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Everything posted by Goblins

  1. Has changed quite a bit. Active and mature. Pretty chill guy. +1 A: 10/10 M: 10/10
  2. So I thought since Pokemon Go came out, that it would be a good idea to see how others are doing. Post your: Thoughts on the game so far. Pokemon you caught/Pokemon you almost caught. Any special events that happened. Lets see if the game really lives up to the hype. Personally I just started the game since the servers were being overloaded. Got a Charmander so far.
  3. It'd be hard to understand because my jaw keeps locking.
  4. Snagged this code and got Garfield Kart. Gotta go fast to get the lasagna! Thanks, man.
  5. User did not reach the required amount of vouches in the allotted time. Please reapply in 30 days. - Closed
  6. User did not reach the required amount of vouches in the time allotted. Please try again in 30 days. - Closed
  7. User accepted his ban. Use the time that you won't be on the server to think about how you should go about changing yourself. Maybe this thread will be a good reference. - Closed
  8. The thread is about YOUR ban by Snowy. Vector and Vexx are just giving more information to why your ban would be justified. Chill, man.
  9. Goblins


    Josip on Deck is pretty dank. I'ma eat that anime booty.
  10. It is my birthday. Bless me with butts.
    1. Egossi


      Happy birthday from Turkey here's ya gift fam, enjoy ;D http://imgur.com/a/m1mdI P.S. @[106611:@Nu_13] you gotta admit my gift is better
    2. DemonicDisaster


      Shit happy late bday man! Also.. sorry for missing the meeting. I got into some family shit and it got bad. But HAPPY LATE BDAY, WE LOVE YOU!~ <3333
    3. Goblins


      No worries, Demonic! And thank you very much!
    4. Show next comments  57 more
  11. Completed Dragon Slayer with a crossbow and bronze bolts. #Range4Lyfe
  12. I'm down to play. You just have to hit me up. Egossi, Bello, and I usually have a blast playing GTA V. You can add me if you want: Propane Sales
  13. I don't believe anything else needs to be said. As Bello had provided: Use !friendly if you don't want to be killed. Any complaining could result in a gag/mute. It was a five minute gag as well. No reason to get all flustered. Don't complain about being killed when there is !friendly. Think about your punishment before you jump the gun and cry "abuse". - Closed
  14. Goblins

    Paid Ranks

    This right here. There was a guy who had paid to receive moderator status. He was nothing but a problem. Plus why would people be able to buy promotions? You wouldn't pay someone to hire you as a store manager. You have to prove that you're capable of holding that role.
  15. You need to be a member before you want to try to become staff. I don't know if this thread had the intention of applying for moderator or you applying to become a member.
  16. Civic Type R hatch confirmed for 2018. Hype is real.
    1. Blizzard


      fukn car nerd
    2. Goblins


      Go eat a Gargantula, you jimster
  17. Here are some games that I've played that you may enjoy: Dead Space Dungeon of the Endless Fallout series Insurgency Dayz Mirrors Edge Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 (The multiplayer is really fun) Starbound Stardew Valley Valkyria Chronicles
  18. Wondered why you removed me. Have a good one, man. Just remember that you're always welcome back!
  19. Congrats @Tomahawk @Vexx @BananaShoes @Caleb956 (Toma, you better not fuck up or I swear to god)! Here is my burger. Enjoy:
  20. Sorry, man. You need to have at least 50 posts on the forums to make a submission now. I'd suggest just replying to the threads that are alive (which there is quite a few), to get more posts. You have 25 posts on the forums. Shouldn't take long for you to reach the required amount of posts. - Closed.
  21. User did not reach the required amount of vouches in the allotted time. Please try again in 30 days. - Closed
  22. User did not reach the required amount of vouches in the allotted time. Please re-apply in a month. - Closed
  23. User did not reach enough vouches in the allotted time. Please re-apply in a month. - Closed
  24. User did not reach the required amount of vouches in the allotted time. Please re-apply in a month. - Closed