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Everything posted by Goblins

  1. For those who didn't watch me try to fix my window. Here you go: https://youtu.be/8Ls9vm40uEY
    1. Tomahawk


      "Shit was pretty lit"
  2. Oh yeah. This was during the time when death threats were taken way, way too seriously. I'm down for unbanning him, but try to watch what you say next time. Thoughts @BelloWaldi ?
  3. You have more than served time for this ban. For whatever reason. User is now unbanned from CT. - Closed
  4. Ayy! Thanks, Eggosi! Like Bello said, it's up to Rhododendron. Although if we were to add back the ability to donate with keys, doubling the amount of keys you need just scares people away. Spending too much for something of that price. If there was to be overpay it would be key and a half. It's still a lot more, but not as much as doubling it. But it's all up to Rhododendron.
  5. World record pace, ladies and gentlemen! Congrats @mrnutty12 ! I feel like this must be put here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvXncLFXel0 Forgot the most important part. Juicy G's official opener: [MEDIA=soundcloud]id=https%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Fuser-242366639%2Fjuicy-g-we-made-it%2Fs-rGkyR;secret_token=s-rGkyR;track_id=261863835[/MEDIA]
  6. That's what I am saying. We could of balanced out the issues that came up. As for the plugin you suggested, that sounds like it would be pretty cool. Allowing players to test out with different item loadouts to get the most out of utility/damage. It would just need someone to be willing to code it out, unless there is already a template out there for the plugin.
  7. It'd mean more effort moderating to see if the hale is using explosive arrows. There really shouldn't be a nerf. Just hale not being allowed to use PP. Shouldn't be able using PP skills as hale in the first place. We tried out a different system, and people didn't seem to like it. People are too tied to PP and scared of change. I personally thought the perk system that was tested out was very cool. Being able to build different styles. All that needed to be done was balancing. Balance out the skills so that once it got later into the map hale would have a chance at killing others.
  8. c u r r e n t y e a r u r r e n t y e a r
  9. +1 I've seen Cinnamon on Poketrade a few times. Pretty fun and mature guy. A: 8/10 M: 8/10
  10. "What's up you meme loving fucks" TIL Blue likes to dab It's really cool though, man.
  11. Slow down there, champ. Mistakes happen, we are human. There is no need to jump to this conclusion for something like this. You should notify them to not use the vote system when staff is on. A staff is present and can handle it. The vote was really unneeded, but I don't think there is really much to say. I think the only thing that needs to be said is: "don't do it again".
  12. Me_irl: http://puu.sh/ox4iK/e9645336eb.webm
    1. Tomahawk


      ayy lmao you lost the race
    2. Tomahawk


      *cries while realizing I can't go for my license until September*
    3. Egossi


      ew right sided steering wheel what are you, fuckin british?
    4. Show next comments  66 more
  13. Initial D: First Stage completed. Now time to watch the 4 other stages.
  14. Third gear and I'm pulling. City lights shining at the darkest hours.
  15. I was called onto Hale tonight. There is a boss with the name "=failed name=" that is glitched out. The hale is in citizen mode and cannot even use its rage. Just throwing it out there.
  16. KA no SR you bitch. Watch me make these others mad.
  17. Goblins

    Runescape Nxt

    Runescape looks like it has gotten a lot better over the years, but I think I'd just stick to Old School Runescape.
  18. I was going to say no to this, but if we're trying it out for a week then sure. It's going to be a week of potential madness. +1
  19. The only thing I'm going to blaze is a nice bowl of Lucky Charms.
  20. Congrats, Snowy! If you have any questions regarding commands, don't be afraid to message other staff members.
  21. Holy shit, man. This is really a shot in the heart. First off, I want to say that I hope everything goes alright with you and your uncle. I can understand in your shoes on the whole stressing ordeal. Secondly, I just want to say thank you for being here. I may have only been in the clan for a short time, but my time on the servers is great. Thanks for being one of the people that got me to join the clan. I really appreciate it. Hope your future endeavors go smoothly and that we will still talk. Good luck with everything, Ohstop! :)
  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEMONIC! Hope your day goes swell!
  23. Goblins

    It's Been A While

    The anatomy is spot on, and so is your color choice. These are pretty cool! I'd want to see more of these to be honest.
  24. Lol what's up Xranth. Still playing Sm4sh? I'm staying neutral on this. I can't really say very much since I've only heard bits and pieces on the whole ordeal causing your ban. If you think you're not going to get lucky, you may want to do the Mona Pizza challenge.