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  1. Creative
    Thorax_ reacted to ColdEndeavour in Goldenrod City Revamp   
    But wait, there's more!
    I've yet to make Goldenrod City using graphics from:
    Gen I (Red, Green, Blue, & Yellow)
    Gen III (Ruby, Sapphire, & Emerald + FireRed & LeafGreen)
    Gen IV (Diamond, Pearl, & Platinum)
    Gen V (Black & White)
    Gen VI (X & Y)
    And don't forget about the console releases of Pokémon - the possibilities are limitless!
    If you don't like it, I will summon a midget to corner you in a restroom at Starbucks who will force you to stare at his little member as he does a little dance to the opening theme of Camp Lazlo.
    Idiocy aside,
    The remake of Goldenrod from Gen II was left in the abyss to be either a supplement or a replacement otherwise. Clearly it ended up being the former, and turned out to be PK Cancer γ.
    As for the Gen IV remake, that was more or less of an implied replacement release for my previous spaghetti spill of the other map I made.
    I get the impression that I am being an imposition in some way, though that is not my intention at all, if that is the case. It is undeniable that the amount of Goldenrod is oversaturated and my unoriginality is really showing (as if it was evident from day 1 - 2 years ago). This city is the most iconic landmark from the series and the area of exploration is neither too large or too small like the other cities/towns from the original games in the series - my intention was to, more or less, improve upon the abnormalities and whatever else there was I thought that could use a touch-up. It's whatever, now.
    I did have one old idea that I'd like to share for any mapper that would be curious to try out;
    I was planning to use and abuse some of TF2's player model scaling properties via generic console commands so that I could make a micro scaled rendition of Johto. I did follow through with this idea, but got tired of it and gave up on it (no surprise there) - I worked on it up until Mahogany Town & the Lake of Rage. (Fun fact, the Skybox in the new Gen II Goldenrod City has the North and West portions of it - copy and paste.)
    I'm not sure if this idea can or will be completed, but it would be interesting to see someone follow through with it.
    Commands if anyone is interested:
    sv_cheats 1
    ent_fire !player setmodelscale .125 (fiddle around with it)***
    ***Still haven't figured out how to sort out the collision properties/physics mesh of the player model after downsizing - meaning that despite being small, the minimum scalable height (that is to step up from one brush to the next) is around 16 units.
  2. Agree
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Charles in Serious Question Thread   
    If you have a job in real life, and are not showing up "inactive", you are most likely going to get fired.
    Being a moderator requires dedication.
    Just going inactive without providing a reason is a highly likely path to being demoted.
    If you're going to be or have plans that will make you inactive, it's just best to let the higher ups know so they don't think that you just stopped playing.
    It's really just common sense ;)
  3. Useful
    Thorax_ reacted to Tourten in Ff2/ Freak Fortress 2 Request   
    I know how to edit the boss Textures and Models, If that can help a bit
  4. Agree
    Thorax_ got a reaction from Randy_Orton in Serious Question Thread   
    If you have a job in real life, and are not showing up "inactive", you are most likely going to get fired.
    Being a moderator requires dedication.
    Just going inactive without providing a reason is a highly likely path to being demoted.
    If you're going to be or have plans that will make you inactive, it's just best to let the higher ups know so they don't think that you just stopped playing.
    It's really just common sense ;)
  5. Salty
    Thorax_ reacted to DMTwired in Serious Question Thread   
    salty to see no mods on a populated server, people should only be demoted for inactivity if there is an allotted amount of mod slots and people are waiting to fill them
  6. Agree
    Thorax_ got a reaction from lilbleed in Serious Question Thread   
    If you have a job in real life, and are not showing up "inactive", you are most likely going to get fired.
    Being a moderator requires dedication.
    Just going inactive without providing a reason is a highly likely path to being demoted.
    If you're going to be or have plans that will make you inactive, it's just best to let the higher ups know so they don't think that you just stopped playing.
    It's really just common sense ;)
  7. Agree
    Thorax_ reacted to virr in Serious Question Thread   
    Someone is salty for losing their mod due to inactivity :^)
  8. Agree
    Thorax_ reacted to Charles in Serious Question Thread   
  9. Smelly
    Thorax_ reacted to gryfons in Rubid1um   
  10. Smelly
    Thorax_ reacted to Tomahawk in Rubid1um   
    Tomahawk Tomahawk For Mod!?
  11. Friendly
    Thorax_ reacted to RuBid1uM in Rubid1um   
    In-Game Name:

    RuBid1uM Active Division:

    Team Fortress 2 Previously a Member in xG:

    No Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:0:81960039 Banned:

    No Active on Teamspeak:

    No Time Active on Servers:

    2 months Age:

