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Reputation Activity

  1. Creative
    Thorax_ reacted to Kitsune in [poll] Remove Or Keep Trade_nimbusland On Trade Gaming History   
    Rejects, wasn't the whole debate on nimbus due to skill, not map design? If we removed a map on the sheer notion of "Oh, RED can spawncamp BLU", we'd be removing, say, Click Clock Wood, Clocktown, Rusty Bucket Bay.. on the same basis.
    Case in point; There are a lot of maps that wouldn't play very well if we cared for the balancing. I personally think that it'd be a bad idea to remove a map just because it wasn't good for competitive play, specifically because TGH is Trade Gaming History; A.K.A, a trade server. If people have a problem with the balance and fighting, then they can just go !friendly.

    Skill discrepancy is the name of the game here, folks, and if we start to remove maps because of it, it's going to cause a major backdraft in map quality.

    That's my opinion. Any thoughts?

  2. Smelly
    Thorax_ reacted to Caleb956 in Leaving   
    I'm leaving jb2 now everyone have fun :afro:
  3. Optimistic
    Thorax_ reacted to Scootaloo in Remove Trade_nimbusland   
    If only we had a plugin that allowed players to not be damaged. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Useful
    Thorax_ reacted to realBelloWaldi in Remove Trade_nimbusland   
    [poll] Remove Or Keep Trade_nimbusland On Trade Gaming History
    Vote here!
  5. Informative
    Thorax_ reacted to ColdEndeavour in Goldenrod City Revamp   
    -missing map-
    I've only gotten that kind of error when I join the server using a map with the same name but with a different signature.
    trade_nomulousbouncyhouse_v23 (27.61 MB)
    trade_nomulousbouncyhouse_v23 (29.85 MB)
    Other than that, I have no idea.
    -very long walk from blu-
    I know it sucks, but I did do something that isn't obvious at all.
    The ground-level tree line on the left-hand side when you exit Blu Spawn, at that indentation in the trees towards the corner there is an invisible ladder (clip brushes) that allows you to climb the trees and jump over the gap to the important part of the route (shortcut).
    I'm not sure if that info makes the situation any better; nonetheless, the scaling scheme I used with porting these maps having 80 units cubed = 1 tile as a reference for the overworld is much better for two reasons:
    1.) Not too large nor too small. If I had used the traditional 128 units cubed scaling scheme, then this map would be enormous (not as bad as it would have been for goldenrod if it had been that way).
    2.) VRAD would have crashed.
    -red can block path- + -no collision trees-
    It's just me, but for once, it seems like there is finally some light to this mapping imperfection (Blu spamming their gunfire through the trees towards red - probability of blast damage is much higher due to proximity between the tree line and solid objects.
    -places that kill you-
    Yeah, I was trying to save on edict data. I planned to have it set up to where you would just be teleported back to the main entrance upon failure, but the trigger_teleport and info_teleport_destination entities really eat up at the entdata during the build.
    -countertops are too tall-
    That bothered me a bit too during the porting of interiors. The downside of that angled birdseye view is that when you're mapping for a first person shooter things are obviously disproportionate when you get to making the brushes. I did factor the height to the usual 40 - 44 units, but it ended up looking really weird.
    Yeah, you're gonna have a really bad Tom.
    In the old Ecruteak I had Palladio by Karl Jenkins, that isn't Pokemon themed at all either. So, this time I kept the theme of having one irregular song in the map.

