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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    virr got a reaction from Aegean in Member Application Changes!   
    I was going to type something longer to explain our reasoning, but @Aegean covered some of it in his post. I'd just like to add;
    The issues we were having with the old system was that a lot of people didn't really understand the purpose of the vouches which in addition to the guidelines being a complete mess (which has now been fixed) led to confusion in a lot of cases. A lot of applications never really met the old requirements (which was 7 for TF2, 3 for CS:GO) which was really disheartening and a lot of people give up after their first member application being denied.
    Members who put in extra work to be stand-out members of the community will still be recognized and rewarded when we flesh out the member hierarchy properly. We feel like this in addition to badges (which are being finalized probably some time this week) will bring a bit of bling to members that really put in that extra mile to make xG a better place for all of us.
  2. Agree
    virr got a reaction from Elcark in Tragicmike - Team Fortress 2   
    Except for something called lag. Even if he is hacking, a 10 second clip is (almost) never damning enough for a permanent ban. There's a reason we have somewhat strict requirements for permanent bans. It's to minimize false positives.
  3. Sad
    virr got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Tragicmike - Team Fortress 2   
    No, thats not how ping works at all. As long as your ping is consistent and not spiking up and down or you don't have any packet loss you're not going to experience any "flicks" in character models.
    @Bello @Rejects @Vexx can we get a verdict here?
  4. Agree
    virr got a reaction from Kypari in Tragicmike - Team Fortress 2   
    No, thats not how ping works at all. As long as your ping is consistent and not spiking up and down or you don't have any packet loss you're not going to experience any "flicks" in character models.
    @Bello @Rejects @Vexx can we get a verdict here?
  5. Agree
    virr got a reaction from Kypari in Tragicmike - Team Fortress 2   
    Except for something called lag. Even if he is hacking, a 10 second clip is (almost) never damning enough for a permanent ban. There's a reason we have somewhat strict requirements for permanent bans. It's to minimize false positives.
  6. Like
    virr got a reaction from Thorax_ in [ Sold ] Unusual Tesla Coil Defiant Spartan   
    ~ c l o s e d ~
  7. Agree
    virr got a reaction from Kypari in Tragicmike - Team Fortress 2   
    You can't ban someone because you "think" they are hacking. Here's what the Tf2 staff manual says about permanent bans.

    Unless @LemonVolt has more proof he can supply the evidence provided currently does not warrant a permanent ban

    You can't even see his ping what.
    And what did the update fix exactly? You can't really fix lag.
  8. Agree
    virr got a reaction from Kypari in Tragicmike - Team Fortress 2   
    @Thunder @TheSupremePatriot @mrnutty12
    Is it possible for this to be lag related? I know when you have high ping in csgo spectating is really weird and glitchy and it looks like people are shooting behind/not hitting shots and if I'm not mistaken vac has like 150 ish ping? Making the claim based on this one single clip seems like insufficient information as he clearly flicks, his aim is just lagging behind. I'm not saying he's guilty or not, simply playing devils advocate.
  9. Like
    virr reacted to MineCrack in Retards Getting Smoke In Pubg   
  10. Boring
    virr reacted to Thorax_ in Sylux - Team Fortress 2   
    Because [xG:M] Sylux would look cool.
  11. Agree
    virr reacted to Chrono in Game Division   
    Quite frankly, the talk in this thread between @virr and @Vertex should be taken to a thread in the GMOD Discussion, and it shouldn't be gigantic posts about download time and what is more optimizing/better. The debating that should be happening is about TTT and when/why it is/isn't coming. IMO if there were fundamental issues with the server setup causing this big of a delay, it isn't hard to wipe and start over and do it "right" from the start. including the facts Virr already mentioned, as well as my post in the thread he originally linked.
    TTT is a standard part of GMOD nowadays, The maps are tiny for your guys' download speed debate, and while the statistics claim an average of like 6-15 mbits in the US that accounts for all users with active internet plans/subscriptions like old ladies who live with a hospice nurse. whereas the average player of an internet based pc game is going to be on the higher end of that/much above average.
  12. Drunk
    virr got a reaction from Vertex in Game Division   
    Disclaimer: its 10am and i haven't had much, if any sleep. Everything in here might be wrong and I just spent over an hour typing this up for no reason. Oh well.