    20 Reasons for Joining:

    My name is Candice, but everyone calls me by my online name RuBid1uM. I am interested in becoming a moderator, because I love the servers and the types of people you meet on them. The xG servers are a great place to talk to people without the fear of being judged and make friends that are into the same things you are into. I want to help make the server a great experience for everyone, and would be honoured if accepted onto the team. Thank you for taking the time to read my message c:
  12. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to RuBid1uM in Rubid1um   
    I'm glad! I was worried that there was something wrong with me! I'm now playing more of the servers, it's a lot of fun o3o
  13. Winner
    Thorax_ reacted to Egossi in 500 Posts Special   
    haha lol xd
  14. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to Rejects in Tf2 Zombie Fortress Asylum Update (repost With Poll)   
    looks really good!, if the majority votes yes I'll add it
  15. Friendly
    Thorax_ reacted to Owl in Later Nerds.   
    at least I'm still in your signature
  16. Like
    Thorax_ reacted to realBelloWaldi in Tf2 Zombie Fortress Asylum Update (repost With Poll)   
    Looks pretty cool! What do you think @Rejects @Goblins @mrnutty12?
  17. Sad
    Thorax_ reacted to ChickenPanda in Later Nerds.   
    stepping down from social media. staying member in case I decide to actually come back one day.
    @Rhododendron I would suggest @TheSupremePatriot considering he's pretty determined and excited about it. if he's still willing, obviously.
    if you care about the reason, you can keep reading. if you came for tl;dr that's all.
    When I started playing WoW, I thought it would be a fun thing for a couple of xG members to do, and we could all play together and raid, specifically in the upcoming expansion. I dozed off and kind of did my own thing while everybody else stayed behind and only raided on the raid days that I set. I got way ahead of everybody, and I'm now raiding mythic (the hardest difficulty) and I get really into the game and serious about it. I simply don't have the time or motivation that I used to for the clan, but I still love everybody here. Not going to tag anyone, you know if I enjoy your presence or not. if you want the link to my guild's discord, message me on forums and I'll give it to anyone that I particularly like. If you want to play wow, you're welcome into my guild, and you may raid with us if you have the desire for it.
    wtb wow division.
    dj darkfoot out.
  18. Agree
    Thorax_ reacted to Goblins in Pyrobunny - Team Fortress 2   
    I don't believe anything else needs to be said.
    As Bello had provided: Use !friendly if you don't want to be killed. Any complaining could result in a gag/mute. It was a five minute gag as well. No reason to get all flustered.
    Don't complain about being killed when there is !friendly. Think about your punishment before you jump the gun and cry "abuse".
    - Closed
  19. Like
  20. Useful
    Thorax_ reacted to PiNoYPsYcHo in Im Planning To Possibly Build A Gaming Computer, But I Need A Bit Of Help :)   
    Don't listen to these retards. Check my part see if you like it I mean you said maximum of 600 so it should add up to atleast 570~ with tax. See if you can change some of the parts to ur likings but keep the CPU/MOBO/GPU
    pinoypsycho - Saved Part Lists - PCPartPicker
  21. Agree
    Thorax_ reacted to Goblins in Paid Ranks   
    This right here.
    There was a guy who had paid to receive moderator status. He was nothing but a problem. Plus why would people be able to buy promotions? You wouldn't pay someone to hire you as a store manager. You have to prove that you're capable of holding that role.
  22. Useful
    Thorax_ reacted to Hushpuppy in Im Planning To Possibly Build A Gaming Computer, But I Need A Bit Of Help :)   
    I know AMD is releasing their new 480 soonish for 199$ which will almost definitely be much better then the graphics card you've chosen for an extra 30$ if you can wait, although exact specs and release date is yet to be revealed.
    EDIT: MY BAD! Release date actually is confirmed, June 29
    EDIT 2: Also, get two sticks of 4gb ram instead of one stick of 8gb. Cuz of the way ram works, they gives better performance. dun ask me why.
  23. Useful
    Thorax_ reacted to Hushpuppy in Im Planning To Possibly Build A Gaming Computer, But I Need A Bit Of Help :)   
    Core i3-6100 3.7GHz Dual-Core, N200 MicroATX Mid Tower - System Build - PCPartPicker
    I got bored and made a parts list. (I switched CPUs as well cuz that is an oooooooooooold CPU.)
  24. Useful
    Thorax_ reacted to Matsi in Im Planning To Possibly Build A Gaming Computer, But I Need A Bit Of Help :)   
    That list has all sorts of problems.... like mismatched memory, lacking wattage in the power supply, and a standard sized case with a micro size motherboard.

    This one looks decent.... the only issue I see with it is the power supply only being 450W... having so little power might cause issues, I'd suggest uping it to at LEAST 550 or higher.
    Also is there a specific reason you want a microatx motherboard? You may have troubles fitting everything if you use a micro motherboard and case and it'll be so clumped together that you could have overheating issues. Some standard size cases do support micro motherboards tho, but not really sure why you'd do that.
  25. Useful
    Thorax_ reacted to Hushpuppy in Im Planning To Possibly Build A Gaming Computer, But I Need A Bit Of Help :)   
    PC parts have gotten so power efficient lately, and going overboard on the power supply will do nothing for your build unless you plan on upgrading in the future. As an example, a 6770k with a GTX 1080 never goes over 300 watts at peak power levels. Now, obviously this is not a 1080 and nvidia is better with power consumption then AMD, but this is also a less powerful card and CPU as well, so 450 watts should have power to spare.
    Edit: Ooops, thats for non overclocked 1080, but still.