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Reputation Activity

  1. F!$k Off
    Kypari reacted to Ribbit in Bonk - counter-strike: source   
    You think I give a fuck about you bitches crying about disrespect? Everyone fucking disrespects, you disrespected, if you think I'm not going to disrespect an idiot who can't comprehend basic things and tries to act superior to people, even though they're 12, you have another thing coming.
  2. Smelly
    Kypari got a reaction from Ribbit in Houseofbacon - team fortress 2   
    Banned unfairly.
  3. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to Moosty in Xg sings bed intruder song.   
    We're all plebs anyway let's do this shit you know it's still catchy, besides we need another xG sings.
    let's get this shit going.
  4. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to KendrickLlama in Butterbeans - team fortress 2   
    It says you were banned from ct for 4 hours and it expired Xeno Gamers
    so you should be unbanned and if it didnt work then idk what happened
  5. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to BonfireCentipede in Maybe somewhat inactive for a week.   
    Wow, getting jailed for posting song lyrics? Hope it works out for you man.
  6. Winner
    Kypari reacted to Dethman in Maybe somewhat inactive for a week.   
    So as some of you may already know, I have been in trouble with the law for sometime now. If you don't already know, I was arrested by my local authority's for "Copyright infringement and assault" after a lady (who hates my guts) called the cops for some lyrics that she had found offensive and threatening that I had posted an hour before (Metallica - So What! Lyrics | MetroLyrics and Payback by slayer. I am here to state that for the next week from 6:00 am-3:00 pm, I will not be active since I have to go to the prosecutors office for the next year for probation checkups and for the next week will be in court settling 3 different law suits against me. I will not be on forums until after 3 pm and not in game till 3:30. I would like to thank all the people who supported me in this entire clusterfudge of a situation.
  7. Not Funny
    Kypari got a reaction from John_Madden in Drag00n   
    @kbraszzz #Again
  8. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to kbraszzz in Mega   
    Come back when you are 14.
    Even if some of us act like we are 8.
  9. Disagree
    Kypari got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Egossi - team fortress 2   
    You're an alright guy if you ask me, but avoiding ban is avoiding ban.
  10. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to Tomahawk in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    Those bans still were not appropriate. wtf are ya doing Chrono?
  11. Smelly
    Kypari reacted to Chrono in Kthxbai   
    This is enough. Time for the #banningspree There are no survivors.
    Banning spree commences as soon as I am done seasoning steaks and lighting bbq.
  12. Funny
    Kypari reacted to Bach in Kthxbai   
    What happens in xG, stays in xG. #egossi


  13. Sad
    Kypari reacted to Fink in Kthxbai   
    Bye I guess :(
  14. Drunk
    Kypari reacted to DeathGod in Kthxbai   
    this is because you chose TF2
  15. Sad
    Kypari reacted to Egossi in Kthxbai   
    I'm done with everything in xG, it turned out to be a huge massive shithole.
    People here all sound like they are 17 years old teenager blonde girls from california, keeps bitching about things they see everywhere, I mean, this is the internet, grow the fuck up please.
    I first joined this clan when I didn't know anything about it, It turned out to be full of people who care
    so much about every little shit you do, and then insult you with comments like "Ohmygash who cares, you asshole, i mean liek ohmygash ur so dumb, i haet u lol faggot go fuk urself oh btw thx for $50 what a fucktard suck my dick faggot lol xD" and then about 15 fuckwits like that comment and post similar shit and it just keeps happening and happening.
    I'm just done with it, I was here JUST because I loved JB #1 and you took it away from me, now you are saying
    "The only way is to make a ban protest" and when I do so, some fuckers go full retarded and post stupid shit to start a flame war and then the thread gets closed blah blah blah, some more bullshit. The End.
    Beleive it or not, this was my first expiriencing a clan and it was not very well.
    And about the admins and mods and such here in xG, most of them don't even know what they're doing.
    Vector said: you can only spawn 1 boss or 10 skeletons at a time.
    John Madden said (Also Kbraszzle aprooved): You can spawn as many bosses as you want as long as it does not crash the server.
    Its just fucking hilarious those guys could get mod/admin, even my fetus cousin would do a better mod..
    XenoGamers = A shitbag full of Cancer mixed with AIDS
    Also, prepare for all the hate comments from people who give so many shits about what i do and try to act like they don't
    And everytime someone complains about me and all the staff goes like "He is right Egossi, you better stop doing that"
    this is exactly what I feel like is happening:
    I'm out of the forums, and I'm gone for good, goodbye.
