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Reputation Activity

  1. Funny
    Tatost got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Gotta Disco Down And Check Out The Show   
  2. Funny
    Tatost reacted to YeEternalTuna in Gotta Disco Down And Check Out The Show   
    Are you running away from us attempting to break the xG bloodpact? Nice try.
  3. Friendly
    Tatost reacted to Kypari in Gotta Disco Down And Check Out The Show   
    Have fun little girl :waving:
  4. Agree
    Tatost reacted to Thunder in Gotta Disco Down And Check Out The Show   
    milano cookies are good
  5. Funny
    Tatost reacted to bagggel in Gotta Disco Down And Check Out The Show   
    Have fun from not being abused on the servers! :waving:
  6. Like
    Tatost reacted to Moosty in Gotta Disco Down And Check Out The Show   
    Ayy as a former Discus thrower Track is the best sport, also more important than tf2. Enjoy that shit while you still can.
  7. RIP
    Tatost got a reaction from bagggel in Gotta Disco Down And Check Out The Show   
    I started my track season just this Monday + I have Spring break and I'll be leaving that Friday. My schedule is packed so my activity will be dead for a bit here, expect about 2.5 weeks of some inactivity.
    I'll be on a few times before I head out for vacation, but I won't be on all day like I usually am.
    @Thunder @bagel @Kypari @Ruby_da_Cherry (hi) @Rejects
  8. Like
    Tatost reacted to realBelloWaldi in Gotta Disco Down And Check Out The Show   
    See you soon!
  9. RIP
    Tatost got a reaction from Thorax_ in Gotta Disco Down And Check Out The Show   
    I started my track season just this Monday + I have Spring break and I'll be leaving that Friday. My schedule is packed so my activity will be dead for a bit here, expect about 2.5 weeks of some inactivity.
    I'll be on a few times before I head out for vacation, but I won't be on all day like I usually am.
    @Thunder @bagel @Kypari @Ruby_da_Cherry (hi) @Rejects
  10. Funny
    Tatost reacted to Thunder in Psa: Staff Titles!   
    didnt know you got demoted and promoted but still wear the DL tags
    thanks for the title though
  11. Smelly
    Tatost reacted to Thorax_ in Game Division   
    Being that you took my suggestion seriously, is hilarious.
  12. Drunk
    Tatost got a reaction from Kypari in Regin360 - Team Fortress 2   
    Did you warn him in his language?
  13. Like
    Tatost reacted to virr in Zeedai   
    Thread closed, don't hesitate to talk to staff if you need any help!
  14. Optimistic
    Tatost got a reaction from Thorax_ in Zeedai   
    It takes 30 seconds to find this. Just get their profile page by finding them on steam, c+p the link to the page and put it in the steam id finder site thingy. Or you can take the easy route and look up their names in the rank and get their steam id on that page.
  15. Funny
    Tatost reacted to MineCrack in How Do You Do?   
    I'm considered an adult.
  16. Like
    Tatost reacted to Chrono in Game Division   
    in all honesty, we should consider working on our current divisions before we expand them anymore. (ironic coming from me, the least active staff member of all [personal/work reasons]) but before we go into making new one hit/one month divisions, we should make our current ones thrive. not to sound like "that old dude" but back in the day on CS:S alone, our JB server hit 64/64 every weekend (f/sat/sun) for the majority of the day no matter the time of year. yeah, during school activity dropped low, but you could still hop on css and see atleast 10 people at any point in the day. hell the whole "late night jailbreak" that is on CS:GO with "more lax rules, and different lastCT/LR options" is a thing because that's how it was back in CS:S late at night when myself, a few other staff members, and several regulars used to play with a few randoms who would join at that time (roughly between the hours of 11pm - 5am at which point some euro/east coasters would start playing and start out the "regular day"). (a lot of the randoms that joined from "late night jailbreak" went on to be very well respected members (tree, deathgod, to name a few) and we have some xG legends that were a part of that fun time (smoker is the first to pop into mind for old fags).
    our TF2 servers used to be close to server cap, and TF2 JB didn't even exist at the time. it was things like trade, payload, death run, vsh. not just 1 server, but all of them.
    You used to be able to hop on to CS:S or TF2 at any time in the day, sort by players, and you would see us right up there with HG on CS:S, and No Heroes and all the other majorly populated/funded TF2 communities.
    IMO we should spend more time/effort focusing into actively populating our current server base, and learning to have fun with everyone and not be rule/ban whores on the servers so we get people who want to come back because they had fun while still maintaining a mostly civil place. We also should work on properly advertising our MC server with potentially paid ads on the MC voting sites and increasing the unique traits all our servers have over others (our own custom jailbreak plugin on CS:S that we could work on getting going better for TF2?)
  17. Agree
    Tatost reacted to MineCrack in Game Division   
  18. Like
    Tatost reacted to Dethman in Game Division   
    In all honesty I think we could capitalize on a Call of Duty Black Ops multiplayer server. The game is still populated and servers can be full all day if you have the right maps. I know 24/7 nuketown servers stay populated all day. Have a rotation of game modes or just have straight up team deathmatch. There are many servers with big community surrounding them. You could probably do the same with world at war.
    EDIT: You can have 64 player servers on call of duty world at war, with admin powers and all.
  19. Like
    Tatost reacted to Bone in Game Division   
    How about PlanetSide 2? I know it's a fairly old game, but it's free, so pretty much anyone could join. We also wouldn't need to make any servers, since the game has their own.
    I used to be in a PS2 clan years ago, and it's a much more fun experience when you've got a group of people hopping into a Galaxy to go blow stuff up than wandering a huge map trying to find fights.
    The only issue I can see is getting everyone grouped in a single server, but that's pretty much how all our other servers work.
    All we'd have to do is make an [xG] Outfit and just keep people interested in playing by making population type events to get a Platoon and Squads going and go blow stuff up.
  20. Like
    Tatost got a reaction from Thorax_ in Alexander.88   
    His steam ID is "STEAM_0:0:88750261"
  21. F!$k Off
    Tatost reacted to Thorax_ in Game Division   
  22. Agree
    Tatost reacted to MineCrack in Game Division   
  23. Disagree
    Tatost reacted to Thunder in Game Division   
    Considering that overwatch is slowly going into a server browser there could be promise in that. I dont know how we would get past the region barriers though
  24. Funny
    Tatost reacted to LucehMcellion in St. Patricks Day What Are You Gonna Do?   
    Oops. Sorry about that, my mental calendar was not exactly working right at the time of posting that. Well I'll probably still play some Monster Hunter with some friends lol.
  25. Sad
    Tatost got a reaction from LucehMcellion in St. Patricks Day What Are You Gonna Do?   
    I'm going to the Doctor's Office to get my physical done for my track season that starts next Monday. Probably binge eat food because I wasn't invited to any parties afterwards ;-(