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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. I don't see how I've changed honestly. I've just had to man up and stop being an immature 14 year old and get used to the internet. I don't recall any form of warning. ------------------------ Honestly? Yes, I agree that I'm in the wrong. However, how I act on servers is completely different to how I act on the forums. I haven't caused trouble on TF2 so I fail to see why my powers should be removed because of this. Secondly, I don't remember being given a warning. If I have, I'd like for you to show where I was warned. I also fail to see what I really did wrong in the ASock report. I was pointing out my views, nothing else. The severity of the comments are very different too. I don't see how "imbecile" compares to what ASock says to me. Yes, I retaliated. I know, it's wrong. I agree with being banned IF a warning has already been given. I don't see the point in removing my powers.
  2. Kypari

    Asock - Forum

    Suq madiq - team fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers So apparently you do care about disrespect. Please think before shitposting.
  3. Kypari

    Asock - Forum

    It should be one all together. You've caused enough harm to this clan that it's not even funny.
  4. Kypari

    Asock - Forum

    You can easily see a massive difference in the severity of the comments. Not to mention how I'm saying if I deserve a ban then you are going down with me.
  5. Update: Officially a Salty Snowman
  6. Kypari

    Asock - Forum

    +1 We're finally going to perm this butt?
  7. Wishingggggggg thatttttttttt ii coulddddddddd joinnnnnn
  8. I like these the most honestly
  9. That's not me though, so no
  10. +1 We missed you ;~; A: 3 M: 9
  11. +1 But you were a good moderator ;-; Active and mature and an awesome guy A: 10 M: 10
  13. Oh, one more @GreyIgnis You've changed. I prefer the way you were before you joined xG ;-;
  14. It's a joke. Like, seriously steam wtf are you doing
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id=6SxhzWZrGmg;list=WL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id=jvipPYFebWc;list=WL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o3cYMXgaP0
  16. Birthday in 2 weeks
    1. Dethman


      happy early-as-shit birthday :D
  17. Are you fucking serious? You wanted to put me onto tier 3 because I was doing my job? What really got me is that I had to tell A DM what to do. I'm only a moderator, and even you couldn't follow your owns rules. Id That's exactly what it is. I was telling him how to do his job. Here is the argument I had saved: [MEDIA=imgur]vcMowpq[/MEDIA] It's pretty lengthy. I'm still annoyed about that. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Right then, my turn. @ASock You aren't funny, never have been. Get yourself a life you worthless piece of shit. The only reason you haven't been banned yet is because you are liked by the CL's. Just get banned already pls. @Brian You're racist scum that doesn't deserve to be able to access these forums. I don't care for you nor do I want your negative presence here. @Moosty You don't do your job and you have a go at me? What is with you? You're higher-up than me in the staff roster and you can't even follow the rules yourself. You friends were disrespectful to me and you just let it happen as if you didn't have staff powers at all. Do your job already. @Bach I used to like you, but now look. You've disliked me this entire time and I feel betrayed. I didn't like what you said about me being annoying at all - it really hurt. I guess I was wrong about you being a good guy. Your post is even in my signature and was my status I was that distraught because I thought of you as a nice guy. @SupremeWolf Shut up. Literally, that's all I can say. Everyone else is pretty much alright in my book, not that anyone cares. @kbraszzz Stop ignoring me pl0x @Ohstopyou HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR DAD @metalslug53 yer2kwl @Rejects Can confirm is a good guy That's about it. Sorry for the long message.
  18. Kypari


    +1 Is an offical member of the cool kids and is mature A: 7 M: 9
  19. Kypari

    Toxicity Reform

    I don't understand. Why hasn't ASock been perm'd yet? He's had way too many warnings. Just because he hasn't done anything in a while doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a ban. @Vector hasn't done much in a while and he's getting banned.
  20. Kypari

    Toxicity Reform

    GottaGoFast | Xeno Gamers Look at his profile. It's filled with Jewish jokes. Otherwise, not really much.
  21. Kypari

    Toxicity Reform

    RIP @ALL That sucks. That really sucks ;-;
  23. I disagree. It's because the name is Pokemon, so when people search for "Pokemon", Pokemon Trade comes up. You don't expect new people to type "goldenrod" specifically do you?