    Gmod has only had two bigger updates since you made this post, none of which seem to switch things around too much to the point of a server completely breaking (unless there's been something i missed, i skimmed through the update thread and there didn't seem to be any issues). I'm also not sure how much custom content had been made for the old one, but a vanilla version of TTT is included when you install gmod, and setting it up isn't exactly rocket science, and neither is troubleshooting a server. If you manage to set up the old one in 45 minutes, surely fixing it can't take more than 5 months?
    I know school and free time is a major factor that plays into how much time you are able to dedicate to the clan, but that's the case for the vast majority of higher ups and most of us still manage to stay active despite all of that and if that's not possible you should consider getting more higher ups for your respective divisions or step down entirely.

    It's clearly not if download times are upwards of 5+ minutes for someone with a 1+MBps internet connection. If you are forcing people to download content that isn't used, of course download times are going to be slow. What are the benefits of bundling the maps together in packs? Correct me if I'm wrong, but they are still compressed when they are uploaded to the workshop, and only using 33% (assuming that all maps are the same size and that every pack has 3 maps(I'm aware that this isn't the case, I'm just gonna roll with it as an example)) of what you downloaded seems like a waste and while it is convenient that you now have 2 more maps for whenever the server changes to them, the trade off is going to be longer download times with the risk of the server not going to one of the maps you downloaded, forcing you to download another 50~ MB of data. In an ideal world, the user would only download the map when it is needed by the server. By bundling the maps into packs, not only are you making it longer for people to download stuff, but you are also taking up unnecessary hard drive space for the user. The bundling of stuff in "packs" makes sense when you are dealing with content that are static and never changes (morbus game mode, models, hub, etc) but not when it comes to maps that are constantly changing.

    I'm not sure if I'm following the math here. I added all the workshop content on your steam profile and came to 465.1 MB. I'm using 6Mbps or 0,75MBps as the users download speed (lets be honest, this is an insanely slow download speed, and the percentage of users with this speed is probably so small its probably not worth accommodating for) since you mentioned earlier in the thread.
    28.624 + 44.100 + 25.362 + 40.366 + 32.981 + 0.177 + 11.348 + 61.409 + 55.682 + 56.482 + 54.151 + 54.424 = 465.106 ~ 465.1
    465.1 / 0,75 = 620,13333... ~ 620,1 //Download time in seconds
    620,1 / 60 = 10.335 = 10m20s //DL time in mins/secs
    Lets grab all the necessary content + 1 map pack. I picked the biggest one @ 61.4MB.
    28.624 + 44.100 + 25.362 + 40.366 + 32.981 + 0.177 + 11.348 + 61.409 = 244.367 ~ 244.4
    244.4 / 0.75 = 325.8666.... ~ 325.9 //Download time in seconds
    325.9 / 60 = 5.431666... = 5m26s //DL time in mins/secs
    Now, lets use a version of breach that i found on the workshop (breach is one of the 2 maps included in the map pack i used). Its size is 33MB.
    28.624 + 44.100 + 25.362 + 40.366 + 32.981 + 0.177 + 11.348 + 33 = 215.958 ~ 216
    216 / 0.75 = 288 //Download time in seconds
    288 / 60 = 4.8 = 4m 48s //DL time in mins/secs
    So by not bundling the maps together in packs we have now saved 38 seconds on download times.

    By "no server content" do you mean a completely empty server? Why does it take 3m 30s to load in to a completely empty server? And in what way does other players suffer from slow loaders? As I've stated earlier in my post, i want to download the maps when they need to be downloaded, not because they are included in a pack with 2 other maps that i might never play, which are then never going to be used and just take up unnecessary space on my hard drive.
    Look, I'm not trying to be an asshole, but i do think you deserve criticism based on what others are saying and our own observations on how your divisions are run. The way you keep everything as separate as possible to our forums, with literally 0 interaction with the rest of us, leaves us to guessing about whats going on over in GMOD and ND. With the (somewhat) recent incident about a ban protest and some drama over a certain server crash exploit a while back i do think a lot of the criticism you get is deserved.
  13. Sad
    virr got a reaction from Egossi in Game Division   
    Disclaimer: its 10am and i haven't had much, if any sleep. Everything in here might be wrong and I just spent over an hour typing this up for no reason. Oh well.

    Gmod has only had two bigger updates since you made this post, none of which seem to switch things around too much to the point of a server completely breaking (unless there's been something i missed, i skimmed through the update thread and there didn't seem to be any issues). I'm also not sure how much custom content had been made for the old one, but a vanilla version of TTT is included when you install gmod, and setting it up isn't exactly rocket science, and neither is troubleshooting a server. If you manage to set up the old one in 45 minutes, surely fixing it can't take more than 5 months?
    I know school and free time is a major factor that plays into how much time you are able to dedicate to the clan, but that's the case for the vast majority of higher ups and most of us still manage to stay active despite all of that and if that's not possible you should consider getting more higher ups for your respective divisions or step down entirely.

