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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. I found another map. pkmn saffroncity b3 (Team Fortress 2) - GameMaps Would it be possible to test this out?
  2. There's a Team Fortress 2 auto-tune mod - PC Gamer Just installed this autotune mod. It's amazing :O http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6U4EitO7qs
  3. Let's add them. @kbraszzz @Rhododendron
  4. I downloaded Celadon today and checked it out. Looks alright. I hate to criticize, but I've found a few flaws as of now: Some buildings that have doors don't lead anywhere. You can just walk up to doors like they're a wall. It can't be helped, but it's too open here. Too OP for sentries. Not much of a problem and a pretty good spot, but you can build inside some plants. Some of the songs are much quieter than the others. For example, the Hoenn Gym Leader Orchestrated theme is considerably quieter than the S.S Aqua Eurobeat Remix song. Blu team, once again, have a disadvantage. There are deep pools by Blu spawn, where you can place teleporters, and you can place a sentry on the roof of a building nearby spawn. Though this map has flaws, it's still enjoyable. I'm enjoying looking around and the nostalgia. I'd like to see this on Pokemon Trade or Trade Gaming History if that's OK with @ColdEndeavour . This map is on gamebanana, so I don't see why there should be a problem. pkmn_celadoncity_v1 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA
  5. If you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be... a tragedy.
  6. I feel so wanted in this clan
  7. I honestly find it funny when that happens.
  8. OOH I would've bought it but I got myself a strange one :L
  9. Active on Pokemon trade +1 A: 9 M: 7
  10. So is this resolved? Certainly looks it.
  11. When I saw that blank gap I knew it was fake
  12. Kypari


    This is the annual Blaze It thread
  13. Yeah but killing people senselessly and killing people for not jumping on a sweeper that can lead to death is much more fun than friendly racing
  14. It was the same thing over and over again. Same track and same gameplay really. You don't feel as involved as you do in Mario Kart or whatever.
  15. You can just see the maturity in his name.
  16. Kypari


    Hurt my feelings and made me cry 0 A: 8 M:0
  17. Bach - I see kypari is still being that mature moderator everyone all loves. Oh wait, he's still annoying and rating everyone frick you. kek
    1. Kypari


      Supreme Skr00byD00
    2. SupremeWolf


      You're doing it wrong. It's SupremeScrub.
    3. Kypari


      Fine, you win this round.
    4. Show next comments  225 more
  18. I believe you can turn the music down on the the updated version of Cyberpunk via the options menu. The lack of music is depressing due to how many songs are available as of now.
  19. Accidentally posted. Hyrule is more unfair and broken than Cyberpunk. You can spawn inside each other and get stuck in the world. Regardless if they have different spawns, they are more broken than Cyberpunk's spawning in the other team's base.