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Posts posted by Thunder

  1. I usually keep the same name unless I'm joking around or in stealth. If in the event someone does need to find a DM+, they can look at the staff roster.

    Unless you put one of those automated messages in chat saying "Go to this link (link) for the xG Staff Roster!" people will not know that it even exists. Were talking about new players here, not people that already know how to work these forums.

  2. I thought it'd be interesting to have a CS:GO map for the TF2 Division, so I decided to make this thread and see what people think.

    The map works well (but objectives have to be enabled), featuring a nicely done defusal system as well as a reskinned flag/sd_doomsday pickup.


    Link for the map can be found here.





  3. I don't think he's screaming favoritism and throwing a fit. He has a point and it's related to this application. I think we should remove the age requirement for TF2.

    ThunderLimes's and Kitty's apps prove that it's not helping and a lot of "underage" people should be able to post a mod applications, since they do not have to meet any age requirements when we manually pick them either.

    But yes, anyways, I'll take this up to the admin forums to discuss it any further.

    Good luck on your application, Kitty. I personally haven't seen you enough to judge , since I play a lot on surf.


    EDIT: fixed the tons of typos lmao

    Making it so it doesnt have an age limit is a good idea. I didnt think there was that blockade for staff because young=mature. If they werent mature they would get -1'd, not +1'd.

  4. If a person was a staff member in the past, that lets us know how mature of a person they are. We already know how they handle powers and we know how they will do their job as a staff member. Throwing a fit screaming "favoritism" isn't exactly going to get you anywhere, as long as the we higher-ups are fine with it, then the application can be made. The age thing is there because most younger people ARE immature, age does mean a lot when it comes to maturity. I personally would be fine with anyone under the age requirement being staff, so long as they show that they are mature and can handle it correctly. Someone's moderator application is not the place to bring this, just message a higher-up if you have a problem with how things are handled, please do not just post things like this where they don't belong.

    I have seen people being turned down for their age even though they were mature enough. Does this apply only to former moderators?

  5. These are basically the votes for each of the bosses by adding a l for a yes and taking off an l for a no.


    I took off the bosses that went negative or had no votes. So these are the ones that will be added back once one of the DL's get to it.


    chuck_norris: lllll

    crash: lllll

    sonic_exe: lll

    nightmare_medic: l

    sanic: lll

    shrek: llll

    sandmen: lll

    sarg: lll

    heavydile: lllll

    fourchan_sniper: lll

    bread_spy: llll

    Bowser: lllllll

    kirby: lll

    goofy: lllll



    @Rejects you might need to give bello the copies of all of these bosses.

    Also request some more bosses please we only have like 20.

  6. Hmm, I might wait a little longer to apply since you've only been on for three days.

    Try a week or two maybe?




    So would he need to declare xG as his primary affiliation or anything?

    Or is so called multiclanning perfectly ok after all?

    When he says 3 days he means 3 days of time on the servers, not 3 days since he had first joined the server.

  7. I do enjoy just mindlessly drawing. Coloring pencils are my biggest weakness. And none of these are really inspired by anything except the last one that you pointed out. The last one was inspired by the Magnus Sword from Kid Icarus: Uprising. I pretty much just copied it from reference and slightly altered the shape and details a bit. Here's an image of the Magnus Sword.

    If you made DS2 or DS3 weapons I would love you forever

  8. To be fair, it's at that point you should've given a clear text explanation to your actions, the user was confused and in turned called for an admin, even though you were on. Once again, still going to +1 for unban.

    I think what Tatost is saying is that he kicked him for "Disregarding Staff" not using the colorme command. So my guess is that the user is lying by saying he didnt have his sound turned o. :thinking:

  9. If I was banned for ignoring staff, then it was because I had my voice receive volume off, as I did not see any messages from them in chat.

    -1 If you were doing shit that was kinda abuse you probably should of turned voice on. I see no reason for this ban to be taken off as its only a day ban for good reason.

  10. arent there other sniper haven maps lmao why is this one getting removed

    if we removed maps for being sniper friendly, most of the maps from tgh would get removed

    That is just one of their reasons, they say it looks bad and the platforming is shit too.