    The Source Engine's glory days are over and its flaws are more obvious than ever. Mainly Hammer and vertex editing - Hammer being a gimped and decrepit version of 3D Studio.
    There is great horror when you re-open your project after hours of work from the day prior - to only encounter a mess of misaligned vertices (despite the geometry being "valid").
    I was never invincible..., especially after that 4-dimensional split. Wait, I contradicted myself.
  6. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Rejects in [poll] Remove Or Keep Trade_nimbusland On Trade Gaming History   
    As per this thread, it is known that the Blu team is heavily spawn camped by the Reds on this map, The thread had votes on both sides of the spectrum (remove or keep).
    This Poll will stay up for 14 days and when it closes whichever side gets the most votes the map will be kept/removed, The decision of this will be final
    Please keep the discussion clean
    @Bello @Goblins @Moosty @TheSupremePatriot @Vexx @Vixen @Kitsune @Vector @BananaShoes @Tomahawk @SnowyMinion
  7. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to ColdEndeavour in Goldenrod City Revamp   
    I forgot to note the changes:
    trade_koganecity_b1 -> trade_koganecity_b1c
    - night time
    - songs are now labeled
    trade_goldenrodcity_v1b -> trade_goldenrodcity_v1c
    - night time
  8. Agree
    Thorax_ reacted to Vexx in Remove Trade_nimbusland   
    -1 Nimbus is one of the oldest maps on TGH, as for the unreachable spot you mentioned, that counts as an exploit and you should call an admin on if you see any engineers building up there.
  9. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to virr in Promotions And Demotions #151   
    @Charles from Memeber to shit-poster.
  10. Agree
    Thorax_ got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Goldenrod City Revamp   
    More hype!!!!
  11. Winner
    Thorax_ reacted to ColdEndeavour in Goldenrod City Revamp   
    Well, it's here.
    The map-pack below contains the following:
    trade_enjucity_a1 alpha
    trade_koganecity_b1c beta
    --- and then some ---
    Also, it contains the original VMF files so anyone can edit the maps that have been packed in the archive. You'll have to extract the additional resources from the BSP files provided.
    TF2 Map Pack.7z
  12. Optimistic
    Thorax_ reacted to Bone in Hello? Where's Vsh?   
    If it's a problem with the actual plugin, then we'd need to wait for the plugin author to update it. Which they usually do, since FF2 is a pretty popular plugin. If it's a problem with TF2 items or Sourcemod itself, then it'll be fixed even quicker
  13. Friendly
    Thorax_ reacted to Maso in [xg:m]vexx - Team Fortress 2   
    Ok, if there's going to be talk of an actual punishment, I have to make another statement. To be fair, Vexx technically had the right to kick me. As he stated, I ignored his warning and sprayed it anyway. I ignored him because I thought his decision was bias towards me, but that doesn't give me the right to ignore a staff member. Vexx apologized, and I will also apologize for ignoring a staff member. I'm Sorry for spraying my inappropriate spray and ignoring your warnings Vexx <3.
    In response to ShadowSpy saying, "If i joined a server and saw two ponies wearing panties and spreading there legs, I wouldn't wanna see that shit.", I'm sure that there are plenty homosexual males and straight females that wouldn't want to see a female character suggestively bent over, showing her camel toe. I personally think the statue of David (Michelangelo) is an absolutely disgusting piece of art, but I respect others opinions for branding it as art.
  14. Like
    Thorax_ got a reaction from mrnutty12 in Clickbait-y Leaving Thread...   
    Have fun!
  15. Agree
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Charles in Serious Question Thread   
    If you have a job in real life, and are not showing up "inactive", you are most likely going to get fired.
    Being a moderator requires dedication.
    Just going inactive without providing a reason is a highly likely path to being demoted.
    If you're going to be or have plans that will make you inactive, it's just best to let the higher ups know so they don't think that you just stopped playing.
    It's really just common sense ;)
  16. Useful
    Thorax_ got a reaction from mrnutty12 in I'm Sorry   
    You just don't seem to understand....
    We don't hate you, we hate how you act when in the face of consequences.... And the aftermath of it....
    You just need to take a chill pill, if you get irritated in the server, just leave and cool down...
    I don't get why when you get in trouble, you just feel the whole group is crap, assume that all staff are crap, and that it's a broken group.
    Just take responsibility more maturely.... Then there wouldn't be a problem....
    If an admin says not to do something, listen to them, and don't fight..... That's really the only option you have.
    I highly suggest you read the information provided below before you come back to the server to prevent further issues, if you do decide to come back....
    Community Rules : General Server and Community Rules
    Team Fortress 2 General MOTD : TF2 General MOTD
  17. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Mendacity in Time To Work For My Participation Trophy   
    Hi guys, I have been a member for a while now on and off but I decided I should really start working for the XG title in my name. So I thought I would come back and say hi! I usually play on the Pokémon server where you can find me. If anyone ever uses the team speak for TF2 I will gladly be on that one too! I will also use the forum a little more and help out if and when I can!
  18. Friendly
    Thorax_ reacted to Vector in I'm Sorry   
    It's never too late to recognize the problems you and we have. It makes us better people. You're a good guy i'm sure, you just need to control your anger, and if you do that you can go back to having fun with many others and not alienate them. I'm sure @SnowyMinion can forgive you if you just say you apologize, not just to her but to xG as a hole. It would be very mature on your part.
  19. Friendly
    Thorax_ reacted to Tourten in I'm Sorry   
    I'm sorry for what I posted and feel terrible, so i'd at least what to say i'm sorry so i'm leaving this post here before I go ,What I did was not cool or nice and I hate myself even more now and yes I know I have bad spelling and a real short temper but I never truly mean what I what to say is that you are all kind and respectful and I do not even deserve be near or talk to anyone like that , I try not to sound offensive but its jest hard for me not to sometimes and I should have known better then to get mad and act how I did so I'm sorry to anyone that I did offend and I'm sorry to all who have to put up with my like my family because now I know how they feel about me and I jest completely hate it so this may or may not (most likely may) be my last post or even joining any servers to talking on a mic so that is all I wanted to say before I go so I hope you all accept my apology but you don't have to and hate me as you wish but at least thank you for reading this -Tourten
  20. Smelly
    Thorax_ reacted to Tourten in Snowyminion - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 Staff Name:

