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Posts posted by Thunder

  1. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:


    Offender's Identity:


    Rules Broken:


    Ban Type:

    Server Ban


    Evidence: It is most noticeable at 0:43-0:52 (Snapping ‘Aim Locking’)

    Video may still be processing


    Yes, I am aware that I am a moderator but no admins/higher-ups were available at the time and I had a demo before I kicked them


    This is for the permanent ban.

    Why not just take the video and ban them for like 999999?

    +1 obvious hacks

  2. We the people, in order to establish a stable community, have created this Constitution of xenoGamers.


    ARTICLE I: Legislature

    Section I:

    All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in the Council of xenoGamers, which shall consist of the Community Moderators and Clan Leaders.

    Section II:

    The Community Moderators shall be composed of Moderators chosen anytime by the People of the several Divisions, and the Electors of each Division shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Divisions of the Community Legislature.

    Section III:

    The Clan Leaders of xenoGamers shall be composed of several Clan Leaders from each Division, chosen by the Divisions thereof, for a permanent time.


    ARTICLE II: Executive

    Section I:

    The executive Power shall be vested in a higher Council of xenoGamers.

    Section II:

    The higher Council shall be the Commanders in Chief of xenoGamers and the Moderator of several Divisions. They shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Community Moderators, to make Announcements.

    Section III:

    They shall from time to time give to the lower Council information of the Monthly Update.

    Section IV:

    The higher Council and all Moderators of xenoGamers shall be removed from Moderation on Demotions for, and Convictions of, admin abuse, game crashing, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.


    ARTICLE III: Judiciary

    Section I:

    The judicial Power of xenoGamers, shall be vested in one Moderator Council.


    (I just slightly copied the American Constitution)

    We need to vote for a type of government.


    I vote anarchy

  3. -1 Im sorry dona but I dont really think you're qualified for mod.

    1. You basically only did +1 is active and mature on member submissions to get your 50

    2. You spout random shit that is pretty immature

    Maybe if you got help you would be good but on your own I dont think you should be.

    Just adding another part to this but

    Donakonda doesnt really understand situations like many others do.

    I have seen multiple situations where there was sarcasm with the intent to be very very rude but Dona just thought the person was being nice.

    Im sorry to say this but until you can actually understand people around you better its still going to be a -1 from me.

  4. Its nothing like voting for president, there's much less votes for this so each individual vote matters even more. Also, it's always the higher-ups decision in the end, so I really wouldn't say its a community vote.

    But its the community that can sway a higher-ups decision.

    Tatost has been a part of the community for a while and even though hes not a member anymore maybe his post could sway a higher-ups decision in the final matter.

    aka yes, it is kinda a community decision

  5. I'm against promoting you for now because you were involved in the ManlyDuck situation.

    Sorry, -1 for now.

    Spoopy was not involved with that.

    Please trust me when I say that

    He doesn't even know who the original manlyduck was and if you want I can get caribou to give me a list of everyone who knew.

    Me, tatost, and grape even asked him about it like a day after it went down and he said "What? Caribou is who?"

    If you dont believe me literally ask everyone else and him.

  6. After taking some time to watch the system and review it, I've changed my overall negative opinion on the ghost systems usage. This ghost system active right now is significantly better than the previous when it comes to being an eyesore entirely due to live players not seeing the ghosts, so that mostly minor issue is now nonexistent.

    I've heard nothing but positive opinions on the ghosts system being present from the players frequenting the server, and if they are enjoying the more interactive experience then that tells me the plugin is doing its job to improve the server. Having the option easily present to disable it individually also really allows the best experience for each individual.

    Now the only real issue that still seems to be present is "ghosting", a very real issue as laid out by Amy. Now personally in the last several days of being on the server, I haven't seen this be an actual problem outside of one single situation, and feel like we don't need to worry about it occurring all that often. Regardless, having this enforced by staff seems like the best solution, as out right removing the plugin at this point or making any other drastic changes to try and avoid this would overall take away from the enjoyment for the players. Of course this requires staff to be slightly more observant to try and be sure if someone is indeed ghosting, but there is no reason that should be an issue for them. All that being said, if it's assumed best to keep the plugin off until we have more staff frequenting the server as bello said than by all means. We certainly don't have around the clock staff on the server and I mostly only see either myself or Isabelle playing there for the most part.


    In short, I really feel we should keep the plugin running for everyone's enjoyment, but it might be best to keep it disabled until it gets more traffic from our staff. I AM going to be changing my vote from a No to a Yes though (not that it's going to change much).

    Another problem is all of your settings for the ghost resets after every map change, say you dont wanna be ghost but you need to change it every single map change and if you wanna be in thirdperson you need to change it every single map change. If there is any way to somehow fix that it would be nice.

  7. Ok, self explanatory, we dont have as much bosses as we used to have which is kinda making ff2 less fun at least for me.

    So basically just give a download link to the boss you want and tag bello.

    @Hype Im pretty sure you requested some bosses so just repost them in this thread.

  8. Lol, I'll probably be spammed with disagree ratings on this one, but how about we let people buy custom emojis? Like you'll donate something between one and five dollars to get your customized emoji :emoji_cat2:. (Great way to waste money IMO).

    Maybe you can donate for your own badge?

  9. I am yellowrock, I play too much TF2, mainly surfing. I have collaborated in the creation of 2 maps, surf_quack and surf_crater, with Kraex, and we're currently working on our third map. I'm looking for a good community for combat surf and figured I'd give xG a try. I was previously a regular on OPST, and was an admin on their surf server, but left due to disagreements with how things were managed over there. I am passionate about surfing, and always happy to help people new to the gamemode learn to play.


    Excited to make new friends and experience a new community.

    Technically this guy would be considered a creator for xG because we use quack so he would get the tag. Right?

  10. This... went badly for you didn't it. :rip:


    Until now I didn't know posts were 'hidden' for too many negative ratings.

    What's the cap anyways? 5 negative ratings? maybe 10?


  11. They both allow multiple text channels/voice channels, have mod audit logs-- I'm just trying to understand why Teamspeak is considered better for XG's use.


    Do I realize I'm not gonna convince anyone? Yeah. Do I want to know why that is? Absolutely.

    1. Discord is more used for personal use

    2. Player 1 doesnt like Player 2. Player 1 finds Player 2s ip. Player 1 can now swat, ddos, etc etc.

    Security is bigger than you think my friend.