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Posts posted by Krampus

  1. Eh this is pretty dumb in general but eh I don't really think it should be banned itself since like it rarely even occurs and like everyone else said, it's mainly on the hales fault himself for falling into it and not paying attention. To me this is just another gimmick on ff2 that barely ever works, such as telefragging, and doesn't really need to be banned itself. Also 

    2 minutes ago, Thunder said:

    you get a short circuit engineer to stun him so he cant move

    tf2 itself nerfed this so it's not really as much of a problem anymore as it takes like 60 ammo to shoot one ball and it lasts like literally no time now. But barn house still is annoying for doing the taunt trap in that one tunnel

  2. 8 minutes ago, Tatost said:

    Not every map has that????

    I'm not referring to the speed boosts on maps, I mean legit his base speed is faster than runner's base speed (Which both teams do have a set base speed for every class), which that is the advantage that I'm talking about for minigames

  3. 1 hour ago, YeEternalTuna said:

    also the fact that now the death has an advantage for those mini-games at the end of each maps (dueling,racing,etc.) which wouldn't be fun to compete against.

    Uhm you realize that he already has the advantage atm lol, right now the death is faster than runners by default so he already has an advantage in races. Which is the reason why death is able to jump the bhop on bandicoot in 2 jumps while red have to do it in 3

  4. Just now, YeEternalTuna said:

    Heres the thing Kypari: not everyone has experience with deathrun/bhop. YOU might be able to catch a bhopper but what about the people who don't have that experience and are overwhelmed by this new element? What then?

    What, I don't really see how this is an issue. Whenever someone starts something new they obviously won't be adjusted to it, but they don't really have to be as they will start to become better overtime through experience like how people do with all games and it will become easier for them to do until it's natural like how deathrun is to them now, so people without experience will eventually get better. Just like they did when they first found deathrun and were probably a little overwhelmed as they had never played anything like that, but still got better over time, at timing people and being used to the game in general which is why I don't get why this would be so much different to learning when it's the same concept. Also I'm pretty sure kypari was just saying that he has been in a community where they did have bhop on their deathrun and how it did work there and that it was actually fun, which is why he thinks that it would work here also; not that he thinks it would be a good idea since he used to it himself

  5. Eh I'd still say it's worth a shot at least to try out, just actively fighting any type of change to the server going off thoughts of what we each think it might be like really doesn't help the server that much for improving/changing. So I'd say just let the vote go through and if it passes then give it a try and we can see if really breaks the server or if it improves it.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Elcark said:

    Bhopping wouldn't have any effect on people getting through the entire map as already pointed out about the map layout and such, but it has a major effect on traps themselves when you're able to just build up a jump right outside the trap then snap through it when you've gotten enough speed.

    The thing is that you really can't do this on most of our maps as they consist of something that will have to stop them from running too far like on horrors and doors, also you can't really just sit there and spin around and expect to jump through a trap instantly as a lot of time you might not have enough space and it's easy to mess up in someway. Plus even if you do get enough speed there are still a lot of traps that can easily stop this or that this would basically be useless. The only times this would be really good to be honest is for like hard traps that don't really make sense like on dr_block or safety_first where the trap takes up the entire hallway which is basically almost impossible to get through without sacrificing someone, which this itself causes the game to slow down so much that most times they die to the motivator as they can't get by all the long traps fast enough. So this would be great for those kind of traps and would speed up the game, plus even then it still is pretty easy to catch people on these and it's not like they are going 200 miles per hour as we are just planning on keeping them at like scout speed at max. I'd say this definitely would be a fun attribution to add to the server for speeding it up a bit and making it a bit more fun for the players.

  7. I'm definitely gonna -1 for the original account permed since in the demo linked here the guy is flicking at people pretty obviously and especially when he just randomly attacks the spy who was cloaked and standing still with no collisions and then just tries to play it off like he didn't. So unless sleuth is wrong or somehow made a mistake I'm gonna say that it's the same guy so -1


  8. Nebula is really nice, looks amazing on it's own but sadly they top it with like some of the most ugly or out of place hats in the game so you have to create entire loadouts to make it look decent; and all the decent hats for it are crazy expensive. But none the less it really is a pretty good effect

  9. 1 hour ago, Johny3Tears said:

    I Think nobody complains cause we usually avoid it like plague

    Exactly lol, we literally never go on it unless like uncle dang comes on and trolls and tells everybody to go on it to get randoms to click it and then we spend an hour on it doing nothing. The high advantage here is literally cancer to fight with

  10. Also this might be a problem happening with me but +1 on staff application doesn't feel like it does anything.

    From my understanding, people vouching on member or staff threads is meant to just inform the higher ups that there are people who are willing to vouch (or do the opposite) for you being possibly good enough for the position and give them a heads up on how you are seen in the community. But in the end the decision is almost entirely up to the the higher ups and the vouch is just suggestion which is why it may not seem like it does much.

  11. I was banned for 1 dy. I don't care I just don't want It to be a day ban

    Not sure about the rest that happened but the minimum ban length for calladmin abuse is usually one day, it's up to @Vacindak and/or anyone else who was there

  12. By a strange turn of events and a very close vote, I bring you the victor: Meme Map Rotation!



    "What maps are available?" You might be asking, or not, either way here's the current maplist:



    Floor is lava

    Orange 50F

    2fort twisted


    Turbine upsidedown





    Steamed hams


    Badwater tilt





    And potentially more, if more is requested

    Where is wubwubwub smh, you can't have meme map rotation without it KotH - wubwubwub