    SnowyMinion Staff's Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:1:122068103 Evidence:

    Mutes me when i'm talking about the whole server mute thing where there is a vote mute thing and that some players are lazy to mute someone themselves and then I get muted for "slurs and disrespect" when I did not say a single slur in fact some one else was cussing up a storm in chat and nothing was done about it then i jest see my buddy Parrthurnax getting spam slaped and I have videos on both and unlike last time this time I have Solid proof and witnesses ! Btw the audio is a bit quiet so ill fix that for the future

    The Files are to big for the side so i placed them in my dropbox
  21. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to realBelloWaldi in Psa: We Updated The Admin Handbook!   
    Good Morning TF2 Staff, your designated Führer here with a special announcement regarding recent events.
    As we promote people, we advise you read the admin handbook to understand what your responsibilities are. I just want to remind you all of the standard protocol.
    [spoiler=An explanation of the WKB-System]How to make a proper punishment
    Some staff members sometimes ask themselves "Should I kick this guy?" or "Should I ban this guy?" or maybe even "How long should I ban this guy for?" These are very good questions to ask yourself before you actually do the slaying, kicking, banning or whatever it is that you are doing. The process usually goes like this for someone breaking a minor rule:
    Warn, then slay (sometimes optional), then kick, then ban.
    When you get to the point where you have to ban them, make sure to use your common sense for how long the ban should last. Don't permanently ban a guy for mic spamming. Ban him for about an hour to week depending on how badly they did it, if people told him to stop multiple times, etc. However, using the WSKB approach isn't always required. For certain situations you can instantly ban for situations like:
    -Majorly intending to troll the entire server. (A day ban)
    -Hacking (Permanent)
    -Mass freekilling (Permanent CT ban)
    -Mass freekilling then leaving the game (Permanent)
    -Taken from the admin handbook: Everything You Need To Know [admins, Servers, Handbook, Etc.]
    Additionally we added two new exceptions in order to make moderating easier:

    Important: Following protocol for punishments are important (Standard: Warn > Mute/Gag > Kick > Ban)! You should follow these steps as it is the best way to handle issues. However there is times that you can skip a few steps. For example: If a player is breaking multiple rules (ex: exploting and spamming), then you are able to jump to kicking the player from the server. If the user returns to the server and resumes doing what he was doing to get kicked for, then you should follow up with a ban.

    Majorly intending to troll the entire server will result in an immediate day ban.

    Your hosts @BelloWaldi and @Goblins signing out.
    Tagging all staff members: @Rejects @Goblins @BelloWaldi @Caleb956 @Fiery8022 @Diamonde @XHina_sanX @lik202 @mrnutty12 @TacoSmasher47 @ArminArmout @BlankThePervert @Bone @Jon_N64 @Moosty @NitNat @SnowyMinion @TheSupremePatriot @PyroBunny @Vexx @BananaShoes @Tomahawk
  22. Sad
    Thorax_ reacted to gryfons in Gone   
    I will be gone for a couple weeks. I will miss you
  23. RIP
    Thorax_ reacted to Vector in I Make Free Art For People   
  24. Creative
    Thorax_ reacted to RuBid1uM in I Make Free Art For People   
    Most of the people I make art for request pics of their fursonas, here are some examples c:

  25. Agree
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Randy_Orton in Serious Question Thread   
    If you have a job in real life, and are not showing up "inactive", you are most likely going to get fired.
    Being a moderator requires dedication.
    Just going inactive without providing a reason is a highly likely path to being demoted.
    If you're going to be or have plans that will make you inactive, it's just best to let the higher ups know so they don't think that you just stopped playing.
    It's really just common sense ;)