    It's clearly not if download times are upwards of 5+ minutes for someone with a 1+MBps internet connection. If you are forcing people to download content that isn't used, of course download times are going to be slow. What are the benefits of bundling the maps together in packs? Correct me if I'm wrong, but they are still compressed when they are uploaded to the workshop, and only using 33% (assuming that all maps are the same size and that every pack has 3 maps(I'm aware that this isn't the case, I'm just gonna roll with it as an example)) of what you downloaded seems like a waste and while it is convenient that you now have 2 more maps for whenever the server changes to them, the trade off is going to be longer download times with the risk of the server not going to one of the maps you downloaded, forcing you to download another 50~ MB of data. In an ideal world, the user would only download the map when it is needed by the server. By bundling the maps into packs, not only are you making it longer for people to download stuff, but you are also taking up unnecessary hard drive space for the user. The bundling of stuff in "packs" makes sense when you are dealing with content that are static and never changes (morbus game mode, models, hub, etc) but not when it comes to maps that are constantly changing.

    I'm not sure if I'm following the math here. I added all the workshop content on your steam profile and came to 465.1 MB. I'm using 6Mbps or 0,75MBps as the users download speed (lets be honest, this is an insanely slow download speed, and the percentage of users with this speed is probably so small its probably not worth accommodating for) since you mentioned earlier in the thread.
    28.624 + 44.100 + 25.362 + 40.366 + 32.981 + 0.177 + 11.348 + 61.409 + 55.682 + 56.482 + 54.151 + 54.424 = 465.106 ~ 465.1
    465.1 / 0,75 = 620,13333... ~ 620,1 //Download time in seconds
    620,1 / 60 = 10.335 = 10m20s //DL time in mins/secs
    Lets grab all the necessary content + 1 map pack. I picked the biggest one @ 61.4MB.
    28.624 + 44.100 + 25.362 + 40.366 + 32.981 + 0.177 + 11.348 + 61.409 = 244.367 ~ 244.4
    244.4 / 0.75 = 325.8666.... ~ 325.9 //Download time in seconds
    325.9 / 60 = 5.431666... = 5m26s //DL time in mins/secs
    Now, lets use a version of breach that i found on the workshop (breach is one of the 2 maps included in the map pack i used). Its size is 33MB.
    28.624 + 44.100 + 25.362 + 40.366 + 32.981 + 0.177 + 11.348 + 33 = 215.958 ~ 216
    216 / 0.75 = 288 //Download time in seconds
    288 / 60 = 4.8 = 4m 48s //DL time in mins/secs
    So by not bundling the maps together in packs we have now saved 38 seconds on download times.

    By "no server content" do you mean a completely empty server? Why does it take 3m 30s to load in to a completely empty server? And in what way does other players suffer from slow loaders? As I've stated earlier in my post, i want to download the maps when they need to be downloaded, not because they are included in a pack with 2 other maps that i might never play, which are then never going to be used and just take up unnecessary space on my hard drive.
    Look, I'm not trying to be an asshole, but i do think you deserve criticism based on what others are saying and our own observations on how your divisions are run. The way you keep everything as separate as possible to our forums, with literally 0 interaction with the rest of us, leaves us to guessing about whats going on over in GMOD and ND. With the (somewhat) recent incident about a ban protest and some drama over a certain server crash exploit a while back i do think a lot of the criticism you get is deserved.
  14. Drunk
    virr got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Game Division   
    Disclaimer: its 10am and i haven't had much, if any sleep. Everything in here might be wrong and I just spent over an hour typing this up for no reason. Oh well.

    Gmod has only had two bigger updates since you made this post, none of which seem to switch things around too much to the point of a server completely breaking (unless there's been something i missed, i skimmed through the update thread and there didn't seem to be any issues). I'm also not sure how much custom content had been made for the old one, but a vanilla version of TTT is included when you install gmod, and setting it up isn't exactly rocket science, and neither is troubleshooting a server. If you manage to set up the old one in 45 minutes, surely fixing it can't take more than 5 months?
    I know school and free time is a major factor that plays into how much time you are able to dedicate to the clan, but that's the case for the vast majority of higher ups and most of us still manage to stay active despite all of that and if that's not possible you should consider getting more higher ups for your respective divisions or step down entirely.

