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Posts posted by Thunder

  1. Ok... I saw you few times in our surf server.... Tak tak tak tak. I think you have 30 hours actually i'm not sure at all.


    Did you say sentrys?

    admins never do their jobs? Wuuuut? Uhhhhh kypari :0


    OK OK OK relax relax....I think you played in an other surf server.


    First at all,In an our surf server Is totally impossible to build sentrys If you are playing as engineer.


    If you want sentrys you could nominate surf_horizont and push the kill button Or go to surf_overlook. Apart from that, did you say the admins don't do anything? OK.I'm not an admin but we have an admin who is extremely active and comes everyday at surf and his name is kypari,he always puts order in our server, probably the best doing that.Basically the Strictest admin we have also good singer and nice guy.


    Third,are you really 32 years old?

    I read your profile description.

    Personally,i think putting " I. Like memes and memedroid "and "If you found This profile you are a papu" etc etc etc....by the way, I'm a Spanish speaker. I'm from Perú so I can speak Spanish perfectly well,to be honest. Your Spanish grammar is not appropriate for someone who is 32 Years old,

    I don't Know, is hard to believe.


    (talking about grammar, I'm not save...-_- xd)


    I'm going to give you an advice.

    Try to be honest to yourself.


    If you Want to be an admin, you can get it But without lies.

    Basically everything was said here




  2. Seeing the holy shit like 18 people just got member thing. I honestly dont like this idea anymore. People can join the server once and get in. Wasnt getting in xG supposed to be special? When you had to get like 10 +1s in the past it felt so god damn good to get in. Now you dont even have a vouch limit. Also I dont really understand this Senior/Junior member thing. Does it happen in promo/demos? What kind of tags do they wear? Seeing what has just happened with so much people getting in I feel bad for the people who had to try their best to get member and finally get it like after a month. I know that we want more people in but why couldnt we just reduce the vouch limit again? People arent getting vouched or getting replied to in their submissions because they either havent played and people havent seen them or people are just abstaining. I have so much questions with this new change and I hope someone can answer them.

  3. @Thunder @TheSupremePatriot @mrnutty12


    Is it possible for this to be lag related? I know when you have high ping in csgo spectating is really weird and glitchy and it looks like people are shooting behind/not hitting shots and if I'm not mistaken vac has like 150 ish ping? Making the claim based on this one single clip seems like insufficient information as he clearly flicks, his aim is just lagging behind. I'm not saying he's guilty or not, simply playing devils advocate.

    From my experience it does happen but not that bad, maybe like a tiny tiny bit to the left or so but I have never seen anyone do this even when I have over 200 ping