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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. just had to post this but @ColdEndeavour didn't feel that Celadon was ready for the server, it's in v1 and he had trouble with it and had to stop making it. I'd rather not put something on the servers when the creator was explicitly against it.

    I downloaded Celadon today and checked it out. Looks alright. I hate to criticize, but I've found a few flaws as of now:

    ai.imgur.com_XcGyYja.thumb.png.725307ff50f3654e1b67e20f339408eb.png Some buildings that have doors don't lead anywhere. You can just walk up to doors like they're a wall.

    ai.imgur.com_AgRaf4G.thumb.png.01e67b8db9642ce14635a02cb7b55f0c.png It can't be helped, but it's too open here. Too OP for sentries.

    ai.imgur.com_YARZY04.thumb.png.68e8a7f636ba5e37cd1bc41786c64f75.png Not much of a problem and a pretty good spot, but you can build inside some plants.

    ai.imgur.com_qB9AV2Q.thumb.png.d514bc3b1758f97b704af24d88d84749.png Some of the songs are much quieter than the others. For example, the Hoenn Gym Leader Orchestrated theme is considerably quieter than the S.S Aqua Eurobeat Remix song.

    ai.imgur.com_2ORxmFs.thumb.png.23d86c277af6695d06c61c171634dce2.png Blu team, once again, have a disadvantage. There are deep pools by Blu spawn, where you can place teleporters, and you can place a sentry on the roof of a building nearby spawn.

    Though this map has flaws, it's still enjoyable. I'm enjoying looking around and the nostalgia. I'd like to see this on Pokemon Trade or Trade Gaming History if that's OK with @ColdEndeavour . This map is on gamebanana, so I don't see why there should be a problem. pkmn_celadoncity_v1 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA

  2. Huh, I didn't know that. What made it boring? Because honestly all shize on tf2 can get boring after a while.

    It was the same thing over and over again. Same track and same gameplay really. You don't feel as involved as you do in Mario Kart or whatever.

  3. So i did some digging, and it turns out the version of cyberpunk that we use was edited by someone other than the original creator who made all of the textures. it also turns out these problems are only present in this specific version. he added the light changing, he added the no killzone in the party room, and unlike the original the songs don't complete once started. to be fair he did add a bit more to do in the map, but by reverting to the original (which is perfectly stable same aesthetic but fewer songs and paths to disco and no sniper towers)all of these problems would be solved. so really it's up to the communities preference


    TF2Maps.net - Map Downloads - Cyberpunk 2 - the version we use


    cyberpunk (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Death Match) - GAMEBANANA - the original


    I believe you can turn the music down on the the updated version of Cyberpunk via the options menu. The lack of music is depressing due to how many songs are available as of now.

  4. Accidentally posted.

    but this and the hyrule situation are different spawn wise. in hyrule, you spawn in your own spawn, then choose a common area to teleport too. in cyberpunk, each team has a sniper tower that the other team can't access, but they can for some reason spawn there. the hyrule spawns are made to be for both teams, it's a common area, the cyberpunk towers were made to just be for one team, and spawning there breaks that. a lot of people like cyberpunk, a lot of people hate it

    Hyrule is more unfair and broken than Cyberpunk. You can spawn inside each other and get stuck in the world. Regardless if they have different spawns, they are more broken than Cyberpunk's spawning in the other team's base.

  5. would there be a way to edit the music so that once a song starts it finishes like we have on goldenrod? that would fix a lot of issues.

    The main problem with this is that you don't know which song you're picking unless you remember which is which.

    I made this thread because i've been playing with some old friends today

    Who you let break rules even though you're the dm. I'm still annoyed about that.