    It's clearly not if download times are upwards of 5+ minutes for someone with a 1+MBps internet connection. If you are forcing people to download content that isn't used, of course download times are going to be slow. What are the benefits of bundling the maps together in packs? Correct me if I'm wrong, but they are still compressed when they are uploaded to the workshop, and only using 33% (assuming that all maps are the same size and that every pack has 3 maps(I'm aware that this isn't the case, I'm just gonna roll with it as an example)) of what you downloaded seems like a waste and while it is convenient that you now have 2 more maps for whenever the server changes to them, the trade off is going to be longer download times with the risk of the server not going to one of the maps you downloaded, forcing you to download another 50~ MB of data. In an ideal world, the user would only download the map when it is needed by the server. By bundling the maps into packs, not only are you making it longer for people to download stuff, but you are also taking up unnecessary hard drive space for the user. The bundling of stuff in "packs" makes sense when you are dealing with content that are static and never changes (morbus game mode, models, hub, etc) but not when it comes to maps that are constantly changing.

    I'm not sure if I'm following the math here. I added all the workshop content on your steam profile and came to 465.1 MB. I'm using 6Mbps or 0,75MBps as the users download speed (lets be honest, this is an insanely slow download speed, and the percentage of users with this speed is probably so small its probably not worth accommodating for) since you mentioned earlier in the thread.
    28.624 + 44.100 + 25.362 + 40.366 + 32.981 + 0.177 + 11.348 + 61.409 + 55.682 + 56.482 + 54.151 + 54.424 = 465.106 ~ 465.1
    465.1 / 0,75 = 620,13333... ~ 620,1 //Download time in seconds
    620,1 / 60 = 10.335 = 10m20s //DL time in mins/secs
    Lets grab all the necessary content + 1 map pack. I picked the biggest one @ 61.4MB.
    28.624 + 44.100 + 25.362 + 40.366 + 32.981 + 0.177 + 11.348 + 61.409 = 244.367 ~ 244.4
    244.4 / 0.75 = 325.8666.... ~ 325.9 //Download time in seconds
    325.9 / 60 = 5.431666... = 5m26s //DL time in mins/secs
    Now, lets use a version of breach that i found on the workshop (breach is one of the 2 maps included in the map pack i used). Its size is 33MB.
    28.624 + 44.100 + 25.362 + 40.366 + 32.981 + 0.177 + 11.348 + 33 = 215.958 ~ 216
    216 / 0.75 = 288 //Download time in seconds
    288 / 60 = 4.8 = 4m 48s //DL time in mins/secs
    So by not bundling the maps together in packs we have now saved 38 seconds on download times.

    By "no server content" do you mean a completely empty server? Why does it take 3m 30s to load in to a completely empty server? And in what way does other players suffer from slow loaders? As I've stated earlier in my post, i want to download the maps when they need to be downloaded, not because they are included in a pack with 2 other maps that i might never play, which are then never going to be used and just take up unnecessary space on my hard drive.
    Look, I'm not trying to be an asshole, but i do think you deserve criticism based on what others are saying and our own observations on how your divisions are run. The way you keep everything as separate as possible to our forums, with literally 0 interaction with the rest of us, leaves us to guessing about whats going on over in GMOD and ND. With the (somewhat) recent incident about a ban protest and some drama over a certain server crash exploit a while back i do think a lot of the criticism you get is deserved.
  15. Agree
    virr got a reaction from Rabid in Game Division   
    Disclaimer: its 10am and i haven't had much, if any sleep. Everything in here might be wrong and I just spent over an hour typing this up for no reason. Oh well.

    Gmod has only had two bigger updates since you made this post, none of which seem to switch things around too much to the point of a server completely breaking (unless there's been something i missed, i skimmed through the update thread and there didn't seem to be any issues). I'm also not sure how much custom content had been made for the old one, but a vanilla version of TTT is included when you install gmod, and setting it up isn't exactly rocket science, and neither is troubleshooting a server. If you manage to set up the old one in 45 minutes, surely fixing it can't take more than 5 months?
    I know school and free time is a major factor that plays into how much time you are able to dedicate to the clan, but that's the case for the vast majority of higher ups and most of us still manage to stay active despite all of that and if that's not possible you should consider getting more higher ups for your respective divisions or step down entirely.