  16. Smelly
    Kypari reacted to Pepper in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    My head hurts because I keep reading shit that makes no sense at all. How is this not trolling? Why do we have to keep giving warnings? Why are the bans not longer than 1 day? I DONT FUCKING KNOW. Please Hiding can you enlighten me on how they were not trolling in these post. They made those posts with the intention to inflict an emotional reaction to the op Egossi. That is trolling. I don't understand why people are defending them. I can clearly see that their posts are wrong and are hurtful to people. Even if its not trolling its still worthy of a ban for just the fact of them being just fucking assholes.
    also @Tomahawk I would like to politely ask you to stop posting on this thread if its not gonna be productive because most of your posts have
  17. Winner
    Kypari reacted to Hidingmaster in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    No no, theres definitely a difference between that. One is vector being himself, and normal people on the internet in general, the other is someone going out of their way to trick of torture someone. He made a comment that was worded strongly, but wasnt trolling as you declare.
    Also, go ahead and let us know how many times Vector has been banned for trolling and where he was warned. I have him telling me he has been banned a total of 1 time for something unrelated to trolling, which no matter what way you cut it goes against many of the statements you have made.
  18. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to Hidingmaster in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    Asked because you said trolling. I asked you what reason for each person because you very well know they all weren't trolling. Some were being disrespectful, but not trolling, yes?
  19. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to Tomahawk in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    No its just being an ass
  20. Drunk
    Kypari reacted to Pepper in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    ps. sorry but not sorry for caps
  21. Drunk
    Kypari reacted to Chrono in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    I'm gonna try to explain the forums again... as slowly as possible.
    Only the people who are banned, and silence (nomulous) can see the written reason for why they were banned. the person who banned them knows because they wrote it, what the reason was. the person banned and the banning admin know the reason they were banned.
    Again, if they are saying they don't know why they are banned, they are either playing dumb to garner your sympathy since you are trying to argue that it was abuse when nobody else sees it that way, or they have the shortest of short term memory.
    From an anonymous vigilante: (not a 100% direct quote but it is 99.9%) immediately after their bans the ones banned were in a channel in teamspeak with nomulous continuing to shit talk and asking nomulous to unban because they didn't think they trolled hard enough to deserve a 1 day ban.
  22. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Hidingmaster in Vector, nope.avi, forge, twozerofour, others - mmo   
    Not everyone sees the reason, because I sure don't. Even some of those that are banned are quite confused as to why they got banned. Send me exactly what you think was trolling and was bad enough to warrant a "BanningSpree" because as far as I see it there is never a reason for a banning spree and is generally the result of abuse.
    And if they were all banned for trolling, can you please show me exactly which situation Vector was doing said thing? As far as I can see in all his posts he was a little harsh, but he was being straightforward... thats the furthest thing from trolling.
  23. Agree
    Kypari reacted to kbraszzz in Egossi - team fortress 2   
    OP will not be unbanned.
  24. Informative
    Kypari reacted to Vector in Egossi - team fortress 2   
    He did initiate a vote but he proceeded to spam 2 bosses, and multiple skeletons. (you can only spawn 1 boss or 10 skeletons. he did both, and spawned about over 15 skeletons (the chat was spamming like a mother fucker) and with the fact that he spawned two bosses, the two bosses proceed to spam chat with their quotes they say in game. He was banned and i explained why he was banned and he agreed. end of story. then all of a sudden he says to nomulous that he didn't do it, gets unbanned and nomulous doesn't tell me. So i asked him what the fuck? nom tells me he didn't do it, even though i showed @kbraszzz the proof of what he had done and agreed that a week ban was sufficient. so after that nomulous tells me to reban him which i do which i guess after the second ban he evades i didn't even know that so i can't really comment nor give a shit. Also keep in mind, before he even did this, he abused the voting plugin to disrespect another player (who wasn't in xG) with saying something like "this kid is a faggot?" "yes" or "no" and i explained to him that is not allowed at all, so i proceed to explain for 5 minutes why it isn't allowed and warned him that if this happened again, there would be punishment. Also, to respond to the shit posting, the higher ups don't care anymore. They respond as fast as a person with crippled fingers and took them over a month to come up with this decision. We're also waiting on another member protest in which again, they are taking forever to come up with a simple solution which actually deals with this shit posting but of course the CLs and the rest of the higher ups take 14 years. Whether or not you want to say xG was better back then or not is up to you, but being in xG and playing on the servers for over 2 years i have seen the same shit. This probably all sounds retarded but i just got back from school and am too tired to proof-read. Whether you want him permed or not thats up to the rest of you.
  25. Like
    Kypari reacted to Dethman in Siregumbo   
    Time for my first vouch in a while +1
    User is active and mature
    A: 9/0
    M 9/10