back after finals. And perhaps become active on team speak and more active on the servers... Maybe...

  4. Guys, it's a goddamn tag. In my humble opinion, the whole idea of membership is stupid. If 10 year olds want to run around with [xG] in front of their names, who cares, its free advertising. Besides, its not like if we take off the age limit the clan will be overrun with freekilling squeekers who give xG a bad name, it still takes 10 vouches. If someones really immature and intolerable, -1 their application.


    Lol. I recall a time when you shitposted Kendrick for saying the exact same thing.

  5. I'm sorry but...

    If you're 16+

    • You need at least 10 vouches.

    If you're 14 or 15 years of age

    • You need to wait until you are old enough.

    If you're under 14:

    • You need to go live your childhood while it lasts.

    You don't really have to be in the clan to be involved on the forums, or teamspeak, or in the games, you just cant become a staff or anything like that. Not really sure why this is such a big deal to everyone.

  6. I've only played DnD once and I sold my cousin as a sex slave to draconian merchants because I was the only person in the party who spoke draconian. 10/10 would play again.

    Hahah I played a game carrying my cousin's character's corpse around and throwing it into each corridor of a dungeon to see what would go for it, then kill the hell out of whatever came out.