    It's clearly not if download times are upwards of 5+ minutes for someone with a 1+MBps internet connection. If you are forcing people to download content that isn't used, of course download times are going to be slow. What are the benefits of bundling the maps together in packs? Correct me if I'm wrong, but they are still compressed when they are uploaded to the workshop, and only using 33% (assuming that all maps are the same size and that every pack has 3 maps(I'm aware that this isn't the case, I'm just gonna roll with it as an example)) of what you downloaded seems like a waste and while it is convenient that you now have 2 more maps for whenever the server changes to them, the trade off is going to be longer download times with the risk of the server not going to one of the maps you downloaded, forcing you to download another 50~ MB of data. In an ideal world, the user would only download the map when it is needed by the server. By bundling the maps into packs, not only are you making it longer for people to download stuff, but you are also taking up unnecessary hard drive space for the user. The bundling of stuff in "packs" makes sense when you are dealing with content that are static and never changes (morbus game mode, models, hub, etc) but not when it comes to maps that are constantly changing.

    I'm not sure if I'm following the math here. I added all the workshop content on your steam profile and came to 465.1 MB. I'm using 6Mbps or 0,75MBps as the users download speed (lets be honest, this is an insanely slow download speed, and the percentage of users with this speed is probably so small its probably not worth accommodating for) since you mentioned earlier in the thread.
    28.624 + 44.100 + 25.362 + 40.366 + 32.981 + 0.177 + 11.348 + 61.409 + 55.682 + 56.482 + 54.151 + 54.424 = 465.106 ~ 465.1
    465.1 / 0,75 = 620,13333... ~ 620,1 //Download time in seconds
    620,1 / 60 = 10.335 = 10m20s //DL time in mins/secs
    Lets grab all the necessary content + 1 map pack. I picked the biggest one @ 61.4MB.
    28.624 + 44.100 + 25.362 + 40.366 + 32.981 + 0.177 + 11.348 + 61.409 = 244.367 ~ 244.4
    244.4 / 0.75 = 325.8666.... ~ 325.9 //Download time in seconds
    325.9 / 60 = 5.431666... = 5m26s //DL time in mins/secs
    Now, lets use a version of breach that i found on the workshop (breach is one of the 2 maps included in the map pack i used). Its size is 33MB.
    28.624 + 44.100 + 25.362 + 40.366 + 32.981 + 0.177 + 11.348 + 33 = 215.958 ~ 216
    216 / 0.75 = 288 //Download time in seconds
    288 / 60 = 4.8 = 4m 48s //DL time in mins/secs
    So by not bundling the maps together in packs we have now saved 38 seconds on download times.

    By "no server content" do you mean a completely empty server? Why does it take 3m 30s to load in to a completely empty server? And in what way does other players suffer from slow loaders? As I've stated earlier in my post, i want to download the maps when they need to be downloaded, not because they are included in a pack with 2 other maps that i might never play, which are then never going to be used and just take up unnecessary space on my hard drive.
    Look, I'm not trying to be an asshole, but i do think you deserve criticism based on what others are saying and our own observations on how your divisions are run. The way you keep everything as separate as possible to our forums, with literally 0 interaction with the rest of us, leaves us to guessing about whats going on over in GMOD and ND. With the (somewhat) recent incident about a ban protest and some drama over a certain server crash exploit a while back i do think a lot of the criticism you get is deserved.
  16. Like
    virr reacted to Rabid in Game Division   
    Runescape division
  17. Winner
    virr got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Game Division   
    Wait, wasn't TTT ready to launch like 5 months ago? How do you manage to fuck it up that badly? If i remember correctly all you needed was staff members and sourcebans and it would be ready to go?
    A lot of people can't get faster due to location/cost/isp monopoly etc and excluding them from being able to play on our servers seems really unfair. If people are having issues downloading files then that's obviously something you need to accommodate for adjust accordingly.
  18. Agree
    virr reacted to realBelloWaldi in Setup Sunday :d   
    Setup Sunday
  19. Winner
    virr got a reaction from Egossi in Game Division   
    Nuclear Dawn is not fine. 99% of the players on that server are bots Servers | Xeno Gamers. Hell, the game is basically dead. I do agree that gmod should be the next division we should invest in though.
  20. Useful
    virr got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Interest Check: Overwatch Community Nights!   
    Hey everyone!
    It's time! We'll be starting at 7pm EST (6pm CST, 4pm PST, 12am CET, 11pm GMT). To be invited to the lobby, whisper me or join the lobby called "xG Community Night" through the server browser. In the event we get enough people to fill out an entire server, @Lithium will open a second lobby so everyone gets a chance to play. We will keep playing as long as there is interest and enough people to play.
    As with all community events, this is something we do to have fun as a community, so please keep the toxicity to a minimum. Of course some trash talking is allowed and only adds to the fun but doing so excessively will get you banned from future events, so please be nice to each other. Hope to see you there <3
  21. Agree
    virr got a reaction from Pepper in Interest Check: Overwatch Community Nights!   
    Hey everyone!
    It's time! We'll be starting at 7pm EST (6pm CST, 4pm PST, 12am CET, 11pm GMT). To be invited to the lobby, whisper me or join the lobby called "xG Community Night" through the server browser. In the event we get enough people to fill out an entire server, @Lithium will open a second lobby so everyone gets a chance to play. We will keep playing as long as there is interest and enough people to play.
    As with all community events, this is something we do to have fun as a community, so please keep the toxicity to a minimum. Of course some trash talking is allowed and only adds to the fun but doing so excessively will get you banned from future events, so please be nice to each other. Hope to see you there <3
  22. Like
    virr reacted to Chrono in Calling All International Chumps   
    I already have a vacation planned for September staying in the US, but after that in the next year I plan on starting to do a lot of world travelling. This thread is requesting all you international folk to state some things that hopefully can help me plan some fun vacation/travels.
    Please state the following:

