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Posts posted by Thunder

  1. Server is very good to go. All the perks are back and have been edited to be completely fine.


    The only thing we need is music, thats all. We want at least 2 songs per boss so its 50/50 on which song it is.

    The bosses we have are as follows:

    Demopan, Ninja Spy, GentleSpy, Saxton Hale, Vagineer, HHH Jr, Christain Brutal Sniper, Easter Bunny, Daft Punk, MLG Sniper, Captain Falcon, Gabe Newell, Hatsune Miku, Adolf Hitler, Handsome Jack, A Human Sentry Buster, Joker, Luigi, Mario_N64, Pacman 2, Phoenix Wright, Skeleton-Mann, Grey Alien, Conker, Wario, Waluigi, Garfield, The Blitzkrieg, Dark Vader.


    Just put a boss name and a song to request for it to be put in!

  2. hey, sorry I saw your profile and I just thought you looked BUFF in your picture, I really wanted to tell you that)) It's really rare to see BODYBUILDERS playing video games haha! I don't know why its a MASCULINE thing honestly im like really against FAT and like ill be the one in the kitchen PROTIEN SHAKES. We should really WORK OUT sometime its a really cool MUSCLE with a lot of MANLY moments, but don't worry ill be there to FEED you ;) sorry that wasnt FLEXING I swear Im just trying to be MANLY I really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really STRONG I don't go out much haha add me on TINDER we should talk more you look really BUFF and MASCULINE xxx

  3. Nothing is set in stone and this thread is still open for discussion until it is locked.


    Also, feel free to read previous posts to figure out what he means.

    But the argument is for nothing, Kypari is arguing for a thing that probably wont happen and Aegean is trying to fix by adding an amount of time you need to be on the servers.

    The only way for Kyparis proposition to go through is for a whole other thread to be made with a vote and it goes through so you are defending something that does not need to be defended.

    This is gonna be my last post in this thread because I would rather not have an argument about not having arguments.

  4. Okay well your whole argument is illogical. Why does someone have to be *seen* by you or other people get in the community? This is vague and stupid, give actual reasons because so far this is just idiocracy.

    I dont think he means that, if you get their steam id which takes less than a minute you can check how much time they have had in each of the servers. This argument should just stop now because of the thing @Aegean is implementing. And if you want to keep arguing take it to the shoutbox or some shit like that.

  5. @Kypari that means if I played on the one server that you did not, you would -1 me? I think instead you should look towards trying to know that person, otherwise leave it up to the others.

    If a member proves to be unfit, we always have the member protest option here on the forums.

    Most applications state what server they play on and if I per say play on that server a lot I should be able to -1