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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. You're copying me ;~; Yo :llama::llama::llama:
  2. Kypari


    Though I've made plenty of inactivity threads, I've never actually made a Hello thread. Well, here it is. Hi
  3. +1 I've seen gameplay of it and it looks awesome
  4. Rin = Rip You were a good staff member :c
  5. +1 Very active and mature A: 10 M: 8
  6. +1 I don't like My Little Pony, but the music is pretty good
  7. So @Chrono now that @ASock is unbanned that means that it's equal if I don't get a perm, right?
  8. Kypari

    Well... Hey There.

    Sorry for retaliating and making things for both of us worse ;~;
  9. And how many times have I been bad on the forums? This is my first offense, and it's minor. You're making such a little thing into a massive problem, even though it isn't that big of a deal. You're just trying to serve equal punishment, but that's not how it should work. Here's an example: Two people are trolling on the server. One person has a history of bans, the other one is new. You warn the new troll and you ban the other troll. If they're being disrespectful, you gag or mute them (being the warning) and if they proceed, then you act. If one person has a history of disrespect, then they'll be banned longer than the other person.
  10. Just post a goodbye thread, not a member protest c:
  11. Vector's pretty distraught because he got banned from "his favourite tf2 server" I'm not sure.
  12. I don't have the power to mute/gag or kick or what ever on the forums. That's why my reaction is different. I also find it offensive because it's directed at me, and I, being an, "immature teenager", take offensive a lot worse than it actually is.
  13. A joke post? Um, no. He was stating what he thought of me and was aggressive. I also had issues with him before this thread. That's why I responded with what I did.
  14. You've got those parts wrong. I posted mine AFTER. I edited my post to make it more aggressive because that's when I saw his message. That's why I got angry. I didn't try to get a negative response because I didn't know that he had already posted. I didn't get him to say worse and worse, I was just responding with my thoughts. It wasn't intentional. It's pretty twisted how staff members will just will skip warning to banning with some people.
  15. These were the punishments from before. Note how Kittylicious got less of a punishment. Hardly equal. Why? The severity levels were different. She was demoted as her trouble was also caused on the servers, whereas for me, I do nothing wrong on the servers (if I do, I mend it immediately).
  16. None of us are upgraded donator, and those certainly aren't my colours for the chat. Pls halp
  17. Made up in some sort of way. No h8 m8
  18. Kypari

    Brian - Forum

    He caused the British humour thread. He also admits to being disrespectful.
  19. Huh, I've been on the forums for over a year now.
  20. Kypari

    Brian - Forum

    I just noticed this guy's also a member, so should it be moved to member protest or?
  21. Kypari

    Brian - Forum

    Division: Forum In-Game Name: Brian Offender's Steam ID: Irrelevant Rules Broken: Disrespect Evidence: Recall the British Humo(u)r Thread also. This is probably going to get closed to the mass amounts of shitstorms. If, so I'll just make a new one later.