    What country you are from (if applicable/you want to, your state/city/province) and just briefly list out your major tourist-y things that happen where you are from.
    What time of year/season would be in your opinion the best time to visit your country/locale
    Any local festivals/fairs that would typically happen annually, and when they are that you would recommend stopping by to see/experience
    Any good sight seeing areas outside of the tourist traps (hiking areas, cliff sides, hills, lakes, etc.)
    How the day/night life are
    Good restaurants/food stands that are a must stop at (my gf and I love food and trying local cuisines)
    (If of legal drinking age in your country) any good bars/pubs that you would recommend visiting

    My personal list for those planning on coming to the US:

    Southern California (Anaheim area, think Disneyland)
    Obviously the major tourist things to do in SoCal at least are Disneyland, Hollywood (star walk, celebrity bus, clubs/bars, Universal Studios), Six Flags (Amusement park with all thrill rides, no kids shit.)
    It's basically always summer here, so I would recommend coming during fall/spring if possible while school is still in session/starting to avoid major crowds (closing time for theme parks etc. does go down to an earlier time, but you will be able to experience everything a lot faster)
    If coming around spring time, the greek church across the street from me hosts the OC greek fair which lets you try all sorts of locally made products and traditional greek food.
    Personally I would recommend camping/hiking and that doesn't just apply to SoCal, but to the rest of the US as well. There are really nice national parks/forests that do get a lot of international travelers coming to camp and enjoy nature such as
    Yosemite National Park in Northern California with amazing views, and with the recent rains the falls should be back to a great picture to keep
    Zion National Park in Utah which is one of the larger areas in all of the US and hosts spectacular hikes ranging from easy/short 1-2 mile hikes round trip, to medium 4-5 mile hikes round trip, to intense 8-12 mile hikes one way resulting in 16-24 round trip but with some of the most amazing views you can find in nature.
    Grand Canyon NP, which is pretty self explanatory, the hike down is relaxing and you just have to worry about not going too fast. The trip up is intense and takes the majority of your hike.

    [*]Day life is pretty chill, most travelers/people off spend the days at theme parks like disney.
    [*]Night life can range from nothing to bat shit crazy, notable areas are West Hollywood with all the gay bars/clubs, and then downtown fullerton with the not gay bars/clubs
    [*]Most restaurants you will find here are chains, if you want the good food as you go down the streets if you see a hole in the wall looking place, it will have some of the best food you will find.
    [*]good bars/pubs see above about night life. most are good but they will be packed.

    Tagging some foreigners: @virr @Egossi @Ruby_da_Cherry @Aegean @Forest @Rejects
    I'm personally going to use this thread to start planning some of my trips, and maybe it will be a good resource for some of you guys that may plan on travelling in the future, this is not just for outside of US homies to post in either, in US are more than welcome to post about their local areas for others planning to travel in/to the US
  23. Sad
    virr got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in How Do I Transfer Credits To The Surf Servers   
    i wish my servers gave out a ton of credits for free
  24. Sad
    virr reacted to realBelloWaldi in How Do I Transfer Credits To The Surf Servers   
    for future references:

  25. Sad
    virr got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in How Do I Transfer Credits To The Surf Servers   