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  1. Winner
    Tomahawk reacted to PyroBunny in Pyrobunny - Team Fortress 2   
    Well... After the 10ish minutes of taking my dog for a walk I didn't expect there to be a report for a simple 5 minute mute...
    Here are my two cents: You were not only warned by me but warned by blank; by mic. At first we didn't want to do too much since you had been in a duel, but we wanted you to tone it down a tad bit. After, I noticed that you had switched teams and ended the duel, however, you continued to complain about being spawn camped. This is where I issued the all chat warning (3rd time is the charm right?) You then proceeded to continue to complain after which I muted you for a measly 5 minutes; which was being nice compared to how much crap we had to deal with before all that started (that jord/george stuff)
  2. Winner
    Tomahawk reacted to realBelloWaldi in Pyrobunny - Team Fortress 2   
    Come on, man. As Gryfons said, it was only five minutes.
    There was a reason for it, you were warned several times, we were even being nice and warned you like three times in total:
    You complained numerous times about being spawnkilled, which is literally against the rules:

    taken from Tf2 General Motd.
    Tagging @PyroBunny and @Goblins.
  3. Smelly
    Tomahawk reacted to Tourten in Pyrobunny - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 Staff Name:

    Pyrobunny Staff's Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: [xG:M] Pyrobunny Evidence:

    Says two things about the spawn camping then muted
  4. Winner
    Tomahawk reacted to Owl in Let's Face It.   
    theres a fine line between "ironic memeing" and "ironic le maymaying so hard that you become the meme yourself" and youve surpassed this line
  5. Smelly
    Tomahawk reacted to Egossi in 500 Posts Special   
    haha lol xd
  6. Friendly
    Tomahawk reacted to Osiris in Tomahawk - Team Fortress 2   
    Not staff here, but I can vouch for activity and maturity. He's been playing on our servers for ages and stuck around when others have come and gone. He knows and enforces the rules where possible, but also uses !calladmin or PMs staff for issues outside of his control. Despite any past offenses, he's a great choice for moderator and certainly won't let you or our players down. +1 for best Steel sniper scrub in xG.
  7. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to Kitsune in We Gotta Purge The Tgh Map List.   
    Am I the only one here who doesn't like Edventures? The map crashes for a lot of people, requires a keybind that you enter in the console, and people scream like a raccoon being shoved into a blender whenever Kevin arrives.
  8. Smelly
    Tomahawk reacted to ChickenPanda in Tomahawk - Team Fortress 2   
    didnt you like super abuse awhile ago?
  9. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to Moosty in We Gotta Purge The Tgh Map List.   
    Title says it all. too many maps, some great, some bad, some horribly unoptimized. (not Hyrule that's it's own separate thing). here's a list of some maps I feel we should remove for the given reasons, to tidy up the map list and get rid of the bad stuff. here we go, in order I see them on the nominate list.
    1. Mumbo's Mountain: just looks not great, small and awkward to traverse, we have way better banjo kazooie maps we don't need this just cause it's there
    2. Freezeezy peak: better map, but runs absolutely horribly on a populated server
    3. Rainbow Palace: ..umm for real why though? there's no land, it's too small, and you spend all you're time there falling in an existential hell. why did we add this though. plus nobody likes it
    4. Blood Gulch: FOR REAL NOBODY LIKES THIS ONE. bland, weird proportions, gives off unfinished vibes
    5. Aperture Science: we have a strictly better and more finished portal map. this one, kinda just sucks and doesn't get played.
    6. Inkopolis: good detail, nice map, WAY too small for a server with 20+
    8. Hyrule Castle (wind waker): doesn't run the best and the teles to the cool spots are broken, RIP sword room
    9. SCP: good map but the spawns are basically hell, doesn't really get played because of it
    Those are the maps I feel like we don't need. note that these aren't maps I personally dislike, because Cyberpunk and Duketown aren't on here, those run well and get played. this list are the maps I feel are basically excess weight at this point, and I would bet the server get's better if we just straight up remove them.
    @Scootaloo @BelloWaldi @Goblins @Rejects @kbraszzz @Kypari @Vexx @Vixen @other TGH nerds
  10. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to jaygoki in Hello All   
    who are you again
  11. Funny
    Tomahawk got a reaction from DemonicDisaster in Tomahawk - Team Fortress 2   
    kek I'm not even getting notifications to my own thread
  12. RIP
    Tomahawk reacted to realBelloWaldi in Xg Murphy The Medic - Team Fortress 2   
    Sadly you do not meet the following requirements [<== click].

    You have only five forum posts.

    - closed, feel free to re-apply when you have 50 forum posts.
  13. Winner
    Tomahawk reacted to Vector in The Cringe Thead!   
    4chan-like Thread
  14. Funny
    Tomahawk reacted to Vector in 4chan-like Thread   
    this is going into the cringe thread.
  15. Not Funny
    Tomahawk reacted to KSPlayer1337 in 4chan-like Thread   
    Simple. Tell a story using the green text format.
    >be me
    >go on tf2 jb server
    >plays it for a few hours
    >encounters bad warden who kept spamming dr
    >goes pyro
    >equips rain blower for taunt kill
    >round proceeds as normal
    >sneaks to armoury
    >lct happens; becomes soldier
    >lct was bad warden; still was doing dr and ignoring lct rules
    >grabs ammo
    >"sneaks" to "lct"
    >goes next to "lct"
    >doesn't even notice
    >uses taunt
    >sound happens, animation happens
    >"lct" takes 100 or 200 damage, I don't remember
    >"lct" finally notices
    >turns around
    >dies by crocket ("lct" was soldier)
    >reds laughs in chat
    >"lct" dies soon after

    Any more?
  16. Sad
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Thorax_ in Tomahawk - Team Fortress 2   
    kek I'm not even getting notifications to my own thread
  17. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to Red in Tomahawk - Team Fortress 2   
    Sometime toma can screw up but he'll always try and fix or prevent himself from doing it again!
    Overall, He's known the rules and been in xg for yrs now.
  18. Agree
    Tomahawk reacted to Thorax_ in Tomahawk - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 for trial mod
  19. F!$k Off
    Tomahawk got a reaction from SnowyMinion in Mauk_   
    it's been a little more than a month @BelloWaldi
  20. Agree
    Tomahawk got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in > Basic Introduction Thread   
    what is a junior in non-American slang? is it just the 11th grade? @SnowyMinion
  21. Drunk
    Tomahawk got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Mauk_   
    it's been a little more than a month @BelloWaldi
  22. Optimistic
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Hushpuppy in Mauk_   
    it's been a little more than a month @BelloWaldi
  23. Drunk
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Thorax_ in Mauk_   
    it's been a little more than a month @BelloWaldi
  24. Informative
    Tomahawk reacted to Matsi in My New Toy   
    Just arrived last night, gonna get some actual pics of it soon, but here's the picture from the manufacturer, the only difference is mine came with a greenish backpack:

  25. Drunk
    Tomahawk got a reaction from Thorax_ in Xg Murphy The Medic - Team Fortress 2   
    join the 4 other people who applied and find only @Black_Dynamite gets promo'd *Lenny*
    seriously though he'd be a decent surf moderator